struct | account_create_operation |
struct | account_name_eq_lit_predicate |
struct | account_options |
| These are the fields which can be updated by the active authority. More...
struct | account_transfer_operation |
| transfers the account to another account while clearing the white list More...
struct | account_update_operation |
| Update an existing account. More...
struct | account_upgrade_operation |
| Manage an account's membership status. More...
struct | account_whitelist_operation |
| This operation is used to whitelist and blacklist accounts, primarily for transacting in whitelisted assets. More...
struct | adder |
struct | additional_asset_options |
class | address |
| a 160 bit hash of a public key More...
struct | assert_operation |
| assert that some conditions are true. More...
struct | asset |
struct | asset_claim_fees_operation |
| used to transfer accumulated fees back to the issuer's balance. More...
struct | asset_claim_pool_operation |
| Transfers BTS from the fee pool of a specified asset back to the issuer's balance. More...
struct | asset_create_operation |
struct | asset_fund_fee_pool_operation |
struct | asset_global_settle_operation |
| allows global settling of bitassets (black swan or prediction markets) More...
struct | asset_issue_operation |
struct | asset_options |
| The asset_options struct contains options available on all assets in the network. More...
struct | asset_publish_feed_operation |
| Publish price feeds for market-issued assets. More...
struct | asset_reserve_operation |
| used to take an asset out of circulation, returning to the issuer More...
struct | asset_settle_cancel_operation |
struct | asset_settle_operation |
| Schedules a market-issued asset for automatic settlement. More...
struct | asset_symbol_eq_lit_predicate |
struct | asset_update_bitasset_operation |
| Update options specific to BitAssets. More...
struct | asset_update_feed_producers_operation |
| Update the set of feed-producing accounts for a BitAsset. More...
struct | asset_update_issuer_operation |
| Update issuer of an asset. More...
struct | asset_update_operation |
| Update options common to all assets. More...
struct | attribute_assertion |
struct | attribute_assertion< extension< Extension > > |
struct | attribute_assertion< fc::optional< Field > > |
class | authority |
| Identifies a weighted set of keys and accounts that must approve operations. More...
struct | balance_claim_operation |
| Claim a balance in a graphene::chain::balance_object. More...
struct | base_operation |
struct | bid_collateral_operation |
struct | bitasset_options |
| The bitasset_options struct contains configurable options available only to BitAssets. More...
struct | blind_input |
struct | blind_memo |
class | blind_output |
| Defines data required to create a new blind commitment. More...
struct | blind_transfer_operation |
| Transfers from blind to blind. More...
class | block_header |
struct | block_id_predicate |
struct | burn_worker_initializer |
struct | buyback_account_options |
struct | calc_fee_visitor |
struct | call_order_update_operation |
struct | cdd_vesting_policy_initializer |
struct | chain_parameters |
struct | committee_member_create_operation |
| Create a committee_member object, as a bid to hold a committee_member seat on the network. More...
struct | committee_member_update_global_parameters_operation |
| Used by committee_members to update the global parameters of the blockchain. More...
struct | committee_member_update_operation |
| Update a committee_member object. More...
struct | create_take_profit_order_action |
struct | credit_deal_expired_operation |
| A credit deal expired without being fully repaid. More...
struct | credit_deal_repay_operation |
| Repay a credit deal. More...
struct | credit_deal_update_operation |
| Update a credit deal. More...
struct | credit_offer_accept_operation |
| Accept a credit offer, thereby creating a credit deal. More...
struct | credit_offer_create_operation |
| Create a new credit offer. More...
struct | credit_offer_delete_operation |
| Delete a credit offer. More...
struct | credit_offer_update_operation |
| Update a credit offer. More...
struct | custom_authority_create_operation |
| Create a new custom authority. More...
struct | custom_authority_delete_operation |
| Delete a custom authority. More...
struct | custom_authority_options_type |
struct | custom_authority_update_operation |
| Update a custom authority. More...
struct | custom_operation |
| provides a generic way to add higher level protocols on top of witness consensus More...
struct | execute_bid_operation |
struct | extendable_operation_result_dtl |
struct | extension |
struct | fba_distribute_operation |
class | fee_helper |
class | fee_helper< account_create_operation > |
class | fee_helper< asset_claim_pool_operation > |
class | fee_helper< asset_update_issuer_operation > |
class | fee_helper< bid_collateral_operation > |
class | fee_helper< htlc_create_operation > |
class | fee_helper< htlc_extend_operation > |
class | fee_helper< htlc_redeem_operation > |
class | fee_helper< ticket_create_operation > |
class | fee_helper< ticket_update_operation > |
struct | fee_schedule |
| contains all of the parameters necessary to calculate the fee for any operation More...
struct | fill_order_operation |
struct | generic_exchange_operation_result |
struct | generic_operation_result |
struct | graphene_extension_pack_count_visitor |
struct | graphene_extension_pack_read_visitor |
struct | graphene_extension_unpack_visitor |
struct | htlc_create_operation |
struct | htlc_extend_operation |
struct | htlc_options |
struct | htlc_redeem_operation |
struct | htlc_redeemed_operation |
struct | htlc_refund_operation |
struct | instant_vesting_policy_initializer |
struct | is_container_impl |
struct | is_container_impl< T, make_void< typename T::value_type, decltype(declval< T >().size())> > |
struct | is_flat_set_impl |
struct | is_flat_set_impl< flat_set< T > > |
struct | limit_order_cancel_operation |
class | limit_order_create_operation |
| instructs the blockchain to attempt to sell one asset for another More...
struct | limit_order_update_operation |
struct | linear_vesting_policy_initializer |
struct | liquidity_pool_create_operation |
| Create a new liquidity pool. More...
struct | liquidity_pool_delete_operation |
| Delete a liquidity pool. More...
struct | liquidity_pool_deposit_operation |
| Deposit to a liquidity pool. More...
struct | liquidity_pool_exchange_operation |
| Exchange with a liquidity pool. More...
struct | liquidity_pool_update_operation |
| Update a liquidity pool. More...
struct | liquidity_pool_withdraw_operation |
| Withdraw from a liquidity pool. More...
struct | lo_action_validate_visitor |
struct | make_flat_set |
struct | memo_data |
| defines the keys used to derive the shared secret More...
struct | memo_message |
| defines a message and checksum to enable validation of successful decryption More...
struct | no_special_authority |
struct | op_wrapper |
| necessary to support nested operations inside the proposal_create_operation More...
struct | operation_get_required_auth |
struct | operation_validator |
| Used to validate operations in a polymorphic manner. More...
class | override_transfer_operation |
| Allows the issuer of an asset to transfer an asset from any account to any account if they have override_authority. More...
struct | p10 |
struct | p10< 0 > |
class | precomputable_transaction |
struct | predicate_compare |
struct | predicate_compare< fc::optional< Field >, Argument, void > |
struct | predicate_compare< Field, Argument, std::enable_if_t< is_integral< Field > &&is_integral< Argument > &&!std::is_same< Field, Argument >::value > > |
struct | predicate_compare< Field, Argument, std::enable_if_t< std::is_same< Field, Argument >::value > > |
struct | predicate_eq |
struct | predicate_eq< fc::optional< Field >, Argument, std::enable_if_t< comparable_types< Field, Argument > > > |
struct | predicate_eq< fc::optional< Field >, void_t, void > |
struct | predicate_eq< Field, Argument, std::enable_if_t< is_container< Field > &&is_integral< Argument > > > |
struct | predicate_eq< Field, Argument, std::enable_if_t< is_integral< Field > &&is_integral< Argument > &&!std::is_same< Field, Argument >::value > > |
struct | predicate_eq< Field, Argument, std::enable_if_t< std::is_same< Field, Argument >::value > > |
struct | predicate_ge |
struct | predicate_gt |
struct | predicate_has_all |
struct | predicate_has_all< fc::optional< OptionalType >, Argument, void > |
struct | predicate_has_all< FieldContainer, flat_set< ArgumentElement >, std::enable_if_t< is_container< FieldContainer > &&!is_flat_set< FieldContainer > &&comparable_types< typename FieldContainer::value_type, ArgumentElement > > > |
struct | predicate_has_all< flat_set< FieldElement >, flat_set< ArgumentElement >, std::enable_if_t< comparable_types< FieldElement, ArgumentElement > > > |
struct | predicate_has_none |
struct | predicate_has_none< fc::optional< OptionalType >, Argument, void > |
struct | predicate_has_none< FieldContainer, flat_set< ArgumentElement >, std::enable_if_t< is_container< FieldContainer > &&!is_flat_set< FieldContainer > &&comparable_types< typename FieldContainer::value_type, ArgumentElement > > > |
struct | predicate_has_none< flat_set< FieldElement >, flat_set< ArgumentElement >, std::enable_if_t< comparable_types< FieldElement, ArgumentElement > > > |
struct | predicate_in |
struct | predicate_in< Container, flat_set< Element >, std::enable_if_t< is_container< Container > &&comparable_types< typename Container::value_type, Element > > > |
struct | predicate_in< fc::optional< Field >, flat_set< Element >, std::enable_if_t< comparable_types< Field, Element > > > |
struct | predicate_in< fc::safe< Field >, flat_set< Element >, std::enable_if_t< comparable_types< Field, Element > > > |
struct | predicate_in< Field, flat_set< Element >, std::enable_if_t< comparable_types< Field, Element > &&!is_safe< Field > > > |
struct | predicate_invalid |
struct | predicate_le |
struct | predicate_lt |
struct | predicate_ne |
struct | predicate_not_in |
struct | predicate_not_in< Container, flat_set< Element >, std::enable_if_t< is_container< Container > &&comparable_types< typename Container::value_type, Element > > > |
struct | predicate_result |
| A type describing the result of a restriction predicate. More...
struct | predicate_validator |
struct | price |
| The price struct stores asset prices in the BitShares system. More...
class | price_feed |
| defines market parameters for margin positions More...
struct | processed_transaction |
| captures the result of evaluating the operations contained in the transaction More...
struct | proposal_create_operation |
| The proposal_create_operation creates a transaction proposal, for use in multi-sig scenarios. More...
struct | proposal_delete_operation |
| The proposal_delete_operation deletes an existing transaction proposal. More...
struct | proposal_update_operation |
| The proposal_update_operation updates an existing transaction proposal. More...
struct | pts_address |
class | pubkey_comparator |
struct | public_key_type |
struct | refund_worker_initializer |
struct | restriction |
struct | samet_fund_borrow_operation |
| Borrow from a SameT Fund. More...
struct | samet_fund_create_operation |
| Create a new SameT Fund object. More...
struct | samet_fund_delete_operation |
| Delete a SameT Fund object. More...
struct | samet_fund_repay_operation |
| Repay to a SameT Fund. More...
struct | samet_fund_update_operation |
| Update a SameT Fund object. More...
struct | set_fee_visitor |
struct | sign_state |
class | signed_block |
class | signed_block_header |
class | signed_transaction |
| adds a signature to a transaction More...
struct | special_authority_validate_visitor |
struct | stealth_confirmation |
struct | ticket_create_operation |
| Creates a new ticket. More...
struct | ticket_update_operation |
| Updates an existing ticket. More...
struct | top_holders_special_authority |
class | transaction |
| groups operations that should be applied atomically More...
struct | transfer_from_blind_operation |
| Converts blinded/stealth balance to a public account balance. More...
struct | transfer_operation |
| Transfers an amount of one asset from one account to another. More...
class | transfer_to_blind_operation |
| Converts public account balance to a blinded or stealth balance. More...
struct | transform_to_fee_parameters |
struct | transform_to_fee_parameters< fc::static_variant< T... > > |
struct | variant_assertion |
struct | variant_assertion< fc::optional< static_variant< Types... > > > |
struct | variant_assertion< static_variant< Types... > > |
struct | vesting_balance_create_operation |
| Create a vesting balance. More...
struct | vesting_balance_withdraw_operation |
| Withdraw from a vesting balance. More...
struct | vesting_balance_worker_initializer |
struct | void_result |
struct | void_t |
struct | vote_id_type |
| An ID for some votable object. More...
struct | withdraw_permission_claim_operation |
| Withdraw from an account which has published a withdrawal permission. More...
struct | withdraw_permission_create_operation |
| Create a new withdrawal permission. More...
struct | withdraw_permission_delete_operation |
| Delete an existing withdrawal permission. More...
struct | withdraw_permission_update_operation |
| Update an existing withdraw permission. More...
struct | witness_create_operation |
| Create a witness object, as a bid to hold a witness position on the network. More...
struct | witness_update_operation |
| Update a witness object's URL and block signing key. More...
struct | worker_create_operation |
| Create a new worker object. More...
struct | zero_fee_visitor |
using | result_type = object_restriction_predicate< operation > |
using | restriction_function = restriction::function_type |
using | restriction_argument = restriction::argument_type |
template<typename... > |
using | make_void = void |
template<typename Field > |
using | object_restriction_predicate = std::function< predicate_result(const Field &)> |
using | comparable_types_list = typelist::list< int64_t, string, time_point_sec, account_id_type, asset_id_type, force_settlement_id_type, committee_member_id_type, witness_id_type, limit_order_id_type, call_order_id_type, custom_id_type, proposal_id_type, withdraw_permission_id_type, vesting_balance_id_type, worker_id_type, balance_id_type > |
using | list_types_list = typelist::transform< typelist::concat< typelist::list< bool, public_key_type, fc::sha256 >, comparable_types_list >, make_flat_set > |
using | equality_types_list = typename typelist::concat< typelist::list< void_t, bool, public_key_type, fc::sha256 >, comparable_types_list, list_types_list > |
using | attr_types_list = typelist::list< vector< restriction > > |
using | or_types_list = typelist::list< vector< vector< restriction > >> |
using | operation_list_1 = static_variant< typelist::builder<> ::add< transfer_operation > ::add< limit_order_create_operation > ::add< limit_order_cancel_operation > ::add< call_order_update_operation > ::finalize > |
using | operation_list_2 = static_variant< typelist::builder<> ::add< account_create_operation > ::add< account_update_operation > ::finalize > |
using | operation_list_3 = static_variant< typelist::builder<> ::add< asset_create_operation > ::finalize > |
using | operation_list_5 = static_variant< typelist::builder<> ::add< asset_update_feed_producers_operation > ::add< asset_issue_operation > ::add< asset_reserve_operation > ::finalize > |
using | operation_list_6 = static_variant< typelist::builder<> ::add< asset_publish_feed_operation > ::add< witness_update_operation > ::finalize > |
using | operation_list_9 = static_variant< typelist::builder<> ::add< vesting_balance_create_operation > ::add< vesting_balance_withdraw_operation > ::finalize > |
using | operation_list_10 = static_variant< typelist::builder<> ::add< override_transfer_operation > ::finalize > |
using | operation_list_11 = static_variant< typelist::builder<> ::add< htlc_create_operation > ::add< htlc_redeem_operation > ::add< htlc_extend_operation > ::finalize > |
using | unsupported_operations_list = static_variant< typelist::builder<> ::add< fill_order_operation > ::add< account_whitelist_operation > ::add< account_upgrade_operation > ::add< account_transfer_operation > ::add< asset_update_operation > ::add< asset_update_bitasset_operation > ::add< asset_fund_fee_pool_operation > ::add< asset_settle_operation > ::add< asset_global_settle_operation > ::add< witness_create_operation > ::add_list< typelist::slice< operation::list, typelist::index_of< operation::list, proposal_create_operation >(), typelist::index_of< operation::list, vesting_balance_create_operation >() > > ::add< worker_create_operation > ::add< custom_operation > ::add< assert_operation > ::add< balance_claim_operation > ::add< transfer_to_blind_operation > ::add< blind_transfer_operation > ::add< transfer_from_blind_operation > ::add< asset_settle_cancel_operation > ::add< asset_claim_fees_operation > ::add< fba_distribute_operation > ::add< bid_collateral_operation > ::add< execute_bid_operation > ::add< asset_claim_pool_operation > ::add< asset_update_issuer_operation > ::add< htlc_redeemed_operation > ::add< htlc_refund_operation > ::add_list< typelist::slice< operation::list, typelist::index_of< operation::list, custom_authority_create_operation >() > > ::finalize > |
typedef static_variant< account_name_eq_lit_predicate, asset_symbol_eq_lit_predicate, block_id_predicate > | predicate |
typedef extension< additional_asset_options > | additional_asset_options_t |
using | extendable_operation_result = extension< extendable_operation_result_dtl > |
using | operation_result = fc::static_variant< void_result, object_id_type, asset, generic_operation_result, generic_exchange_operation_result, extendable_operation_result > |
using | future_extensions = static_variant< void_t > |
using | extensions_type = future_extensions::flat_set_type |
using | fee_parameters = transform_to_fee_parameters< operation >::type |
using | fee_schedule_type = fee_schedule |
typedef fc::ripemd160 | htlc_algo_ripemd160 |
typedef fc::sha1 | htlc_algo_sha1 |
typedef fc::sha256 | htlc_algo_sha256 |
typedef fc::hash160 | htlc_algo_hash160 |
typedef fc::static_variant< htlc_algo_ripemd160, htlc_algo_sha1, htlc_algo_sha256, htlc_algo_hash160 > | htlc_hash |
using | limit_order_auto_action = static_variant< create_take_profit_order_action > |
| Automatic actions for limit orders. More...
using | operation = fc::static_variant< transfer_operation, limit_order_create_operation, limit_order_cancel_operation, call_order_update_operation, fill_order_operation, account_create_operation, account_update_operation, account_whitelist_operation, account_upgrade_operation, account_transfer_operation, asset_create_operation, asset_update_operation, asset_update_bitasset_operation, asset_update_feed_producers_operation, asset_issue_operation, asset_reserve_operation, asset_fund_fee_pool_operation, asset_settle_operation, asset_global_settle_operation, asset_publish_feed_operation, witness_create_operation, witness_update_operation, proposal_create_operation, proposal_update_operation, proposal_delete_operation, withdraw_permission_create_operation, withdraw_permission_update_operation, withdraw_permission_claim_operation, withdraw_permission_delete_operation, committee_member_create_operation, committee_member_update_operation, committee_member_update_global_parameters_operation, vesting_balance_create_operation, vesting_balance_withdraw_operation, worker_create_operation, custom_operation, assert_operation, balance_claim_operation, override_transfer_operation, transfer_to_blind_operation, blind_transfer_operation, transfer_from_blind_operation, asset_settle_cancel_operation, asset_claim_fees_operation, fba_distribute_operation, bid_collateral_operation, execute_bid_operation, asset_claim_pool_operation, asset_update_issuer_operation, htlc_create_operation, htlc_redeem_operation, htlc_redeemed_operation, htlc_extend_operation, htlc_refund_operation, custom_authority_create_operation, custom_authority_update_operation, custom_authority_delete_operation, ticket_create_operation, ticket_update_operation, liquidity_pool_create_operation, liquidity_pool_delete_operation, liquidity_pool_deposit_operation, liquidity_pool_withdraw_operation, liquidity_pool_exchange_operation, samet_fund_create_operation, samet_fund_delete_operation, samet_fund_update_operation, samet_fund_borrow_operation, samet_fund_repay_operation, credit_offer_create_operation, credit_offer_delete_operation, credit_offer_update_operation, credit_offer_accept_operation, credit_deal_repay_operation, credit_deal_expired_operation, liquidity_pool_update_operation, credit_deal_update_operation, limit_order_update_operation > |
using | restriction_predicate_function = std::function< predicate_result(const operation &)> |
| A restriction predicate is a function accepting an operation and returning a predicate_result. More...
typedef static_variant< no_special_authority, top_holders_special_authority > | special_authority |
using | rejected_predicate = static_variant< predicate_result, fc::exception > |
using | rejected_predicate_map = map< custom_authority_id_type, rejected_predicate > |
using | custom_authority_lookup = std::function< vector< authority >(account_id_type, const operation &, rejected_predicate_map *)> |
using | private_key_type = fc::ecc::private_key |
using | chain_id_type = fc::sha256 |
using | ratio_type = boost::rational< int32_t > |
using | block_id_type = fc::ripemd160 |
using | checksum_type = fc::ripemd160 |
using | transaction_id_type = fc::ripemd160 |
using | digest_type = fc::sha256 |
using | signature_type = fc::ecc::compact_signature |
using | share_type = safe< int64_t > |
using | weight_type = uint16_t |
typedef fc::static_variant< linear_vesting_policy_initializer, cdd_vesting_policy_initializer, instant_vesting_policy_initializer > | vesting_policy_initializer |
typedef static_variant< refund_worker_initializer, vesting_balance_worker_initializer, burn_worker_initializer > | worker_initializer |
bool | is_valid_name (const string &name) |
bool | is_cheap_name (const string &n) |
bool | operator== (const price &a, const price &b) |
bool | operator< (const price &a, const price &b) |
asset | operator* (const asset &a, const price &b) |
| Multiply and round down. More...
price | operator/ (const asset &base, const asset "e) |
price | operator* (const price &p, const ratio_type &r) |
price | operator/ (const price &p, const ratio_type &r) |
bool | is_valid_symbol (const string &symbol) |
void | add_authority_accounts (flat_set< account_id_type > &result, const authority &a) |
template object_restriction_predicate< share_type > | create_predicate_function (restriction_function func, restriction_argument arg) |
result_type | get_restriction_pred_list_1 (size_t idx, vector< restriction > rs) |
result_type | get_restriction_pred_list_10 (size_t idx, vector< restriction > rs) |
result_type | get_restriction_pred_list_11 (size_t idx, vector< restriction > rs) |
result_type | get_restriction_pred_list_2 (size_t idx, vector< restriction > rs) |
result_type | get_restriction_pred_list_3 (size_t idx, vector< restriction > rs) |
result_type | get_restriction_pred_list_5 (size_t idx, vector< restriction > rs) |
result_type | get_restriction_pred_list_6 (size_t idx, vector< restriction > rs) |
result_type | get_restriction_pred_list_9 (size_t idx, vector< restriction > rs) |
restriction_predicate_function | get_restriction_predicate (vector< restriction > rs, operation::tag_type op_type) |
| get_restriction_predicate Get a predicate function for the supplied restriction More...
template<typename I , typename = std::enable_if_t<std::is_integral<I>::value>> |
const auto & | to_num (const I &i) |
template<typename I > |
const auto & | to_num (const fc::safe< I > &i) |
auto | to_num (const fc::time_point_sec &t) |
template<typename Object > |
object_restriction_predicate< Object > | restrictions_to_predicate (vector< restriction >, bool) |
template<typename F , typename P , typename A , typename = std::enable_if_t<P::valid>> |
object_restriction_predicate< F > | embed_argument (P p, A a, short) |
template<typename F , typename P , typename A > |
object_restriction_predicate< F > | embed_argument (P, A, long) |
template<template< typename... > class Predicate, typename Field , typename ArgVariant > |
object_restriction_predicate< Field > | make_predicate (ArgVariant arg) |
template<typename Object , typename = std::enable_if_t<typelist::length<typename fc::reflector<Object>::native_members>() != 0>> |
object_restriction_predicate< Object > | create_field_predicate (restriction &&r, short) |
| Create a predicate asserting on the field of the object a restriction is referencing. More...
template<typename Object > |
object_restriction_predicate< Object > | create_field_predicate (restriction &&, long) |
template<typename Object > |
object_restriction_predicate< Object > | create_logical_or_predicate (vector< vector< restriction >> rs) |
bool | operator== (const address &a, const address &b) |
bool | operator!= (const address &a, const address &b) |
bool | operator< (const address &a, const address &b) |
bool | operator== (const pts_address &a, const address &b) |
bool | operator== (const address &a, const pts_address &b) |
bool | operator== (const public_key_type &a, const address &b) |
bool | operator== (const address &a, const public_key_type &b) |
price | operator~ (const price &p) |
bool | operator> (const price &a, const price &b) |
bool | operator<= (const price &a, const price &b) |
bool | operator>= (const price &a, const price &b) |
bool | operator!= (const price &a, const price &b) |
price & | operator*= (price &p, const ratio_type &r) |
price & | operator/= (price &p, const ratio_type &r) |
void | operation_get_required_authorities (const operation &op, flat_set< account_id_type > &active, flat_set< account_id_type > &owner, vector< authority > &other, bool ignore_custom_operation_required_auths) |
void | operation_validate (const operation &op) |
bool | operator== (const pts_address &a, const pts_address &b) |
bool | operator!= (const pts_address &a, const pts_address &b) |
bool | operator< (const pts_address &a, const pts_address &b) |
void | validate_special_authority (const special_authority &auth) |
void | verify_authority (const vector< operation > &ops, const flat_set< public_key_type > &sigs, const std::function< const authority *(account_id_type)> &get_active, const std::function< const authority *(account_id_type)> &get_owner, const custom_authority_lookup &get_custom, bool allow_non_immediate_owner, bool ignore_custom_operation_required_auths, uint32_t max_recursion=GRAPHENE_MAX_SIG_CHECK_DEPTH, bool allow_committee=false, const flat_set< account_id_type > &active_approvals=flat_set< account_id_type >(), const flat_set< account_id_type > &owner_approvals=flat_set< account_id_type >()) |
bool | is_relative (object_id_type o) |
| FC_IMPLEMENT_DERIVED_EXCEPTION (transaction_exception, protocol_exception, 4010000, "transaction validation exception") FC_IMPLEMENT_DERIVED_EXCEPTION(tx_missing_active_auth |
missing required active authority | FC_IMPLEMENT_DERIVED_EXCEPTION (tx_missing_owner_auth, transaction_exception, 4010002, "missing required owner authority") FC_IMPLEMENT_DERIVED_EXCEPTION(tx_missing_other_auth |
missing required active authority missing required other authority | FC_IMPLEMENT_DERIVED_EXCEPTION (tx_irrelevant_sig, transaction_exception, 4010004, "irrelevant signature included") FC_IMPLEMENT_DERIVED_EXCEPTION(tx_duplicate_sig |
bool | operator== (const public_key_type &p1, const fc::ecc::public_key &p2) |
bool | operator== (const public_key_type &p1, const public_key_type &p2) |
bool | operator!= (const public_key_type &p1, const public_key_type &p2) |
bool | operator< (const public_key_type &p1, const public_key_type &p2) |