►Nfc | |
►Nasio | Defines fc wrappers for boost::asio functions |
►Ndetail | Internal implementation types/methods for fc::asio |
Cnon_blocking | |
Cread_write_handler | |
Cread_write_handler_with_buffer | |
Cdefault_io_service_scope | |
Cistream | |
Costream | |
►Ndetail | |
Cadd | |
Cadd_eq | |
Call_optionals | This metafunction determines whether all of its template arguments are instantiations of fc::optional |
Call_optionals< fc::optional< T >, Ts... > | |
Call_optionals< T, Ts... > | |
Call_optionals<> | |
Cany_api | |
Cappender_factory_impl | |
Caverage_rate_meter | |
Cbignum_error | |
Cbuffered_istream_impl | |
Cbuffered_ostream_impl | |
Ccallback_functor | |
Ccallback_functor< void(Args...)> | |
CCAutoBN_CTX | |
CCBigNum | |
Ccompletion_handler | |
Ccompletion_handler_impl | |
Ccompletion_handler_impl< Functor, void > | |
Cextract_op | |
Cfunctor_destructor | |
Cfunctor_run | |
Cidle_guard | |
Cidle_notifier_impl | |
Cinsert_op | |
Cis_operation_shorter | |
Cis_optional | This metafunction determines whether its template argument is an instantiation of fc::optional |
Cis_optional< fc::optional< T > > | |
Clog_context_impl | |
Clog_message_impl | |
►Coptionals_callable | |
Cpack_cutter | |
Cpack_cutter_impl | |
Cpack_cutter_impl< 0, void, Types... > | |
Cpack_cutter_impl< RemoveCount, std::enable_if_t< RemoveCount !=0 >, T, Types... > | |
Cshort_pack | |
Cpath_wrapper | |
Cpool_impl | |
Crate_limited_operation | |
Crate_limited_tcp_read_operation | |
Crate_limited_tcp_write_operation | |
Crate_limiting_group_impl | |
Cspecific_data_info | |
Csub | |
Csub_eq | |
Curl_impl | |
Cvoid_functor_run | |
Cworker_pool | |
►Necc | |
►Ndetail | |
Cprivate_key_impl | |
Cpublic_key_impl | |
Cextended_private_key | |
Cextended_public_key | |
Cprivate_key | Elliptic curve private key |
Cpublic_key | Only the public point of an elliptic curve key |
Crange_proof_info | |
►Nhttp | |
►Ndetail | |
►Casio_tls_stub_log | |
Cpermessage_deflate_config | |
Ctransport_config | |
►Casio_tls_with_stub_log | |
Cpermessage_deflate_config | |
Ctransport_config | |
►Casio_with_stub_log | |
Cpermessage_deflate_config | |
Ctransport_config | |
Cgeneric_websocket_client_impl | |
Cgeneric_websocket_server_impl | |
Cpossibly_proxied_websocket_connection | |
Cwebsocket_client_impl | |
Cwebsocket_connection_impl | |
Cwebsocket_server_impl | |
Cwebsocket_tls_client_impl | |
Cwebsocket_tls_server_impl | |
►Cconnection | |
Cimpl | |
Cheader | |
Creply | |
Crequest | |
Cwebsocket_client | |
Cwebsocket_connection | |
Cwebsocket_server | |
Cwebsocket_tls_server | |
►Nimpl | |
►CDerivation_reflection_transformer | Template to make a transformer of a field_reflection from a base class to a derived class |
Ctransform | |
Ctransform< field_reflection< IndexInBase, BaseContainer, Member, field > > | |
Ctransform< inherited_field_reflection< IndexInBase, BaseContainer, IntermediateContainer, Member, field > > | |
Cdynamic_storage | |
►CReflect_type | Helper template to create a field_reflection without any commas (makes it macro-friendly) |
►Cwith_field_type | |
►Cat_index | |
Cwith_field_pointer | |
►Nip | |
Caddress | |
Cendpoint | |
►Njson_relaxed | |
CCharValueTable | |
►Nmember_names | |
Cmember_name | A template which stores the name of the native member at a given index in a given class |
Cmember_name< graphene::db::object_id< S, T >, 0 > | |
►Nraw | |
►Ndetail | |
Cif_class | |
Cif_class< int16_t, void > | |
Cif_class< int32_t, void > | |
Cif_class< int64_t, void > | |
Cif_class< int8_t, void > | |
Cif_class< T, std::enable_if_t<!std::is_class< T >::value > > | |
Cif_class< uint16_t, void > | |
Cif_class< uint32_t, void > | |
Cif_class< uint64_t, void > | |
Cif_class< uint8_t, void > | |
Cif_enum | |
Cif_enum< T, std::enable_if_t< std::is_enum< T >::value > > | |
Cif_enum< T, std::enable_if_t<!std::is_enum< T >::value > > | |
Cif_reflected | |
Cif_reflected< std::true_type > | |
Cpack_object_visitor | |
Cunpack_object_visitor | |
Cpack_static_variant | |
Cunpack_static_variant | |
Cvariant_packer | |
►Nrpc | |
Ccli | |
Cerror_object | |
Crequest | |
Cresponse | |
Cstate | |
Cwebsocket_api_connection | |
►Ntypelist | This namespace contains the list type, and all of the operations and queries which can be performed upon it |
►Nimpl | |
Capply | |
Capply< list< Ts... >, Delegate > | |
Cat | |
Cat< list< T, Types... >, 0 > | |
Cat< list< T, Types... >, index > | |
Cconcat | |
Cconcat< list< OldTypes... >, list< NewTypes... > > | |
Cconcat< list< OldTypes... >, list< NewTypes... >, NextList, Lists... > | |
Cconcat_unique | |
Cconcat_unique< list< Uniques... >, list< T > > | |
Cconcat_unique< list< Uniques... >, list< T1, T2, Types... > > | |
Cconcat_unique< list< Uniques... >, list<> > | |
Cconcat_unique< list< Uniques... >, list<>, Lists... > | |
Cconcat_unique< Uniques, list< L1a, L1s... >, L2, Lists... > | |
Cfilter | |
Cfilter< Filter, list< Filtered... >, list< T1, Types... > > | |
Cfilter< Filter, list< Filtered... >, list<> > | |
Cindex_of | |
Cindex_of< Search, list< T, Ts... > > | |
Cindex_of< Search, list<> > | |
Clength | |
Clength< T, Ts... > | |
Clength<> | |
Cmake_sequence | |
Cmake_sequence< 0 > | |
Cmake_sequence< 1 > | |
Cremove_at | |
Cremove_at< list< Left... >, list< T, Right... >, 0 > | |
Cremove_at< list< Left... >, list< T, Right... >, index > | |
Cslice | |
Cslice< list< Results... >, list< T, Types... >, 0, end, std::enable_if_t< end !=0 > > | |
Cslice< list< Results... >, list< Types... >, index, index, void > | |
Cslice< list<>, list< T, Types... >, start, end, std::enable_if_t< start !=0 > > | |
Ctransform | |
Ctransform< list< List... >, Transformer > | |
Czip | |
Czip< list< A, As... >, list< B, Bs... > > | |
Czip< list<>, list<> > | |
►Nruntime | This namespace contains some utilities that provide runtime operations on typelists |
Cwrapper | Type wrapper object allowing arbitrary types to be passed to functions as information rather than data |
Cbuilder | |
►Cinvert_filter | Template to invert a filter, i.e. filter<mylist, filter_inverter<myfilter>::type> |
Ctype | |
Clist | The actual list type |
►Caes_decoder | |
Cimpl | |
►Caes_encoder | |
Cimpl | |
Capi | |
Capi_base | |
Capi_connection | |
Cappender | |
Cappender_config | |
Cappender_factory | |
Cbigint | |
Cblob | |
Cbloom_filter | |
►Cbloom_parameters | |
Coptimal_parameters_t | |
Cbuffered_istream | Reads data from an unbuffered stream and enables peek functionality |
Cbuffered_ostream | |
Ccerr_t | |
Ccin_buffer | |
Ccin_t | |
Ccomma_numpunct | |
►Cconsole_appender | |
Ccolor | |
Cconfig | |
Cimpl | |
Clevel_color | |
Cstream | |
►Ccontext | |
Cblocked_promise | |
Ccout_t | |
Cdatastream | |
Cdatastream< size_t > | |
Cdiffie_hellman | |
Cdirectory_iterator | |
Cenum_type | |
Cexception | Used to generate a useful error report when an exception is thrown |
►Cexception_factory | |
Cbase_exception_builder | |
Cexception_builder | |
Cfield_reflection | A template to store compile-time information about a field in a reflected struct |
►Cfile_appender | |
Cconfig | |
Cimpl | |
Cfile_mapping | |
Cfrom_static_variant | |
Cfrom_variant_visitor | |
Cfuture | Placeholder for the result of an asynchronous operation |
Cfuture< void > | |
Cfwd | Used to forward declare value types |
►Cgelf_appender | |
Cconfig | |
Cimpl | |
Cgeneric_api | |
Cget_comma_separated_typenames | |
Cget_comma_separated_typenames< T > | |
Cget_comma_separated_typenames< T, Ts... > | |
Cget_comma_separated_typenames<> | |
Cget_typename | |
Cget_typename< bool > | |
Cget_typename< char > | |
Cget_typename< const T * > | |
Cget_typename< double > | |
Cget_typename< fc::exception > | |
Cget_typename< flat_map< T, U > > | |
Cget_typename< flat_set< static_variant< Ts... >, typename static_variant< Ts... >::type_lt > > | |
Cget_typename< flat_set< T > > | |
Cget_typename< float > | |
Cget_typename< graphene::db::object_id< SpaceID, TypeID > > | |
Cget_typename< graphene::protocol::extension< T > > | |
Cget_typename< hash160 > | |
Cget_typename< int16_t > | |
Cget_typename< int32_t > | |
Cget_typename< int64_t > | |
Cget_typename< int8_t > | |
Cget_typename< optional< T > > | |
Cget_typename< path > | |
Cget_typename< static_variant< T... > > | |
Cget_typename< std::array< T, N > > | |
Cget_typename< std::deque< T > > | |
Cget_typename< std::map< K, V > > | |
Cget_typename< std::map< K, V, std::less<> > > | |
Cget_typename< std::pair< A, B > > | |
Cget_typename< std::set< E > > | |
Cget_typename< std::shared_ptr< const graphene::protocol::fee_schedule > > | |
Cget_typename< std::shared_ptr< graphene::protocol::fee_schedule > > | |
Cget_typename< std::string > | |
Cget_typename< std::vector< char > > | |
Cget_typename< std::vector< T > > | |
Cget_typename< T * > | |
Cget_typename< uint160_t > | |
Cget_typename< uint16_t > | |
Cget_typename< uint32_t > | |
Cget_typename< uint64_t > | |
Cget_typename< uint8_t > | |
Cget_typename< unsigned_int > | |
Cget_typename< value > | |
Cget_typename< variant_object > | |
Cget_typename< void > | |
Cget_typename< zero_initialized_array< T, N > > | |
Cgraphene_extension_from_variant_visitor | |
Cgraphene_extension_to_variant_visitor | |
►Chash160 | |
►Cencoder | |
Cimpl | |
Chmac | |
Cidentity_member_with_optionals | |
Cif_enum | |
Cif_enum< T, std::enable_if_t< std::is_enum< T >::value > > | |
Cif_enum< T, std::enable_if_t<!std::is_enum< T >::value > > | |
►Cifstream | |
Cimpl | |
Cinherited_field_reflection | |
Ciostream | |
Cistream | |
Cjson | |
Climited_mutable_variant_object | |
Clocal_api_connection | |
Clog_context | Information about where and when a log message was generated |
Clog_level | |
Clog_message | Aggregates a message along with the context and associated meta-information |
►Clogger | |
Cimpl | |
Clogger_config | |
Clogging_config | |
Cmapped_region | |
Cmicroseconds | |
Cmutable_url | |
Cmutable_variant_object | An order-perserving dictionary of variant's.
Cmutex | Mutex |
Cnon_preemptable_scope_check | |
►Cofstream | |
Cimpl | |
Copenssl_scope | |
Copenssl_thread_config | |
Coptional | Stack-based nullable value similar to boost::optional |
Costream | |
Cpath | Wraps boost::filesystem::path to provide platform independent path manipulation |
Cpriority | |
Cpromise | |
Cpromise< void > | |
Cpromise_base | |
Crate_limiting_group | |
Crecursive_directory_iterator | |
Creflector | Defines visit functions for T Unless this is specialized, visit() will not be defined for T |
Creflector< graphene::db::object_id< SpaceID, TypeID > > | |
►Cripemd160 | |
►Cencoder | |
Cimpl | |
Csafe | |
Csafe_base | |
Cscoped_lock | |
Cserial_valve | |
►Csha1 | |
►Cencoder | |
Cimpl | |
►Csha224 | |
►Cencoder | |
Cimpl | |
►Csha256 | |
►Cencoder | |
Cimpl | |
►Csha512 | |
►Cencoder | |
Cimpl | |
Csleep_priority_less | |
Cspin_lock | Modified spin-lock that yields on failure, but becomes a 'spin lock' if there are no other tasks to yield to |
Cspin_yield_lock | Modified spin-lock that yields on failure, but becomes a 'spin lock' if there are no other tasks to yield to |
Cssl_bignum | |
Cssl_wrapper | |
►Cstatic_variant | |
Cimport_helper | |
Cimport_helper< T, type_in_typelist< T > > | |
Ctag | |
Ctype_eq | |
Ctype_lt | |
Cstatic_variant< typelist::list< Types... > > | |
Cstatic_variant<> | |
►Cstringstream | |
Cimpl | |
Ctask | |
Ctask< void, FunctorSize > | |
Ctask_base | |
Ctask_specific_ptr | |
►Ctcp_server | |
Cimpl | |
►Ctcp_socket | |
Cimpl | |
Ctcp_socket_io_hooks | |
Ctemp_directory | |
Ctemp_file | |
Ctemp_file_base | |
Cthread | |
►Cthread_d | |
Ctask_priority_less | |
Ctask_when_less | |
Cthread_idle_notifier | |
Cthread_specific_ptr | |
Ctime_point | |
Ctime_point_sec | |
Cto_static_variant | |
Cto_variant_visitor | |
Ctry_to_lock_t | |
►Cudp_socket | |
Cimpl | |
Cunhandled_exception | Re-thrown whenever an unhandled exception is caught |
Cunique_lock | |
Cunsigned_int | |
Curl | |
►Cvariant | Stores null, int64, uint64, double, bool, string, std::vector<variant>, and variant_object's.
Cvisitor | |
►Cvariant_object | An order-perserving dictionary of variant's.
Centry | Key/value pair |
Cvoid_t | |
Cvtable | |
Cvtable_copy_visitor | |
Czero_initialized_array | |
Czero_initialized_array< unsigned char, N > | |
►Ngraphene | |
►Naccount_history | |
►Ndetail | |
Caccount_history_plugin_impl | |
Caccount_history_plugin | |
Cexceeded_account_object | This struct tracks accounts that have exceeded the max-ops-per-account limit |
►Napi_helper_indexes | |
►Ndetail | |
Capi_helper_indexes_impl | |
Camount_in_collateral_index | This secondary index tracks how much of each asset is locked up as collateral for MPAs, and how much collateral is backing an MPA in total |
Capi_helper_indexes | |
Casset_in_liquidity_pools_index | This secondary index maintains a map to make it easier to find liquidity pools by any asset in the pool |
Cnext_object_ids_index | This secondary index tracks the next ID of all object types |
►Napp | |
►Ndetail | |
Capplication_impl | |
Cdeduplicator | |
Cabstract_plugin | |
Capi_access | |
Capi_access_info | |
Capplication | |
Capplication_options | |
►Casset_api | Allows query of info about asset holders |
Caccount_asset_balance | |
Casset_holders | |
Cblock_api | Block api |
►Ccrypto_api | Allows computations related to blinded transfers |
Cverify_range_proof_rewind_result | |
Cverify_range_result | |
Ccustom_operations_api | Exposes access to standard custom objects parsed by the custom_operations_plugin |
Cdatabase_api | Implements the RPC API for the chain database |
Cdatabase_api_helper | |
Cdatabase_api_impl | |
Cdummy_api | A dummy API class that does nothing, used when access to database_api is not allowed |
Cextended_asset_object | |
Cextended_liquidity_pool_object | |
Cfull_account | |
Cget_required_fees_helper | |
►Chistory_api | Implements the RPC API for account history |
Chistory_operation_detail | |
Clogin_api | Implements the bottom layer of the RPC API |
Cmarket_ticker | |
Cmarket_trade | |
Cmarket_volume | |
Cmaybe_signed_block_header | |
Cmore_data | |
►Cnetwork_broadcast_api | Allows broadcasting of transactions |
Ctransaction_confirmation | |
Cnetwork_node_api | Allows maintenance of p2p connections |
Corder | |
Corder_book | |
►Corders_api | Orders_api class exposes access to data processed with grouped orders plugin |
Climit_order_group | Summary data of a group of limit orders |
Cplugin | |
►Nchain | |
►Ndetail | |
Cget_impacted_account_visitor | |
Cpending_transactions_restorer | |
Cskip_flags_restorer | |
Cvbo_mfs_key | |
Cvesting_balance_object_equal | |
Cvesting_balance_object_hash | |
Cvote_recalc_options | |
Cvote_recalc_times | |
Caccount_balance_object | Tracks the balance of a single account/asset pair |
Caccount_create_evaluator | |
Caccount_history_object | Node in a linked list of operation_history_objects |
Caccount_member_index | This secondary index will allow a reverse lookup of all accounts that a particular key or account is an potential signing authority |
Caccount_object | This class represents an account on the object graph |
Caccount_statistics_object | |
Caccount_update_evaluator | |
Caccount_upgrade_evaluator | |
Caccount_whitelist_evaluator | |
Cassert_evaluator | |
Casset_bitasset_data_object | Properties that only apply to bitassets (market issued assets) |
Casset_claim_fees_evaluator | |
Casset_claim_pool_evaluator | |
Casset_create_evaluator | |
Casset_dynamic_data_object | Tracks the asset information that changes frequently |
Casset_fund_fee_pool_evaluator | |
Casset_global_settle_evaluator | |
Casset_issue_evaluator | |
Casset_object | Tracks the parameters of an asset |
Casset_publish_feeds_evaluator | |
Casset_reserve_evaluator | |
Casset_settle_evaluator | |
Casset_update_bitasset_evaluator | |
Casset_update_evaluator | |
Casset_update_feed_producers_evaluator | |
Casset_update_issuer_evaluator | |
Cbalance_claim_evaluator | |
Cbalance_object | |
Cbalances_by_account_index | This secondary index will allow fast access to the balance objects that belonging to an account |
Cbid_collateral_evaluator | |
Cbitasset_backing_asst_extractor | Key extractor for short backing asset |
Cblind_transfer_evaluator | |
Cblinded_balance_object | Tracks a blinded balance commitment |
Cblock_database | |
Cblock_summary_object | Tracks minimal information about past blocks to implement TaPOS |
Cbudget_record | |
Cbudget_record_object | |
Cburn_worker_type | A worker who permanently destroys all of his pay |
Cbuyback_object | |
Cby_expiration | |
Ccall_order_object | Tracks debt and call price information |
Ccall_order_update_evaluator | |
Ccdd_vesting_policy | Defines vesting in terms of coin-days accrued which allows for dynamic deposit/withdraw |
Cchain_property_object | |
Ccollateral_bid_object | Bids of collateral for debt after a black swan |
Ccommittee_member_create_evaluator | |
Ccommittee_member_object | Tracks information about a committee_member account |
Ccommittee_member_update_evaluator | |
Ccommittee_member_update_global_parameters_evaluator | |
Ccredit_deal_object | A credit deal describes the details of a borrower's borrowing of funds from a credit offer |
Ccredit_deal_repay_evaluator | |
Ccredit_deal_summary_object | A credit deal summary describes the summary of a borrower's borrowing of funds from a credit offer |
Ccredit_deal_update_evaluator | |
Ccredit_offer_accept_evaluator | |
Ccredit_offer_create_evaluator | |
Ccredit_offer_delete_evaluator | |
Ccredit_offer_object | A credit offer is a fund that can be used by other accounts who provide certain collateral |
Ccredit_offer_update_evaluator | |
Ccustom_authority_create_evaluator | |
Ccustom_authority_delete_evaluator | |
Ccustom_authority_object | Tracks account custom authorities |
Ccustom_authority_update_evaluator | |
Ccustom_evaluator | |
Cdatabase | Tracks the blockchain state in an extensible manner |
Cdynamic_global_property_object | Maintains global state information (committee_member list, current fees) |
Cevaluator | |
Cfba_accumulator_object | |
Cforce_settlement_object | Tracks bitassets scheduled for force settlement at some point in the future |
Cfork_database | |
Cfork_item | |
Cgeneric_evaluator | |
►Cgenesis_state_type | |
Cinitial_account_type | |
►Cinitial_asset_type | |
Cinitial_collateral_position | |
Cinitial_balance_type | |
Cinitial_committee_member_type | |
Cinitial_vesting_balance_type | |
Cinitial_witness_type | |
Cinitial_worker_type | |
Cglobal_property_object | Maintains global state information (committee_member list, current fees) |
Chardfork_visitor | The hardfork_visitor struct checks whether a given operation type has been hardforked in or not |
Chardfork_visitor_1479 | |
Chardfork_visitor_214 | |
Chtlc_create_evaluator | |
Chtlc_extend_evaluator | |
►Chtlc_object | Database object to store HTLCs |
►Ccondition_info | |
Chash_lock_info | |
Ctime_lock_info | |
Cfrom_extractor | |
Ctimelock_extractor | |
Cto_extractor | |
Ctransfer_info | |
Chtlc_redeem_evaluator | |
Chtlc_redeem_visitor | |
Cimmutable_chain_parameters | |
Cindex_entry | |
Cinit_policy_visitor | |
Cinstant_vesting_policy | Instant vesting policy |
Climit_order_cancel_evaluator | |
Climit_order_create_evaluator | |
Climit_order_object | Offer to sell an amount of an asset at a specified exchange rate by a certain time |
Climit_order_update_evaluator | |
Clinear_vesting_policy | Linear vesting balance with cliff |
Cliquidity_pool_create_evaluator | |
Cliquidity_pool_delete_evaluator | |
Cliquidity_pool_deposit_evaluator | |
Cliquidity_pool_exchange_evaluator | |
Cliquidity_pool_object | A liquidity pool |
Cliquidity_pool_update_evaluator | |
Cliquidity_pool_withdraw_evaluator | |
Cnode_property_object | Contains per-node database configuration |
Cop_evaluator | |
Cop_evaluator_impl | |
Coperation_history_object | Tracks the history of all logical operations on blockchain state |
Coverride_transfer_evaluator | |
Cpredicate_evaluator | |
Cprice_feed_with_icr | Defines market parameters for margin positions, extended with an initial_collateral_ratio field |
Cproposal_create_evaluator | |
Cproposal_delete_evaluator | |
Cproposal_object | Tracks the approval of a partially approved transaction |
Cproposal_operation_hardfork_visitor | |
Cproposal_update_evaluator | |
Crefund_worker_type | A worker who returns all of his pay to the reserve |
Crequired_approval_index | Tracks all of the proposal objects that requrie approval of an individual account |
Csamet_fund_borrow_evaluator | |
Csamet_fund_create_evaluator | |
Csamet_fund_delete_evaluator | |
Csamet_fund_object | A SameT Fund is a fund which can be used by a borrower and have to be repaid in the same transaction |
Csamet_fund_repay_evaluator | |
Csamet_fund_update_evaluator | |
Cspecial_authority_evaluate_visitor | |
Cspecial_authority_object | |
Cticket_create_evaluator | |
Cticket_object | Ticket for governance voting |
Cticket_update_evaluator | |
Ctransaction_evaluation_state | |
Ctransaction_history_object | |
Ctransfer_evaluator | |
Ctransfer_from_blind_evaluator | |
Ctransfer_to_blind_evaluator | |
Cundo_session_nesting_guard | |
Cvesting_balance_create_evaluator | |
Cvesting_balance_object | |
Cvesting_balance_withdraw_evaluator | |
Cvesting_balance_worker_type | A worker who sends his pay to a vesting balance |
Cvesting_policy_context | |
Cvote_counter | |
Cwithdraw_permission_claim_evaluator | |
Cwithdraw_permission_create_evaluator | |
Cwithdraw_permission_delete_evaluator | |
Cwithdraw_permission_object | Grants another account authority to withdraw a limited amount of funds per interval |
Cwithdraw_permission_update_evaluator | |
Cwitness_create_evaluator | |
Cwitness_object | |
Cwitness_schedule_object | |
Cwitness_update_evaluator | |
Cworker_create_evaluator | |
Cworker_init_visitor | |
Cworker_object | Worker object contains the details of a blockchain worker. See The Blockchain Worker System for details |
Cworker_pay_visitor | A visitor for worker_type which calls pay_worker on the worker within |
►Ncustom_operations | |
►Ndetail | |
Ccustom_op_visitor | |
Ccustom_operations_plugin_impl | |
Caccount_storage_map | |
Caccount_storage_object | |
Ccustom_generic_evaluator | |
Ccustom_operations_plugin | |
►Ndb | |
Cabstract_object | |
Cannotated_object | An object that is easily extended by providing pointers to other objects, one for each space |
Cbase_abstract_object | Use the Curiously Recurring Template Pattern to automatically add the ability to clone, serialize, and move objects polymorphically |
Cbase_primary_index | |
Cdirect_index | A secondary index that tracks objects in vectors indexed by object id. It is meant for fully (or almost fully) populated indexes only (will fail when loading an object_database with large gaps) |
Cgeneric_index | |
Cindex | Abstract base class for accessing objects indexed in various ways |
Cindex_observer | Used to get callbacks when objects change |
Cobject | Base for all database objects |
Cobject_database | Maintains a set of indexed objects that can be modified with multi-level rollback support |
Cobject_downcast | This template is used to downcast a generic object type to a specific xyz_object type |
Cobject_id | |
Cobject_id_type | |
Cprimary_index | Wraps a derived index to intercept calls to create, modify, and remove so that callbacks may be fired and undo state saved |
Csecondary_index | |
►Csimple_index | A simple index uses a vector<unique_ptr<T>> to store data |
Cconst_iterator | |
Csparse_index | An index type for objects which may be deleted |
►Cundo_database | Tracks changes to the state and allows changes to be undone |
Csession | |
Cundo_state | |
►Ndebug_witness | |
►Ndetail | |
Cdebug_api_impl | |
Cdebug_api | |
►Ndebug_witness_plugin | |
Cdebug_witness_plugin | |
►Ndelayed_node | |
►Ndetail | |
Cdelayed_node_plugin_impl | |
Cdelayed_node_plugin | |
►Nelasticsearch | |
►Ndetail | |
Celasticsearch_plugin_impl | |
Cget_fee_payer_visitor | |
Coperation_visitor | |
Cblock_struct | |
Cbulk_struct | |
Celasticsearch_plugin | |
Cfee_struct | |
Cfill_struct | |
Coperation_history_struct | |
Ctransfer_struct | |
Cvisitor_struct | |
►Nes_objects | |
►Ndetail | |
Cdata_loader | |
Ces_objects_plugin_impl | |
Ces_objects_plugin | |
►Ngrouped_orders | |
►Ndetail | |
Cgrouped_orders_plugin_impl | |
Climit_order_group_index | This secondary index is used to track changes on limit order objects |
Cgrouped_orders_plugin | |
Climit_order_group_data | |
Climit_order_group_key | |
►Nmarket_history | |
►Ndetail | |
Cget_liquidity_pool_id_visitor | |
Cmarket_history_plugin_impl | |
Coperation_process_fill_order | |
Cbucket_key | |
Cbucket_object | |
Chistory_key | |
Cliquidity_pool_history_object | |
Cliquidity_pool_ticker_object | Stores ticker data for liquidity pools |
Clp_ticker_meta_object | Stores meta data for liquidity pool tickers |
Cmarket_history_plugin | |
Cmarket_ticker_meta_object | |
Cmarket_ticker_object | |
Corder_history_object | |
Corder_history_object_key_base_extractor | |
Corder_history_object_key_quote_extractor | |
Corder_history_object_key_sequence_extractor | |
►Nnet | |
►Ndetail | |
Call_address_builder | |
Cblockchain_tied_message_cache | |
Cconcurrent_unordered_set | |
Cexclude_address_builder | |
Cgeneric_list_address_builder | Base class for list address builder and exclude_list address builder |
Clist_address_builder | |
Cmessage_oriented_connection_impl | |
Cno_parallel_execution_guard | |
Cnode_configuration | |
►Cnode_impl | |
Caddress_builder | |
Citem_id_index | |
Cnode_impl_deleter | |
►Cpeer_database_impl | |
Cendpoint_index | |
Clast_seen_time_index | |
Cpeer_database_iterator | |
Cpeer_database_iterator_impl | |
Cprioritized_item_id | |
Cstatistics_gathering_node_delegate_wrapper | |
Caddress_info | |
Caddress_message | |
Caddress_request_message | |
Cblock_message | |
Cblockchain_item_ids_inventory_message | |
Ccheck_firewall_message | |
Ccheck_firewall_reply_message | |
Cclosing_connection_message | |
Cconnection_accepted_message | |
Cconnection_rejected_message | |
Ccurrent_connection_data | |
Ccurrent_time_reply_message | |
Ccurrent_time_request_message | |
Cfetch_blockchain_item_ids_message | |
Cfetch_items_message | |
Cget_current_connections_reply_message | |
Cget_current_connections_request_message | |
Chello_message | |
Citem_id | |
Citem_ids_inventory_message | |
Citem_not_available_message | |
Cmessage | |
Cmessage_header | |
Cmessage_oriented_connection | |
Cmessage_oriented_connection_delegate | |
Cmessage_propagation_data | |
Cnode | Application independent P2P broadcast and data synchronization |
Cnode_delegate | Used by node reports status to client or fetch data from client |
►Cpeer_connection | |
Ctimestamp_index | |
Ctimestamped_item_id | |
Cpeer_connection_delegate | |
Cpeer_database | |
Cpeer_status | |
Cpotential_peer_record | |
Cstcp_socket | |
Ctrx_message | |
►Nprotocol | |
►Caccount_create_operation | |
Cext | |
Cfee_params_t | |
Caccount_name_eq_lit_predicate | |
Caccount_options | These are the fields which can be updated by the active authority |
►Caccount_transfer_operation | Transfers the account to another account while clearing the white list |
Cfee_params_t | |
►Caccount_update_operation | Update an existing account |
Cext | |
Cfee_params_t | |
►Caccount_upgrade_operation | Manage an account's membership status |
Cfee_params_t | |
►Caccount_whitelist_operation | This operation is used to whitelist and blacklist accounts, primarily for transacting in whitelisted assets |
Cfee_params_t | |
Cadder | |
Cadditional_asset_options | |
Caddress | 160 bit hash of a public key |
►Cassert_operation | Assert that some conditions are true |
Cfee_params_t | |
Casset | |
►Casset_claim_fees_operation | Used to transfer accumulated fees back to the issuer's balance |
Cadditional_options_type | |
Cfee_params_t | |
►Casset_claim_pool_operation | Transfers BTS from the fee pool of a specified asset back to the issuer's balance |
Cfee_params_t | |
►Casset_create_operation | |
Cfee_params_t | |
►Casset_fund_fee_pool_operation | |
Cfee_params_t | |
►Casset_global_settle_operation | Allows global settling of bitassets (black swan or prediction markets) |
Cfee_params_t | |
►Casset_issue_operation | |
Cfee_params_t | |
Casset_options | The asset_options struct contains options available on all assets in the network |
►Casset_publish_feed_operation | Publish price feeds for market-issued assets |
Cext | |
Cfee_params_t | |
►Casset_reserve_operation | Used to take an asset out of circulation, returning to the issuer |
Cfee_params_t | |
►Casset_settle_cancel_operation | |
Cfee_params_t | |
►Casset_settle_operation | Schedules a market-issued asset for automatic settlement |
Cfee_params_t | |
Casset_symbol_eq_lit_predicate | |
►Casset_update_bitasset_operation | Update options specific to BitAssets |
Cfee_params_t | |
►Casset_update_feed_producers_operation | Update the set of feed-producing accounts for a BitAsset |
Cfee_params_t | |
►Casset_update_issuer_operation | Update issuer of an asset |
Cfee_params_t | |
►Casset_update_operation | Update options common to all assets |
Cext | |
Cfee_params_t | |
Cattribute_assertion | |
Cattribute_assertion< extension< Extension > > | |
Cattribute_assertion< fc::optional< Field > > | |
Cauthority | Identifies a weighted set of keys and accounts that must approve operations |
►Cbalance_claim_operation | Claim a balance in a graphene::chain::balance_object |
Cfee_params_t | |
Cbase_operation | |
►Cbid_collateral_operation | |
Cfee_params_t | |
►Cbitasset_options | The bitasset_options struct contains configurable options available only to BitAssets |
Cext | |
Cblind_input | |
Cblind_memo | |
Cblind_output | Defines data required to create a new blind commitment |
►Cblind_transfer_operation | Transfers from blind to blind |
Cfee_params_t | |
Cblock_header | |
Cblock_id_predicate | |
Cburn_worker_initializer | |
Cbuyback_account_options | |
Ccalc_fee_visitor | |
►Ccall_order_update_operation | |
Cfee_params_t | |
Coptions_type | |
Ccdd_vesting_policy_initializer | |
►Cchain_parameters | |
Cext | |
►Ccommittee_member_create_operation | Create a committee_member object, as a bid to hold a committee_member seat on the network |
Cfee_params_t | |
►Ccommittee_member_update_global_parameters_operation | Used by committee_members to update the global parameters of the blockchain |
Cfee_params_t | |
►Ccommittee_member_update_operation | Update a committee_member object |
Cfee_params_t | |
Ccreate_take_profit_order_action | |
►Ccredit_deal_expired_operation | A credit deal expired without being fully repaid |
Cfee_params_t | |
►Ccredit_deal_repay_operation | Repay a credit deal |
Cfee_params_t | |
►Ccredit_deal_update_operation | Update a credit deal |
Cfee_params_t | |
►Ccredit_offer_accept_operation | Accept a credit offer, thereby creating a credit deal |
Cext | |
Cfee_params_t | |
►Ccredit_offer_create_operation | Create a new credit offer |
Cfee_params_t | |
►Ccredit_offer_delete_operation | Delete a credit offer |
Cfee_params_t | |
►Ccredit_offer_update_operation | Update a credit offer |
Cfee_params_t | |
►Ccustom_authority_create_operation | Create a new custom authority |
Cfee_params_t | |
►Ccustom_authority_delete_operation | Delete a custom authority |
Cfee_params_t | |
Ccustom_authority_options_type | |
►Ccustom_authority_update_operation | Update a custom authority |
Cfee_params_t | |
►Ccustom_operation | Generic way to add higher level protocols on top of witness consensus |
Cfee_params_t | |
►Cexecute_bid_operation | |
Cfee_params_t | |
Cextendable_operation_result_dtl | |
Cextension | |
►Cfba_distribute_operation | |
Cfee_params_t | |
Cfee_helper | |
Cfee_helper< account_create_operation > | |
Cfee_helper< asset_claim_pool_operation > | |
Cfee_helper< asset_update_issuer_operation > | |
Cfee_helper< bid_collateral_operation > | |
Cfee_helper< htlc_create_operation > | |
Cfee_helper< htlc_extend_operation > | |
Cfee_helper< htlc_redeem_operation > | |
Cfee_helper< ticket_create_operation > | |
Cfee_helper< ticket_update_operation > | |
Cfee_schedule | All of the parameters necessary to calculate the fee for any operation |
►Cfill_order_operation | |
Cfee_params_t | |
Cgeneric_exchange_operation_result | |
Cgeneric_operation_result | |
Cgraphene_extension_pack_count_visitor | |
Cgraphene_extension_pack_read_visitor | |
Cgraphene_extension_unpack_visitor | |
►Chtlc_create_operation | |
Cadditional_options_type | |
Cfee_params_t | |
►Chtlc_extend_operation | |
Cfee_params_t | |
Chtlc_options | |
►Chtlc_redeem_operation | |
Cfee_params_t | |
►Chtlc_redeemed_operation | |
Cfee_params_t | |
►Chtlc_refund_operation | |
Cfee_params_t | |
Cinstant_vesting_policy_initializer | |
Cis_container_impl | |
Cis_container_impl< T, make_void< typename T::value_type, decltype(declval< T >().size())> > | |
Cis_flat_set_impl | |
Cis_flat_set_impl< flat_set< T > > | |
►Climit_order_cancel_operation | |
Cfee_params_t | |
►Climit_order_create_operation | Instructs the blockchain to attempt to sell one asset for another |
Cfee_params_t | |
Coptions_type | |
►Climit_order_update_operation | |
Cfee_params_t | |
Clinear_vesting_policy_initializer | |
►Cliquidity_pool_create_operation | Create a new liquidity pool |
Cfee_params_t | |
►Cliquidity_pool_delete_operation | Delete a liquidity pool |
Cfee_params_t | |
►Cliquidity_pool_deposit_operation | Deposit to a liquidity pool |
Cfee_params_t | |
►Cliquidity_pool_exchange_operation | Exchange with a liquidity pool |
Cfee_params_t | |
►Cliquidity_pool_update_operation | Update a liquidity pool |
Cfee_params_t | |
►Cliquidity_pool_withdraw_operation | Withdraw from a liquidity pool |
Cfee_params_t | |
Clo_action_validate_visitor | |
►Cmake_flat_set | |
Ctransform | |
Cmemo_data | Defines the keys used to derive the shared secret |
Cmemo_message | Defines a message and checksum to enable validation of successful decryption |
Cno_special_authority | |
Cop_wrapper | Necessary to support nested operations inside the proposal_create_operation |
Coperation_get_required_auth | |
Coperation_validator | Used to validate operations in a polymorphic manner |
►Coverride_transfer_operation | Allows the issuer of an asset to transfer an asset from any account to any account if they have override_authority |
Cfee_params_t | |
Cp10 | |
Cp10< 0 > | |
Cprecomputable_transaction | |
Cpredicate_compare | |
Cpredicate_compare< fc::optional< Field >, Argument, void > | |
Cpredicate_compare< Field, Argument, std::enable_if_t< is_integral< Field > &&is_integral< Argument > &&!std::is_same< Field, Argument >::value > > | |
Cpredicate_compare< Field, Argument, std::enable_if_t< std::is_same< Field, Argument >::value > > | |
Cpredicate_eq | |
Cpredicate_eq< fc::optional< Field >, Argument, std::enable_if_t< comparable_types< Field, Argument > > > | |
Cpredicate_eq< fc::optional< Field >, void_t, void > | |
Cpredicate_eq< Field, Argument, std::enable_if_t< is_container< Field > &&is_integral< Argument > > > | |
Cpredicate_eq< Field, Argument, std::enable_if_t< is_integral< Field > &&is_integral< Argument > &&!std::is_same< Field, Argument >::value > > | |
Cpredicate_eq< Field, Argument, std::enable_if_t< std::is_same< Field, Argument >::value > > | |
Cpredicate_ge | |
Cpredicate_gt | |
Cpredicate_has_all | |
Cpredicate_has_all< fc::optional< OptionalType >, Argument, void > | |
Cpredicate_has_all< FieldContainer, flat_set< ArgumentElement >, std::enable_if_t< is_container< FieldContainer > &&!is_flat_set< FieldContainer > &&comparable_types< typename FieldContainer::value_type, ArgumentElement > > > | |
Cpredicate_has_all< flat_set< FieldElement >, flat_set< ArgumentElement >, std::enable_if_t< comparable_types< FieldElement, ArgumentElement > > > | |
Cpredicate_has_none | |
Cpredicate_has_none< fc::optional< OptionalType >, Argument, void > | |
Cpredicate_has_none< FieldContainer, flat_set< ArgumentElement >, std::enable_if_t< is_container< FieldContainer > &&!is_flat_set< FieldContainer > &&comparable_types< typename FieldContainer::value_type, ArgumentElement > > > | |
Cpredicate_has_none< flat_set< FieldElement >, flat_set< ArgumentElement >, std::enable_if_t< comparable_types< FieldElement, ArgumentElement > > > | |
Cpredicate_in | |
Cpredicate_in< Container, flat_set< Element >, std::enable_if_t< is_container< Container > &&comparable_types< typename Container::value_type, Element > > > | |
Cpredicate_in< fc::optional< Field >, flat_set< Element >, std::enable_if_t< comparable_types< Field, Element > > > | |
Cpredicate_in< fc::safe< Field >, flat_set< Element >, std::enable_if_t< comparable_types< Field, Element > > > | |
Cpredicate_in< Field, flat_set< Element >, std::enable_if_t< comparable_types< Field, Element > &&!is_safe< Field > > > | |
Cpredicate_invalid | |
Cpredicate_le | |
Cpredicate_lt | |
Cpredicate_ne | |
Cpredicate_not_in | |
Cpredicate_not_in< Container, flat_set< Element >, std::enable_if_t< is_container< Container > &&comparable_types< typename Container::value_type, Element > > > | |
Cpredicate_result | A type describing the result of a restriction predicate |
Cpredicate_validator | |
Cprice | The price struct stores asset prices in the BitShares system |
Cprice_feed | Defines market parameters for margin positions |
Cprocessed_transaction | Captures the result of evaluating the operations contained in the transaction |
►Cproposal_create_operation | The proposal_create_operation creates a transaction proposal, for use in multi-sig scenarios |
Cfee_params_t | |
►Cproposal_delete_operation | The proposal_delete_operation deletes an existing transaction proposal |
Cfee_params_t | |
►Cproposal_update_operation | The proposal_update_operation updates an existing transaction proposal |
Cfee_params_t | |
Cpts_address | |
Cpubkey_comparator | |
►Cpublic_key_type | |
Cbinary_key | |
Crefund_worker_initializer | |
Crestriction | |
►Csamet_fund_borrow_operation | Borrow from a SameT Fund |
Cfee_params_t | |
►Csamet_fund_create_operation | Create a new SameT Fund object |
Cfee_params_t | |
►Csamet_fund_delete_operation | Delete a SameT Fund object |
Cfee_params_t | |
►Csamet_fund_repay_operation | Repay to a SameT Fund |
Cfee_params_t | |
►Csamet_fund_update_operation | Update a SameT Fund object |
Cfee_params_t | |
Cset_fee_visitor | |
Csign_state | |
Csigned_block | |
Csigned_block_header | |
Csigned_transaction | Adds a signature to a transaction |
Cspecial_authority_validate_visitor | |
►Cstealth_confirmation | |
Cmemo_data | |
►Cticket_create_operation | Creates a new ticket |
Cfee_params_t | |
►Cticket_update_operation | Updates an existing ticket |
Cfee_params_t | |
Ctop_holders_special_authority | |
Ctransaction | Groups operations that should be applied atomically |
►Ctransfer_from_blind_operation | Converts blinded/stealth balance to a public account balance |
Cfee_params_t | |
►Ctransfer_operation | Transfers an amount of one asset from one account to another |
Cfee_params_t | |
►Ctransfer_to_blind_operation | Converts public account balance to a blinded or stealth balance |
Cfee_params_t | |
Ctransform_to_fee_parameters | |
Ctransform_to_fee_parameters< fc::static_variant< T... > > | |
Cvariant_assertion | |
Cvariant_assertion< fc::optional< static_variant< Types... > > > | |
Cvariant_assertion< static_variant< Types... > > | |
►Cvesting_balance_create_operation | Create a vesting balance |
Cfee_params_t | |
►Cvesting_balance_withdraw_operation | Withdraw from a vesting balance |
Cfee_params_t | |
Cvesting_balance_worker_initializer | |
Cvoid_result | |
Cvoid_t | |
Cvote_id_type | An ID for some votable object |
►Cwithdraw_permission_claim_operation | Withdraw from an account which has published a withdrawal permission |
Cfee_params_t | |
►Cwithdraw_permission_create_operation | Create a new withdrawal permission |
Cfee_params_t | |
►Cwithdraw_permission_delete_operation | Delete an existing withdrawal permission |
Cfee_params_t | |
►Cwithdraw_permission_update_operation | Update an existing withdraw permission |
Cfee_params_t | |
►Cwitness_create_operation | Create a witness object, as a bid to hold a witness position on the network |
Cfee_params_t | |
►Cwitness_update_operation | Update a witness object's URL and block signing key |
Cfee_params_t | |
►Cworker_create_operation | Create a new worker object |
Cfee_params_t | |
Czero_fee_visitor | |
►Nsnapshot_plugin | |
Csnapshot_plugin | |
►Ntemplate_plugin | |
►Ndetail | |
Ctemplate_plugin_impl | |
Ctemplate_plugin | |
►Nutilities | |
►Ccurl_wrapper | |
Chttp_response | |
Chttp_response_code | |
Ces_client | |
Ces_data_adaptor | |
Cpadding_ostream | |
►Nwallet | |
►Ndetail | |
Chelp_visitor | |
Chtlc_hash_to_string_visitor | |
Cop_prototype_visitor | |
Coperation_printer | |
Coperation_result_printer | |
Cwallet_api_impl | |
►Nimpl | |
Cfrom_which_visitor | |
Cstatic_variant_map_visitor | |
Caccount_history_operation_detail | |
Capi_documentation | |
Capproval_delta | |
Cblind_balance | |
►Cblind_confirmation | |
Coutput | |
Cblind_receipt | |
Cbrain_key_info | |
Cexported_account_keys | |
Cexported_keys | |
Ckey_label | |
Cmethod_description | |
Coperation_detail | |
Coperation_detail_ex | |
Cplain_keys | |
Csigned_block_with_info | |
Csigned_message | |
Csigned_message_meta | |
Cstatic_variant_map | |
Cutility | |
Cvesting_balance_object_with_info | |
Cwallet_api | |
Cwallet_data | |
Cworker_vote_delta | |
►Nwitness_plugin | |
Cwitness_plugin | |
►Nstd | |
Chash< fc::hash160 > | |
Chash< fc::ip::endpoint > | |
Chash< fc::ripemd160 > | |
Chash< fc::sha1 > | |
Chash< fc::sha224 > | |
Chash< fc::sha256 > | |
Chash< fc::unsigned_int > | |
Chash< graphene::db::object_id_type > | |
Chash< graphene::protocol::pts_address > | |
Ctuple_size< fc::zero_initialized_array< T, N > > | |