BitShares-Core  7.0.2
BitShares blockchain node software and command-line wallet software
Namespaces | Classes | Typedefs | Enumerations | Functions | Variables
fc Namespace Reference


 defines fc wrappers for boost::asio functions.
 This namespace contains the list type, and all of the operations and queries which can be performed upon it.


class  aes_decoder
class  aes_encoder
class  api
class  api_base
class  api_connection
class  appender
struct  appender_config
class  appender_factory
class  bigint
struct  blob
class  bloom_filter
class  bloom_parameters
class  buffered_istream
 Reads data from an unbuffered stream and enables peek functionality. More...
class  buffered_ostream
class  cerr_t
struct  cin_buffer
class  cin_t
class  comma_numpunct
class  console_appender
struct  context
class  cout_t
class  datastream
class  datastream< size_t >
struct  diffie_hellman
class  directory_iterator
class  enum_type
class  exception
 Used to generate a useful error report when an exception is thrown. More...
class  exception_factory
struct  field_reflection
 A template to store compile-time information about a field in a reflected struct. More...
class  file_appender
class  file_mapping
struct  from_static_variant
class  from_variant_visitor
class  future
 a placeholder for the result of an asynchronous operation. More...
class  future< void >
class  fwd
 Used to forward declare value types. More...
class  gelf_appender
class  generic_api
struct  get_comma_separated_typenames
struct  get_comma_separated_typenames< T >
struct  get_comma_separated_typenames< T, Ts... >
struct  get_comma_separated_typenames<>
struct  get_typename
struct  get_typename< bool >
struct  get_typename< char >
struct  get_typename< const T * >
struct  get_typename< double >
struct  get_typename< fc::exception >
struct  get_typename< flat_map< T, U > >
struct  get_typename< flat_set< static_variant< Ts... >, typename static_variant< Ts... >::type_lt > >
struct  get_typename< flat_set< T > >
struct  get_typename< float >
struct  get_typename< graphene::db::object_id< SpaceID, TypeID > >
struct  get_typename< graphene::protocol::extension< T > >
struct  get_typename< hash160 >
struct  get_typename< int16_t >
struct  get_typename< int32_t >
struct  get_typename< int64_t >
struct  get_typename< int8_t >
struct  get_typename< optional< T > >
struct  get_typename< path >
struct  get_typename< static_variant< T... > >
struct  get_typename< std::array< T, N > >
struct  get_typename< std::deque< T > >
struct  get_typename< std::map< K, V > >
struct  get_typename< std::map< K, V, std::less<> > >
struct  get_typename< std::pair< A, B > >
struct  get_typename< std::set< E > >
struct  get_typename< std::shared_ptr< const graphene::protocol::fee_schedule > >
struct  get_typename< std::shared_ptr< graphene::protocol::fee_schedule > >
struct  get_typename< std::string >
struct  get_typename< std::vector< char > >
struct  get_typename< std::vector< T > >
struct  get_typename< T * >
struct  get_typename< uint160_t >
struct  get_typename< uint16_t >
struct  get_typename< uint32_t >
struct  get_typename< uint64_t >
struct  get_typename< uint8_t >
struct  get_typename< unsigned_int >
struct  get_typename< value >
struct  get_typename< variant_object >
struct  get_typename< void >
struct  get_typename< zero_initialized_array< T, N > >
struct  graphene_extension_from_variant_visitor
struct  graphene_extension_to_variant_visitor
class  hash160
class  hmac
struct  identity_member_with_optionals
struct  if_enum
struct  if_enum< T, std::enable_if_t< std::is_enum< T >::value > >
struct  if_enum< T, std::enable_if_t<!std::is_enum< T >::value > >
class  ifstream
struct  inherited_field_reflection
class  iostream
class  istream
class  json
class  limited_mutable_variant_object
class  local_api_connection
class  log_context
 provides information about where and when a log message was generated. More...
class  log_level
class  log_message
 aggregates a message along with the context and associated meta-information. More...
class  logger
struct  logger_config
struct  logging_config
class  mapped_region
class  microseconds
class  mutable_url
class  mutable_variant_object
 An order-perserving dictionary of variant's.
class  mutex
 mutex More...
class  non_preemptable_scope_check
class  ofstream
struct  openssl_scope
struct  openssl_thread_config
class  optional
 provides stack-based nullable value similar to boost::optional More...
class  ostream
class  path
 wraps boost::filesystem::path to provide platform independent path manipulation. More...
class  priority
class  promise
class  promise< void >
class  promise_base
class  rate_limiting_group
class  recursive_directory_iterator
struct  reflector
 defines visit functions for T Unless this is specialized, visit() will not be defined for T. More...
struct  reflector< graphene::db::object_id< SpaceID, TypeID > >
class  ripemd160
struct  safe
struct  safe_base
class  scoped_lock
class  serial_valve
class  sha1
class  sha224
class  sha256
class  sha512
struct  sleep_priority_less
class  spin_lock
 modified spin-lock that yields on failure, but becomes a 'spin lock' if there are no other tasks to yield to. More...
class  spin_yield_lock
 modified spin-lock that yields on failure, but becomes a 'spin lock' if there are no other tasks to yield to. More...
struct  ssl_bignum
struct  ssl_wrapper
class  static_variant
class  static_variant< typelist::list< Types... > >
class  static_variant<>
class  stringstream
class  task
class  task< void, FunctorSize >
class  task_base
class  task_specific_ptr
class  tcp_server
class  tcp_socket
class  tcp_socket_io_hooks
class  temp_directory
class  temp_file
class  temp_file_base
class  thread
class  thread_d
class  thread_idle_notifier
class  thread_specific_ptr
class  time_point
class  time_point_sec
struct  to_static_variant
class  to_variant_visitor
struct  try_to_lock_t
class  udp_socket
class  unhandled_exception
 re-thrown whenever an unhandled exception is caught. More...
class  unique_lock
struct  unsigned_int
class  url
class  variant
 stores null, int64, uint64, double, bool, string, std::vector<variant>, and variant_object's.
class  variant_object
 An order-perserving dictionary of variant's.
struct  void_t
struct  vtable
struct  vtable_copy_visitor
class  zero_initialized_array
class  zero_initialized_array< unsigned char, N >


typedef uint32_t api_id_type
typedef std::shared_ptr< api_baseapi_ptr
typedef hmac< fc::sha224hmac_sha224
typedef hmac< fc::sha256hmac_sha256
typedef hmac< fc::sha512hmac_sha512
typedef ripemd160 uint160_t
typedef ripemd160 uint160
typedef sha256 uint256
typedef fc::sha512 uint512
typedef std::shared_ptr< exceptionexception_ptr
typedef optional< exceptionoexception
typedef std::shared_ptr< buffered_istreambuffered_istream_ptr
typedef std::shared_ptr< buffered_ostreambuffered_ostream_ptr
typedef std::shared_ptr< istreamistream_ptr
typedef std::shared_ptr< ostreamostream_ptr
typedef std::vector< log_messagelog_messages
typedef std::shared_ptr< rate_limiting_grouprate_limiting_group_ptr
typedef std::shared_ptr< tcp_sockettcp_socket_ptr
typedef fc::optional< std::string > ostring
typedef fc::optional< fc::pathopath
typedef fc::optional< fc::variant_objectovariant_object
template<typename T >
using signal = boost::signals2::signal< T >
using scoped_connection = boost::signals2::scoped_connection
typedef fc::optional< time_pointotime_point
typedef std::vector< variantvariants
typedef optional< variantovariant


enum  exception_code {
  unspecified_exception_code = 0, unhandled_exception_code = 1, timeout_exception_code = 2, file_not_found_exception_code = 3,
  parse_error_exception_code = 4, invalid_arg_exception_code = 5, key_not_found_exception_code = 6, bad_cast_exception_code = 7,
  out_of_range_exception_code = 8, canceled_exception_code = 9, assert_exception_code = 10, eof_exception_code = 11,
  std_exception_code = 13, invalid_operation_exception_code = 14, unknown_host_exception_code = 15, null_optional_code = 16,
  aes_error_code = 18, overflow_code = 19, underflow_code = 20, divide_by_zero_code = 21,
  method_not_found_exception_code = 22
enum  mode_t { read_only, write_only, read_write }


bloom_filter operator& (const bloom_filter &a, const bloom_filter &b)
bloom_filter operator| (const bloom_filter &a, const bloom_filter &b)
bloom_filter operator^ (const bloom_filter &a, const bloom_filter &b)
std::string zlib_compress (const std::string &in)
template<typename T , typename... A>
void to_variant (const flat_set< T, A... > &var, variant &vo, uint32_t _max_depth)
template<typename T , typename... A>
void from_variant (const variant &var, flat_set< T, A... > &vo, uint32_t _max_depth)
template<typename K , typename... T>
void to_variant (const flat_map< K, T... > &var, variant &vo, uint32_t _max_depth)
template<typename K , typename T , typename... A>
void from_variant (const variant &var, flat_map< K, T, A... > &vo, uint32_t _max_depth)
template<size_t N>
void to_variant (const zero_initialized_array< unsigned char, N > &bi, variant &v, uint32_t max_depth=1)
template<size_t N>
void from_variant (const variant &v, zero_initialized_array< unsigned char, N > &bi, uint32_t max_depth=1)
unsigned aes_encrypt (unsigned char *plaintext, int plaintext_len, unsigned char *key, unsigned char *iv, unsigned char *ciphertext)
unsigned aes_decrypt (unsigned char *ciphertext, int ciphertext_len, unsigned char *key, unsigned char *iv, unsigned char *plaintext)
unsigned aes_cfb_decrypt (unsigned char *ciphertext, int ciphertext_len, unsigned char *key, unsigned char *iv, unsigned char *plaintext)
std::vector< char > aes_encrypt (const fc::sha512 &key, const std::vector< char > &plain_text)
std::vector< char > aes_decrypt (const fc::sha512 &key, const std::vector< char > &cipher_text)
void aes_save (const fc::path &file, const fc::sha512 &key, std::vector< char > plain_text)
std::vector< char > aes_load (const fc::path &file, const fc::sha512 &key)
std::string to_base58 (const char *d, size_t s)
std::string to_base58 (const std::vector< char > &data)
std::vector< char > from_base58 (const std::string &base58_str)
size_t from_base58 (const std::string &base58_str, char *out_data, size_t out_data_len)
std::string base64_encode (unsigned char const *bytes_to_encode, unsigned int in_len)
std::string base64_encode (char const *bytes_to_encode, unsigned int in_len)
std::string base64_encode (const std::string &enc)
std::string base64_decode (const std::string &encoded_string)
void to_variant (const bigint &bi, variant &v, uint32_t max_depth=1)
void from_variant (const variant &v, bigint &bi, uint32_t max_depth=1)
uint64_t city_hash64 (const char *buf, size_t len)
uint32_t city_hash32 (const char *buf, size_t len)
size_t city_hash_size_t (const char *buf, size_t len)
uint128_t city_hash_crc_128 (const char *s, size_t len)
template<typename T >
fc::sha256 digest (const T &value)
void to_variant (const ecc::private_key &var, variant &vo, uint32_t max_depth)
void from_variant (const variant &var, ecc::private_key &vo, uint32_t max_depth)
void to_variant (const ecc::public_key &var, variant &vo, uint32_t max_depth)
void from_variant (const variant &var, ecc::public_key &vo, uint32_t max_depth)
void to_variant (const hash160 &bi, variant &v, uint32_t max_depth)
void from_variant (const variant &v, hash160 &bi, uint32_t max_depth)
uint8_t from_hex (char c)
std::string to_hex (const char *d, uint32_t s)
std::string to_hex (const std::vector< char > &data)
size_t from_hex (const std::string &hex_str, char *out_data, size_t out_data_len)
void store_configuration_path (const path &filePath)
int init_openssl ()
void rand_bytes (char *buf, int count)
void to_variant (const ripemd160 &bi, variant &v, uint32_t max_depth)
void from_variant (const variant &v, ripemd160 &bi, uint32_t max_depth)
void to_variant (const sha1 &bi, variant &v, uint32_t max_depth)
void from_variant (const variant &v, sha1 &bi, uint32_t max_depth)
void to_variant (const sha224 &bi, variant &v, uint32_t max_depth)
void from_variant (const variant &v, sha224 &bi, uint32_t max_depth)
void to_variant (const sha256 &bi, variant &v, uint32_t max_depth)
void from_variant (const variant &v, sha256 &bi, uint32_t max_depth)
void to_variant (const sha512 &bi, variant &v, uint32_t max_depth)
void from_variant (const variant &v, sha512 &bi, uint32_t max_depth)
void to_variant (const exception &e, variant &v, uint32_t max_depth)
void from_variant (const variant &e, exception &ll, uint32_t max_depth)
template<typename T >
fc::exception_ptr copy_exception (T &&e)
 FC_DECLARE_EXCEPTION (timeout_exception, timeout_exception_code)
 FC_DECLARE_EXCEPTION (file_not_found_exception, file_not_found_exception_code)
 FC_DECLARE_EXCEPTION (parse_error_exception, parse_error_exception_code)
 reports parse errors More...
 FC_DECLARE_EXCEPTION (invalid_arg_exception, invalid_arg_exception_code)
 FC_DECLARE_EXCEPTION (key_not_found_exception, key_not_found_exception_code)
 reports when a key, guid, or other item is not found. More...
 FC_DECLARE_EXCEPTION (bad_cast_exception, bad_cast_exception_code)
 FC_DECLARE_EXCEPTION (out_of_range_exception, out_of_range_exception_code)
 FC_DECLARE_EXCEPTION (method_not_found_exception, method_not_found_exception_code)
 FC_DECLARE_EXCEPTION (invalid_operation_exception, invalid_operation_exception_code)
 if an operation is unsupported or not valid this may be thrown More...
 FC_DECLARE_EXCEPTION (unknown_host_exception, unknown_host_exception_code)
 if an host name can not be resolved this may be thrown More...
 FC_DECLARE_EXCEPTION (canceled_exception, canceled_exception_code)
 used to report a canceled Operation More...
 FC_DECLARE_EXCEPTION (assert_exception, assert_exception_code)
 used inplace of assert() to report violations of pre conditions. More...
 FC_DECLARE_EXCEPTION (eof_exception, eof_exception_code)
 FC_DECLARE_EXCEPTION (null_optional, null_optional_code)
 FC_DECLARE_EXCEPTION (aes_exception, aes_error_code)
 FC_DECLARE_EXCEPTION (overflow_exception, overflow_code)
 FC_DECLARE_EXCEPTION (underflow_exception, underflow_code)
 FC_DECLARE_EXCEPTION (divide_by_zero_exception, divide_by_zero_code)
std::string except_str ()
void record_assert_trip (const char *filename, uint32_t lineno, const char *expr)
bool exists (const path &p)
bool is_directory (const path &p)
bool is_regular_file (const path &p)
void create_directories (const path &p)
void remove_all (const path &p)
path absolute (const path &p)
path make_relative (const path &from, const path &to)
path canonical (const path &p)
uint64_t file_size (const path &p)
uint64_t directory_size (const path &p)
bool remove (const path &p)
void copy (const path &from, const path &to)
void rename (const path &from, const path &to)
void resize_file (const path &file, size_t s)
void chmod (const path &p, int perm)
void create_hard_link (const path &from, const path &to)
path unique_path ()
path temp_directory_path ()
const pathhome_path ()
const pathapp_path ()
const fc::pathcurrent_path ()
void to_variant (const fc::path &, fc::variant &, uint32_t max_depth=1)
void from_variant (const fc::variant &, fc::path &, uint32_t max_depth=1)
template<typename T , unsigned int S, typename U , typename A >
auto operator+ (const fwd< T, S, A > &x, U &&u) -> typename detail::add< T, U >::type
template<typename T , unsigned int S, typename U , typename A >
auto operator- (const fwd< T, S, A > &x, U &&u) -> typename detail::sub< T, U >::type
template<typename T , unsigned int S, typename U , typename A >
auto operator<< (U &u, const fwd< T, S, A > &f) -> typename detail::insert_op< U, T >::type
template<typename T , unsigned int S, typename U , typename A >
auto operator>> (U &u, fwd< T, S, A > &f) -> typename detail::extract_op< U, T >::type
template<uint64_t RequiredSize, uint64_t ProvidedSize>
void check_size ()
std::shared_ptr< boost::asio::signal_set > set_signal_handler (std::function< void(int)> handler, int signal_num)
template<typename IntType , typename EnumType >
void to_variant (const enum_type< IntType, EnumType > &var, variant &vo, uint32_t max_depth=1)
template<typename IntType , typename EnumType >
void from_variant (const variant &var, enum_type< IntType, EnumType > &vo, uint32_t max_depth)
void read_file_contents (const fc::path &filename, std::string &result)
fc::istreamgetline (fc::istream &, std::string &, char delim='\n')
template<size_t N>
ostreamoperator<< (ostream &o, char(&array)[N])
ostreamoperator<< (ostream &o, char)
ostreamoperator<< (ostream &o, const char *v)
ostreamoperator<< (ostream &o, const std::string &v)
ostreamoperator<< (ostream &o, const double &v)
ostreamoperator<< (ostream &o, const float &v)
ostreamoperator<< (ostream &o, const int64_t &v)
ostreamoperator<< (ostream &o, const uint64_t &v)
ostreamoperator<< (ostream &o, const int32_t &v)
ostreamoperator<< (ostream &o, const uint32_t &v)
ostreamoperator<< (ostream &o, const int16_t &v)
ostreamoperator<< (ostream &o, const uint16_t &v)
ostreamoperator<< (ostream &o, const int8_t &v)
ostreamoperator<< (ostream &o, const uint8_t &v)
ostreamoperator<< (ostream &o, const size_t &v)
istreamoperator>> (istream &o, std::string &v)
istreamoperator>> (istream &o, char &v)
istreamoperator>> (istream &o, double &v)
istreamoperator>> (istream &o, float &v)
istreamoperator>> (istream &o, int64_t &v)
istreamoperator>> (istream &o, uint64_t &v)
istreamoperator>> (istream &o, int32_t &v)
istreamoperator>> (istream &o, uint32_t &v)
istreamoperator>> (istream &o, int16_t &v)
istreamoperator>> (istream &o, uint16_t &v)
istreamoperator>> (istream &o, int8_t &v)
istreamoperator>> (istream &o, uint8_t &v)
void to_variant (const unsigned_int &var, variant &vo, uint32_t max_depth=1)
void from_variant (const variant &var, unsigned_int &vo, uint32_t max_depth=1)
void to_variant (log_level e, variant &v, uint32_t max_depth=1)
void from_variant (const variant &e, log_level &ll, uint32_t max_depth=1)
void to_variant (const log_context &l, variant &v, uint32_t max_depth)
void from_variant (const variant &l, log_context &c, uint32_t max_depth)
void to_variant (const log_message &l, variant &v, uint32_t max_depth)
void from_variant (const variant &l, log_message &c, uint32_t max_depth)
void configure_logging (const fc::path &log_config)
bool configure_logging (const logging_config &l)
void to_variant (const ip::endpoint &var, variant &vo, uint32_t _max_depth=2)
void from_variant (const variant &var, ip::endpoint &vo, uint32_t _max_depth=2)
void to_variant (const ip::address &var, variant &vo, uint32_t _max_depth=1)
void from_variant (const variant &var, ip::address &vo, uint32_t _max_depth=1)
std::vector< fc::ip::endpointresolve (const std::string &host, uint16_t port)
void to_variant (const url &u, fc::variant &v, uint32_t max_depth=1)
void from_variant (const fc::variant &v, url &u, uint32_t max_depth=1)
bool assert_optional (bool is_valid)
template<typename T >
bool operator== (const optional< T > &left, const optional< T > &right)
template<typename T , typename U >
bool operator== (const optional< T > &left, const U &u)
template<typename T >
bool operator!= (const optional< T > &left, const optional< T > &right)
template<typename T , typename U >
bool operator!= (const optional< T > &left, const U &u)
uint8_t popcount (uint64_t v)
uint8_t popcount (const fc::uint128_t &v)
void throw_bad_enum_cast (int64_t i, const char *e)
void throw_bad_enum_cast (const char *k, const char *e)
template<typename T >
void to_variant (const T &o, variant &v, uint32_t max_depth)
template<typename T >
void from_variant (const variant &v, T &o, uint32_t max_depth)
template<typename T >
wait (boost::signals2::signal< void(T)> &sig, const microseconds &timeout_us=microseconds::maximum())
void wait (boost::signals2::signal< void()> &sig, const microseconds &timeout_us=microseconds::maximum())
void print_stacktrace (std::ostream &out)
void print_stacktrace_on_segfault ()
template<typename... T>
void to_variant (const fc::static_variant< T... > &s, fc::variant &v, uint32_t max_depth)
template<typename... T>
void from_variant (const fc::variant &v, fc::static_variant< T... > &s, uint32_t max_depth)
int64_t to_int64 (const std::string &)
uint64_t to_uint64 (const std::string &)
double to_double (const std::string &)
std::string to_string (double)
std::string to_string (uint64_t)
std::string to_string (int64_t)
std::string to_string (uint16_t)
std::string to_pretty_string (int64_t)
std::string to_string (int32_t v)
std::string to_string (uint32_t v)
std::string format_string (const std::string &, const variant_object &, uint32_t max_object_depth=200)
std::string trim (const std::string &)
std::string to_lower (const std::string &)
string trim_and_normalize_spaces (const string &s)
uint64_t parse_size (const string &s)
template<typename Functor >
auto do_parallel (Functor &&f, const char *desc FC_TASK_NAME_DEFAULT_ARG) -> fc::future< decltype(f())>
void yield ()
void usleep (const microseconds &u)
void sleep_until (const time_point &tp)
void exec ()
template<typename T1 , typename T2 >
int wait_any (const fc::future< T1 > &f1, const fc::future< T2 > &f2, const microseconds timeout_us=microseconds::maximum())
int wait_any (std::vector< promise_base::ptr > &&v, const microseconds &timeout_us=microseconds::maximum())
int wait_any_until (std::vector< promise_base::ptr > &&v, const time_point &tp)
template<typename Functor >
auto async (Functor &&f, const char *desc FC_TASK_NAME_DEFAULT_ARG, priority prio=priority()) -> fc::future< decltype(f())>
template<typename Functor >
auto schedule (Functor &&f, const fc::time_point &t, const char *desc FC_TASK_NAME_DEFAULT_ARG, priority prio=priority()) -> fc::future< decltype(f())>
template<typename Functor >
auto sync_call (thread *t, Functor &&f, const char *desc FC_TASK_NAME_DEFAULT_ARG, priority prio=priority()) -> decltype(f())
microseconds seconds (int64_t s)
microseconds milliseconds (int64_t s)
microseconds minutes (int64_t m)
microseconds hours (int64_t h)
microseconds days (int64_t d)
void to_variant (const fc::microseconds &, fc::variant &, uint32_t max_depth=1)
void from_variant (const fc::variant &, fc::microseconds &, uint32_t max_depth=1)
std::string get_approximate_relative_time_string (const time_point_sec &event_time, const time_point_sec &relative_to_time=fc::time_point::now(), const std::string &ago=" ago")
std::string get_approximate_relative_time_string (const time_point &event_time, const time_point &relative_to_time=fc::time_point::now(), const std::string &ago=" ago")
uint64_t uint128_lo64 (const uint128_t &x)
uint64_t uint128_hi64 (const uint128_t &x)
uint128_t uint128 (const uint64_t hi, const uint64_t lo)
std::string prune_invalid_utf8 (const std::string &str)
bool is_utf8 (const std::string &str)
void decodeUtf8 (const std::string &input, std::wstring *storage)
void encodeUtf8 (const std::wstring &input, std::string *storage)
void throw_assertion_failure (const std::string &message)
void to_variant (const blob &var, variant &vo, uint32_t max_depth=1)
void from_variant (const variant &var, blob &vo, uint32_t max_depth=1)
template<typename T , typename... Args>
void to_variant (const boost::multi_index_container< T, Args... > &s, variant &v, uint32_t max_depth)
template<typename T , typename... Args>
void from_variant (const variant &v, boost::multi_index_container< T, Args... > &s, uint32_t max_depth)
template<typename T >
void to_variant (const safe< T > &s, variant &v, uint32_t max_depth)
template<typename T >
void from_variant (const variant &v, safe< T > &s, uint32_t max_depth)
template<typename T >
void to_variant (const std::unique_ptr< T > &s, variant &v, uint32_t max_depth)
template<typename T >
void from_variant (const variant &v, std::unique_ptr< T > &s, uint32_t max_depth)
void to_variant (const uint8_t &var, variant &vo, uint32_t max_depth=1)
void from_variant (const variant &var, uint8_t &vo, uint32_t max_depth=1)
void to_variant (const int8_t &var, variant &vo, uint32_t max_depth=1)
void from_variant (const variant &var, int8_t &vo, uint32_t max_depth=1)
void to_variant (const uint16_t &var, variant &vo, uint32_t max_depth=1)
void from_variant (const variant &var, uint16_t &vo, uint32_t max_depth=1)
void to_variant (const int16_t &var, variant &vo, uint32_t max_depth=1)
void from_variant (const variant &var, int16_t &vo, uint32_t max_depth=1)
void to_variant (const uint32_t &var, variant &vo, uint32_t max_depth=1)
void from_variant (const variant &var, uint32_t &vo, uint32_t max_depth=1)
void to_variant (const int32_t &var, variant &vo, uint32_t max_depth=1)
void from_variant (const variant &var, int32_t &vo, uint32_t max_depth=1)
void to_variant (const uint64_t &var, variant &vo, uint32_t max_depth=1)
void to_variant (const int64_t &var, variant &vo, uint32_t max_depth=1)
void to_variant (const bool &var, variant &vo, uint32_t max_depth=1)
void to_variant (const variant_object &var, variant &vo, uint32_t max_depth)
void from_variant (const variant &var, variant_object &vo, uint32_t max_depth)
void to_variant (const mutable_variant_object &var, variant &vo, uint32_t max_depth)
void from_variant (const variant &var, mutable_variant_object &vo, uint32_t max_depth)
void to_variant (const std::vector< char > &var, variant &vo, uint32_t max_depth=1)
void from_variant (const variant &var, std::vector< char > &vo, uint32_t max_depth=1)
template<typename K , typename T >
void to_variant (const std::unordered_map< K, T > &var, variant &vo, uint32_t max_depth)
template<typename K , typename T >
void from_variant (const variant &var, std::unordered_map< K, T > &vo, uint32_t max_depth)
template<typename K , typename... T>
void to_variant (const std::map< K, T... > &var, variant &vo, uint32_t max_depth)
template<typename K , typename T , typename... A>
void from_variant (const variant &var, std::map< K, T, A... > &vo, uint32_t max_depth)
template<typename K , typename T >
void to_variant (const std::multimap< K, T > &var, variant &vo, uint32_t max_depth)
template<typename K , typename T >
void from_variant (const variant &var, std::multimap< K, T > &vo, uint32_t max_depth)
template<typename T >
void to_variant (const std::unordered_set< T > &var, variant &vo, uint32_t max_depth)
template<typename T >
void from_variant (const variant &var, std::unordered_set< T > &vo, uint32_t max_depth)
template<typename T >
void to_variant (const std::deque< T > &var, variant &vo, uint32_t max_depth)
template<typename T >
void from_variant (const variant &var, std::deque< T > &vo, uint32_t max_depth)
template<typename T >
void to_variant (const std::set< T > &var, variant &vo, uint32_t max_depth)
template<typename T >
void from_variant (const variant &var, std::set< T > &vo, uint32_t max_depth)
void to_variant (const time_point &var, variant &vo, uint32_t max_depth)
void from_variant (const variant &var, time_point &vo, uint32_t max_depth)
void to_variant (const time_point_sec &var, variant &vo, uint32_t max_depth)
void from_variant (const variant &var, time_point_sec &vo, uint32_t max_depth)
void to_variant (const uint128_t &var, variant &vo, uint32_t max_depth=1)
void from_variant (const variant &var, uint128_t &vo, uint32_t max_depth=1)
void to_variant (long long int s, variant &v, uint32_t max_depth=1)
void to_variant (unsigned long long int s, variant &v, uint32_t max_depth=1)
void to_variant (const std::string &s, variant &v, uint32_t max_depth=1)
template<typename T >
void to_variant (const std::shared_ptr< T > &var, variant &vo, uint32_t max_depth)
template<typename T >
void from_variant (const variant &var, std::shared_ptr< T > &vo, uint32_t max_depth)
template<typename A , typename B >
void to_variant (const std::pair< A, B > &t, variant &v, uint32_t max_depth)
template<typename A , typename B >
void from_variant (const variant &v, std::pair< A, B > &p, uint32_t max_depth)
template<boost::endian::order O, class T , std::size_t N, boost::endian::align A>
void to_variant (const boost::endian::endian_buffer< O, T, N, A > &var, variant &vo, uint32_t max_depth)
template<boost::endian::order O, class T , std::size_t N, boost::endian::align A>
void from_variant (const variant &var, boost::endian::endian_buffer< O, T, N, A > &vo, uint32_t max_depth)
void from_variant (const variant &var, std::string &vo, uint32_t max_depth=1)
void from_variant (const variant &var, variants &vo, uint32_t max_depth)
void from_variant (const variant &var, variant &vo, uint32_t max_depth)
void from_variant (const variant &var, int64_t &vo, uint32_t max_depth=1)
void from_variant (const variant &var, uint64_t &vo, uint32_t max_depth=1)
void from_variant (const variant &var, bool &vo, uint32_t max_depth=1)
void from_variant (const variant &var, double &vo, uint32_t max_depth=1)
void from_variant (const variant &var, float &vo, uint32_t max_depth=1)
template<typename T >
void from_variant (const variant &var, optional< T > &vo, uint32_t max_depth)
template<typename T >
void from_variant (const variant &var, std::vector< T > &dest, uint32_t max_depth)
template<typename T >
void to_variant (const std::vector< T > &t, variant &v, uint32_t max_depth)
template<size_t N>
void to_variant (const std::array< char, N > &bi, variant &v, uint32_t max_depth=1)
template<size_t N>
void from_variant (const variant &v, std::array< char, N > &bi, uint32_t max_depth=1)
template<size_t N>
void to_variant (const std::array< unsigned char, N > &bi, variant &v, uint32_t max_depth=1)
template<size_t N>
void from_variant (const variant &v, std::array< unsigned char, N > &bi, uint32_t max_depth=1)
variant operator+ (const variant &a, const variant &b)
variant operator- (const variant &a, const variant &b)
variant operator* (const variant &a, const variant &b)
variant operator/ (const variant &a, const variant &b)
bool operator== (const variant &a, const variant &b)
bool operator!= (const variant &a, const variant &b)
bool operator< (const variant &a, const variant &b)
bool operator> (const variant &a, const variant &b)
bool operator! (const variant &a)
const std::string & base64_chars ()
uint64_t Hash128to64 (const uint128_t &x)
uint64_t CityHash64WithSeeds (const char *s, size_t len, uint64_t seed0, uint64_t seed1)
uint64_t CityHash64WithSeed (const char *s, size_t len, uint64_t seed)
uint128_t CityMurmur (const char *s, size_t len, uint128_t seed)
uint128_t CityHash128WithSeed (const char *s, size_t len, uint128_t seed)
uint128_t city_hash128 (const char *s, size_t len)
void CityHashCrc256 (const char *s, size_t len, uint64_t *result)
array< uint64_t, 4 > city_hash_crc_256 (const char *s, size_t len)
uint128_t CityHashCrc128WithSeed (const char *s, size_t len, uint128_t seed)
hash160 operator<< (const hash160 &h1, uint32_t i)
hash160 operator^ (const hash160 &h1, const hash160 &h2)
bool operator>= (const hash160 &h1, const hash160 &h2)
bool operator> (const hash160 &h1, const hash160 &h2)
bool operator< (const hash160 &h1, const hash160 &h2)
bool operator!= (const hash160 &h1, const hash160 &h2)
bool operator== (const hash160 &h1, const hash160 &h2)
ripemd160 operator<< (const ripemd160 &h1, uint32_t i)
ripemd160 operator^ (const ripemd160 &h1, const ripemd160 &h2)
bool operator>= (const ripemd160 &h1, const ripemd160 &h2)
bool operator> (const ripemd160 &h1, const ripemd160 &h2)
bool operator< (const ripemd160 &h1, const ripemd160 &h2)
bool operator!= (const ripemd160 &h1, const ripemd160 &h2)
bool operator== (const ripemd160 &h1, const ripemd160 &h2)
sha1 operator<< (const sha1 &h1, uint32_t i)
sha1 operator^ (const sha1 &h1, const sha1 &h2)
bool operator>= (const sha1 &h1, const sha1 &h2)
bool operator> (const sha1 &h1, const sha1 &h2)
bool operator< (const sha1 &h1, const sha1 &h2)
bool operator!= (const sha1 &h1, const sha1 &h2)
bool operator== (const sha1 &h1, const sha1 &h2)
sha224 operator<< (const sha224 &h1, uint32_t i)
sha224 operator^ (const sha224 &h1, const sha224 &h2)
bool operator>= (const sha224 &h1, const sha224 &h2)
bool operator> (const sha224 &h1, const sha224 &h2)
bool operator< (const sha224 &h1, const sha224 &h2)
bool operator!= (const sha224 &h1, const sha224 &h2)
bool operator== (const sha224 &h1, const sha224 &h2)
sha256 operator<< (const sha256 &h1, uint32_t i)
sha256 operator>> (const sha256 &h1, uint32_t i)
sha256 operator^ (const sha256 &h1, const sha256 &h2)
bool operator>= (const sha256 &h1, const sha256 &h2)
bool operator> (const sha256 &h1, const sha256 &h2)
bool operator< (const sha256 &h1, const sha256 &h2)
bool operator!= (const sha256 &h1, const sha256 &h2)
bool operator== (const sha256 &h1, const sha256 &h2)
sha512 operator<< (const sha512 &h1, uint32_t i)
sha512 operator^ (const sha512 &h1, const sha512 &h2)
bool operator>= (const sha512 &h1, const sha512 &h2)
bool operator> (const sha512 &h1, const sha512 &h2)
bool operator< (const sha512 &h1, const sha512 &h2)
bool operator!= (const sha512 &h1, const sha512 &h2)
bool operator== (const sha512 &h1, const sha512 &h2)
 FC_IMPLEMENT_EXCEPTION (method_not_found_exception, method_not_found_exception_code, "Method Not Found")
() file_not_found_exception() parse_error_exception() invalid_arg_exception() invalid_operation_exception() key_not_found_exception() bad_cast_exception() out_of_range_exception() canceled_exception() assert_exception() eof_exception() unknown_host_exception() null_optional() aes_exception() overflow_exception() underflow_exception (divide_by_zero_exception)) namespace detail
bool operator< (const fc::path &l, const fc::path &r)
bool operator== (const fc::path &l, const fc::path &r)
bool operator!= (const fc::path &l, const fc::path &r)
path operator/ (const fc::path &p, const fc::path &o)
bool operator== (const directory_iterator &r, const directory_iterator &l)
bool operator!= (const directory_iterator &r, const directory_iterator &l)
bool operator== (const recursive_directory_iterator &r, const recursive_directory_iterator &l)
bool operator!= (const recursive_directory_iterator &r, const recursive_directory_iterator &l)
cin_bufferget_cin_buffer ()
fc::threadcin_thread ()
template<typename T , json::parse_type parser_type>
variant variant_from_stream (T &in, uint32_t max_depth)
template<typename T >
char parseEscape (T &in)
template<typename T >
std::string stringFromStream (T &in)
template<typename T >
bool skip_white_space (T &in)
template<typename T >
std::string stringFromToken (T &in)
template<typename T >
variant_object objectFromStreamBase (T &in, std::function< std::string(T &)> &get_key, std::function< variant(T &)> &get_value)
template<typename T , json::parse_type parser_type>
variant_object objectFromStream (T &in, uint32_t max_depth)
template<typename T >
variants arrayFromStreamBase (T &in, std::function< variant(T &)> &get_value)
template<typename T , json::parse_type parser_type>
variants arrayFromStream (T &in, uint32_t max_depth)
template<typename T , json::parse_type parser_type>
variant number_from_stream (T &in)
template<typename T >
variant token_from_stream (T &in)
void escape_string (const string &str, ostream &os)
 Escape a string. More...
template<typename T >
void to_stream (T &os, const variants &a, json::output_formatting format, uint32_t max_depth)
template<typename T >
void to_stream (T &os, const variant_object &o, json::output_formatting format, uint32_t max_depth)
template<typename T >
void to_stream (T &os, const variant &v, json::output_formatting format, uint32_t max_depth)
std::string pretty_print (const std::string &v, uint8_t indent)
std::unordered_map< std::string, appender::ptr > & get_appender_map ()
std::unordered_map< std::string, appender_factory::ptr > & get_appender_factory_map ()
boost::mutex & log_mutex ()
bool operator== (const logger &l, std::nullptr_t)
bool operator!= (const logger &l, std::nullptr_t)
std::unordered_map< std::string, logger > & get_logger_map ()
boost::asio::ip::udp::endpoint to_asio_ep (const fc::ip::endpoint &e)
fc::ip::endpoint to_fc_ep (const boost::asio::ip::udp::endpoint &e)
std::shared_ptr< detail::url_implget_null_url ()
string format_string (const string &format, const variant_object &args, uint32_t max_object_depth)
const char * thread_name ()
void * thread_ptr ()
thread *& current_thread ()
string prune_invalid_utf8 (const string &str)
void set_variant_type (variant *v, variant::type_id t)
void from_variant (const variant &var, string &vo, uint32_t max_depth)
bool operator<= (const variant &a, const variant &b)
void to_variant (const graphene::protocol::address &var, variant &vo, uint32_t max_depth)
void from_variant (const variant &var, graphene::protocol::address &vo, uint32_t max_depth)
template<typename T >
void from_variant (const fc::variant &var, graphene::protocol::extension< T > &value, uint32_t max_depth)
template<typename T >
void to_variant (const graphene::protocol::extension< T > &value, fc::variant &var, uint32_t max_depth)
void to_variant (const graphene::db::object_id_type &var, fc::variant &vo, uint32_t max_depth=1)
void from_variant (const fc::variant &var, graphene::db::object_id_type &vo, uint32_t max_depth=1)
template<uint8_t SpaceID, uint8_t TypeID>
void to_variant (const graphene::db::object_id< SpaceID, TypeID > &var, fc::variant &vo, uint32_t max_depth=1)
template<uint8_t SpaceID, uint8_t TypeID>
void from_variant (const fc::variant &var, graphene::db::object_id< SpaceID, TypeID > &vo, uint32_t max_depth=1)
void to_variant (const graphene::protocol::pts_address &var, fc::variant &vo, uint32_t max_depth=1)
void from_variant (const fc::variant &var, graphene::protocol::pts_address &vo, uint32_t max_depth=1)
void to_variant (const graphene::protocol::public_key_type &var, fc::variant &vo, uint32_t max_depth=2)
void from_variant (const fc::variant &var, graphene::protocol::public_key_type &vo, uint32_t max_depth=2)
void from_variant (const fc::variant &var, std::shared_ptr< const graphene::protocol::fee_schedule > &vo, uint32_t max_depth=2)
void to_variant (const graphene::protocol::vote_id_type &var, fc::variant &vo, uint32_t max_depth=1)
void from_variant (const fc::variant &var, graphene::protocol::vote_id_type &vo, uint32_t max_depth=1)
void to_variant (const account_multi_index_type &accts, variant &vo, uint32_t max_depth)
void from_variant (const variant &var, account_multi_index_type &vo, uint32_t max_depth)


const typedef variant_objectconst_variant_object_ptr
const typedef variantsconst_variants_ptr
const typedef blobconst_blob_ptr
const typedef string * const_string_ptr
bool enable_record_assert_trip = false
const char *const git_revision_sha
const uint32_t git_revision_unix_timestamp
cout_tcout = *cout_ptr
cerr_tcerr = *cerr_ptr
cin_tcin = *cin_ptr
std::shared_ptr< cin_tcin_ptr = std::make_shared<cin_t>()
std::shared_ptr< cout_tcout_ptr = std::make_shared<cout_t>()
std::shared_ptr< cerr_tcerr_ptr = std::make_shared<cerr_t>()
openssl_thread_config openssl_thread_config_manager
bool do_default_config = configure_logging( logging_config::default_config() )

Typedef Documentation

◆ api_id_type

typedef uint32_t fc::api_id_type

Definition at line 122 of file api.hpp.

◆ api_ptr

typedef std::shared_ptr< api_base > fc::api_ptr

Definition at line 140 of file api.hpp.

◆ buffered_istream_ptr

typedef std::shared_ptr<buffered_istream> fc::buffered_istream_ptr

Definition at line 46 of file buffered_iostream.hpp.

◆ buffered_ostream_ptr

typedef std::shared_ptr<buffered_ostream> fc::buffered_ostream_ptr

Definition at line 72 of file buffered_iostream.hpp.

◆ exception_ptr

typedef std::shared_ptr<exception> fc::exception_ptr

Definition at line 131 of file exception.hpp.

◆ hmac_sha224

Definition at line 57 of file hmac.hpp.

◆ hmac_sha256

Definition at line 58 of file hmac.hpp.

◆ hmac_sha512

Definition at line 59 of file hmac.hpp.

◆ istream_ptr

typedef std::shared_ptr<istream> fc::istream_ptr

Definition at line 35 of file iostream.hpp.

◆ log_messages

typedef std::vector<log_message> fc::log_messages

Definition at line 134 of file log_message.hpp.

◆ oexception

Definition at line 133 of file exception.hpp.

◆ opath

Definition at line 11 of file url.hpp.

◆ ostream_ptr

typedef std::shared_ptr<ostream> fc::ostream_ptr

Definition at line 59 of file iostream.hpp.

◆ ostring

typedef fc::optional< std::string > fc::ostring

Definition at line 10 of file url.hpp.

◆ otime_point

Definition at line 125 of file time.hpp.

◆ ovariant

Definition at line 377 of file variant.hpp.

◆ ovariant_object

Definition at line 12 of file url.hpp.

◆ rate_limiting_group_ptr

Definition at line 38 of file rate_limiting.hpp.

◆ scoped_connection

using fc::scoped_connection = typedef boost::signals2::scoped_connection

Definition at line 22 of file signals.hpp.

◆ signal

template<typename T >
using fc::signal = typedef boost::signals2::signal<T>

Definition at line 20 of file signals.hpp.

◆ tcp_socket_ptr

typedef std::shared_ptr<tcp_socket> fc::tcp_socket_ptr

Definition at line 67 of file tcp_socket.hpp.

◆ uint160

Definition at line 93 of file ripemd160.hpp.

◆ uint160_t

Definition at line 92 of file ripemd160.hpp.

◆ uint256

Definition at line 88 of file sha256.hpp.

◆ uint512

Definition at line 84 of file sha512.hpp.

◆ variants

typedef std::vector<variant> fc::variants

Definition at line 170 of file variant.hpp.

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ exception_code


for exceptions we threw that don't have an assigned code


for unhandled 3rd party exceptions


timeout exceptions


Definition at line 16 of file exception.hpp.

◆ mode_t

enum fc::mode_t

Definition at line 13 of file file_mapping.hpp.

Function Documentation

◆ absolute()

fc::path fc::absolute ( const path p)

Definition at line 341 of file filesystem.cpp.

◆ aes_cfb_decrypt()

unsigned fc::aes_cfb_decrypt ( unsigned char *  ciphertext,
int  ciphertext_len,
unsigned char *  key,
unsigned char *  iv,
unsigned char *  plaintext 

Definition at line 279 of file aes.cpp.

◆ aes_decrypt() [1/2]

std::vector< char > fc::aes_decrypt ( const fc::sha512 key,
const std::vector< char > &  cipher_text 

Definition at line 339 of file aes.cpp.

◆ aes_decrypt() [2/2]

unsigned fc::aes_decrypt ( unsigned char *  ciphertext,
int  ciphertext_len,
unsigned char *  key,
unsigned char *  iv,
unsigned char *  plaintext 

Definition at line 230 of file aes.cpp.

◆ aes_encrypt() [1/2]

std::vector< char > fc::aes_encrypt ( const fc::sha512 key,
const std::vector< char > &  plain_text 

Definition at line 328 of file aes.cpp.

◆ aes_encrypt() [2/2]

unsigned fc::aes_encrypt ( unsigned char *  plaintext,
int  plaintext_len,
unsigned char *  key,
unsigned char *  iv,
unsigned char *  ciphertext 

example method from

Definition at line 181 of file aes.cpp.

◆ aes_load()

std::vector< char > fc::aes_load ( const fc::path file,
const fc::sha512 key 

recovers the plain_text saved via aes_save()

Definition at line 369 of file aes.cpp.

◆ aes_save()

void fc::aes_save ( const fc::path file,
const fc::sha512 key,
std::vector< char >  plain_text 

encrypts plain_text and then includes a checksum that enables us to verify the integrety of the file / key prior to decryption.

Definition at line 353 of file aes.cpp.

◆ app_path()

const fc::path & fc::app_path ( )
the home_path() on Linux, home_path()/Library/Application Support/ on OS X, and APPDATA on windows

Definition at line 480 of file filesystem.cpp.

◆ arrayFromStream()

template<typename T , json::parse_type parser_type>
variants fc::arrayFromStream ( T &  in,
uint32_t  max_depth 

Definition at line 266 of file json.cpp.

◆ arrayFromStreamBase()

template<typename T >
variants fc::arrayFromStreamBase ( T &  in,
std::function< variant(T &)> &  get_value 

Definition at line 236 of file json.cpp.

◆ assert_optional()

bool fc::assert_optional ( bool  is_valid)

Definition at line 290 of file exception.cpp.

◆ async()

template<typename Functor >
auto fc::async ( Functor &&  f,
const char *desc  FC_TASK_NAME_DEFAULT_ARG,
priority  prio = priority() 
) -> fc::future<decltype(f())>

Definition at line 227 of file thread.hpp.

◆ base64_chars()

const std::string& fc::base64_chars ( )

Definition at line 32 of file base64.cpp.

◆ base64_decode()

std::string fc::base64_decode ( const std::string &  encoded_string)

Definition at line 96 of file base64.cpp.

◆ base64_encode() [1/3]

std::string fc::base64_encode ( char const *  bytes_to_encode,
unsigned int  in_len 

Definition at line 6 of file base64.hpp.

◆ base64_encode() [2/3]

std::string fc::base64_encode ( const std::string &  enc)

Definition at line 47 of file base64.cpp.

◆ base64_encode() [3/3]

std::string fc::base64_encode ( unsigned char const *  bytes_to_encode,
unsigned int  in_len 

Definition at line 51 of file base64.cpp.

◆ canonical()

fc::path fc::canonical ( const path p)

Definition at line 334 of file filesystem.cpp.

◆ check_size()

template<uint64_t RequiredSize, uint64_t ProvidedSize>
void fc::check_size ( )

Definition at line 60 of file fwd_impl.hpp.

◆ chmod()

void fc::chmod ( const path p,
int  perm 

Definition at line 278 of file filesystem.cpp.

◆ cin_thread()

fc::thread& fc::cin_thread ( )

Definition at line 76 of file iostream.cpp.

◆ city_hash128()

uint128_t fc::city_hash128 ( const char *  s,
size_t  len 

Definition at line 518 of file city.cpp.

◆ city_hash32()

uint32_t fc::city_hash32 ( const char *  buf,
size_t  len 

Definition at line 200 of file city.cpp.

◆ city_hash64()

uint64_t fc::city_hash64 ( const char *  buf,
size_t  len 

Definition at line 377 of file city.cpp.

◆ city_hash_crc_128()

uint128_t fc::city_hash_crc_128 ( const char *  s,
size_t  len 

Definition at line 651 of file city.cpp.

◆ city_hash_crc_256()

array<uint64_t,4> fc::city_hash_crc_256 ( const char *  s,
size_t  len 

Definition at line 632 of file city.cpp.

◆ city_hash_size_t()

size_t fc::city_hash_size_t ( const char *  buf,
size_t  len 

Definition at line 59 of file city.hpp.

◆ CityHash128WithSeed()

uint128_t fc::CityHash128WithSeed ( const char *  s,
size_t  len,
uint128_t  seed 

Definition at line 456 of file city.cpp.

◆ CityHash64WithSeed()

uint64_t fc::CityHash64WithSeed ( const char *  s,
size_t  len,
uint64_t  seed 

Definition at line 420 of file city.cpp.

◆ CityHash64WithSeeds()

uint64_t fc::CityHash64WithSeeds ( const char *  s,
size_t  len,
uint64_t  seed0,
uint64_t  seed1 

Definition at line 415 of file city.cpp.

◆ CityHashCrc128WithSeed()

uint128_t fc::CityHashCrc128WithSeed ( const char *  s,
size_t  len,
uint128_t  seed 

Definition at line 639 of file city.cpp.

◆ CityHashCrc256()

void fc::CityHashCrc256 ( const char *  s,
size_t  len,
uint64_t *  result 

Definition at line 624 of file city.cpp.

◆ CityMurmur()

uint128_t fc::CityMurmur ( const char *  s,
size_t  len,
uint128_t  seed 

Definition at line 426 of file city.cpp.

◆ configure_logging() [1/2]

void fc::configure_logging ( const fc::path log_config)

Definition at line 18 of file logger_config.cpp.

◆ configure_logging() [2/2]

bool fc::configure_logging ( const logging_config l)

Definition at line 22 of file logger_config.cpp.

◆ copy()

void fc::copy ( const path from,
const path to 

Definition at line 241 of file filesystem.cpp.

◆ copy_exception()

template<typename T >
fc::exception_ptr fc::copy_exception ( T &&  e)

Definition at line 165 of file exception.hpp.

◆ create_directories()

void fc::create_directories ( const path p)

Definition at line 210 of file filesystem.cpp.

◆ create_hard_link()

void fc::create_hard_link ( const path from,
const path to 

Definition at line 319 of file filesystem.cpp.

◆ current_path()

const fc::path & fc::current_path ( )
application executable path

Definition at line 498 of file filesystem.cpp.

◆ current_thread()

thread*& fc::current_thread ( )

Definition at line 65 of file thread.cpp.

◆ days()

microseconds fc::days ( int64_t  d)

Definition at line 38 of file time.hpp.

◆ decodeUtf8()

void fc::decodeUtf8 ( const std::string &  input,
std::wstring *  storage 

Decodes utf 8 std::string into unicode string.

input- input string to be decoded and stored in 'storage'
storage- buffer for converted text. Cannot be nullptr.

Definition at line 35 of file utf8.cpp.

◆ digest()

template<typename T >
fc::sha256 fc::digest ( const T &  value)

Definition at line 9 of file digest.hpp.

◆ directory_size()

uint64_t fc::directory_size ( const path p)

Definition at line 221 of file filesystem.cpp.

◆ do_parallel()

template<typename Functor >
auto fc::do_parallel ( Functor &&  f,
const char *desc  FC_TASK_NAME_DEFAULT_ARG 
) -> fc::future<decltype(f())>

Calls function f in a separate thread and returns a future that can be used to wait on the result.

fthe operation to perform
desctask name

Definition at line 98 of file parallel.hpp.

◆ encodeUtf8()

void fc::encodeUtf8 ( const std::wstring &  input,
std::string *  storage 

Encodes given wide (unicode) string into UTF-8 representation.

input- input string to be encoded and stored in 'storage'
storage- buffer for converted text. Cannot be nullptr.

Definition at line 42 of file utf8.cpp.

◆ escape_string()

void fc::escape_string ( const string &  str,
ostream os 

Escape a string.

  • A quote is added to the beginning and a quote is added to the end
  • The following characters are converted specially:
    '\b' -> "\b"
    '\f' -> "\f"
    '\n' -> "\n"
    '\r' -> "\r"
    '\t' -> "\t"
    '\\' -> "\\"
    '\"' -> "\""
  • other control characters are printed as UTF8
  • printable characters are printed as is

Definition at line 494 of file json.cpp.

◆ except_str()

std::string fc::except_str ( )

Definition at line 272 of file exception.cpp.

◆ exec()

void fc::exec ( )

Enters the main loop processing tasks until quit() is called.

Definition at line 375 of file thread.cpp.

◆ exists()

bool fc::exists ( const path p)

Definition at line 209 of file filesystem.cpp.


fc::FC_DECLARE_EXCEPTION ( aes_exception  ,


fc::FC_DECLARE_EXCEPTION ( assert_exception  ,

used inplace of assert() to report violations of pre conditions.


fc::FC_DECLARE_EXCEPTION ( bad_cast_exception  ,


fc::FC_DECLARE_EXCEPTION ( canceled_exception  ,

used to report a canceled Operation


fc::FC_DECLARE_EXCEPTION ( divide_by_zero_exception  ,


fc::FC_DECLARE_EXCEPTION ( eof_exception  ,


fc::FC_DECLARE_EXCEPTION ( file_not_found_exception  ,


fc::FC_DECLARE_EXCEPTION ( invalid_arg_exception  ,


fc::FC_DECLARE_EXCEPTION ( invalid_operation_exception  ,

if an operation is unsupported or not valid this may be thrown


fc::FC_DECLARE_EXCEPTION ( key_not_found_exception  ,

reports when a key, guid, or other item is not found.


fc::FC_DECLARE_EXCEPTION ( method_not_found_exception  ,


fc::FC_DECLARE_EXCEPTION ( null_optional  ,


fc::FC_DECLARE_EXCEPTION ( out_of_range_exception  ,


fc::FC_DECLARE_EXCEPTION ( overflow_exception  ,


fc::FC_DECLARE_EXCEPTION ( parse_error_exception  ,

reports parse errors


fc::FC_DECLARE_EXCEPTION ( timeout_exception  ,


fc::FC_DECLARE_EXCEPTION ( underflow_exception  ,


fc::FC_DECLARE_EXCEPTION ( unknown_host_exception  ,

if an host name can not be resolved this may be thrown


fc::FC_IMPLEMENT_EXCEPTION ( method_not_found_exception  ,
method_not_found_exception_code  ,
"Method Not Found"   

◆ file_size()

uint64_t fc::file_size ( const path p)

Definition at line 219 of file filesystem.cpp.

◆ format_string() [1/2]

std::string fc::format_string ( const std::string &  ,
const variant_object ,
uint32_t  max_object_depth = 200 

◆ format_string() [2/2]

string fc::format_string ( const string &  format,
const variant_object args,
uint32_t  max_object_depth 

Definition at line 196 of file string.cpp.

◆ from_base58() [1/2]

std::vector< char > fc::from_base58 ( const std::string &  base58_str)

Definition at line 622 of file base58.cpp.

◆ from_base58() [2/2]

size_t fc::from_base58 ( const std::string &  base58_str,
char *  out_data,
size_t  out_data_len 
the number of bytes decoded

Definition at line 633 of file base58.cpp.

◆ from_hex() [1/2]

uint8_t fc::from_hex ( char  c)

Definition at line 6 of file hex.cpp.

◆ from_hex() [2/2]

size_t fc::from_hex ( const std::string &  hex_str,
char *  out_data,
size_t  out_data_len 
the number of bytes decoded

Definition at line 27 of file hex.cpp.

◆ from_variant() [1/72]

void fc::from_variant ( const fc::variant input_variant,
fc::microseconds output_microseconds,
uint32_t  max_depth = 1 

Definition at line 140 of file time.cpp.

◆ from_variant() [2/72]

void fc::from_variant ( const fc::variant variant_to_convert,
fc::path path_output,
uint32_t  max_depth = 1 

Definition at line 37 of file filesystem.cpp.

◆ from_variant() [3/72]

template<typename... T>
void fc::from_variant ( const fc::variant v,
fc::static_variant< T... > &  s,
uint32_t  max_depth 

Definition at line 376 of file static_variant.hpp.

◆ from_variant() [4/72]

void fc::from_variant ( const fc::variant v,
url u,
uint32_t  max_depth = 1 

Definition at line 82 of file url.cpp.

◆ from_variant() [5/72]

template<uint8_t SpaceID, uint8_t TypeID>
void fc::from_variant ( const fc::variant var,
graphene::db::object_id< SpaceID, TypeID > &  vo,
uint32_t  max_depth = 1 

Definition at line 252 of file object_id.hpp.

◆ from_variant() [6/72]

void fc::from_variant ( const fc::variant var,
graphene::db::object_id_type vo,
uint32_t  max_depth = 1 

Definition at line 228 of file object_id.hpp.

◆ from_variant() [7/72]

template<typename T >
void fc::from_variant ( const fc::variant var,
graphene::protocol::extension< T > &  value,
uint32_t  max_depth 

Definition at line 166 of file ext.hpp.

◆ from_variant() [8/72]

void fc::from_variant ( const fc::variant var,
graphene::protocol::pts_address vo,
uint32_t  max_depth = 1 

Definition at line 93 of file pts_address.cpp.

◆ from_variant() [9/72]

void fc::from_variant ( const fc::variant var,
graphene::protocol::public_key_type vo,
uint32_t  max_depth = 2 

Definition at line 106 of file types.cpp.

◆ from_variant() [10/72]

void fc::from_variant ( const fc::variant var,
graphene::protocol::vote_id_type vo,
uint32_t  max_depth = 1 

Definition at line 37 of file vote.cpp.

◆ from_variant() [11/72]

void fc::from_variant ( const fc::variant var,
std::shared_ptr< const graphene::protocol::fee_schedule > &  vo,
uint32_t  max_depth = 2 

Definition at line 111 of file types.cpp.

◆ from_variant() [12/72]

void fc::from_variant ( const variant e,
exception ll,
uint32_t  max_depth 

Definition at line 158 of file exception.cpp.

◆ from_variant() [13/72]

void fc::from_variant ( const variant e,
log_level ll,
uint32_t  max_depth = 1 

Definition at line 137 of file log_message.cpp.

◆ from_variant() [14/72]

void fc::from_variant ( const variant l,
log_context c,
uint32_t  max_depth 

Definition at line 99 of file log_message.cpp.

◆ from_variant() [15/72]

void fc::from_variant ( const variant l,
log_message c,
uint32_t  max_depth 

Definition at line 104 of file log_message.cpp.

◆ from_variant() [16/72]

void fc::from_variant ( const variant v,
bigint bi,
uint32_t  max_depth = 1 

decodes the big int as base64 string, or a number

Definition at line 222 of file bigint.cpp.

◆ from_variant() [17/72]

template<typename T , typename... Args>
void fc::from_variant ( const variant v,
boost::multi_index_container< T, Args... > &  s,
uint32_t  max_depth 

Definition at line 654 of file variant.hpp.

◆ from_variant() [18/72]

void fc::from_variant ( const variant v,
hash160 bi,
uint32_t  max_depth 

Definition at line 135 of file hash160.cpp.

◆ from_variant() [19/72]

void fc::from_variant ( const variant v,
ripemd160 bi,
uint32_t  max_depth 

Definition at line 106 of file ripemd160.cpp.

◆ from_variant() [20/72]

template<typename T >
void fc::from_variant ( const variant v,
safe< T > &  s,
uint32_t  max_depth 

Definition at line 638 of file variant.hpp.

◆ from_variant() [21/72]

void fc::from_variant ( const variant v,
sha1 bi,
uint32_t  max_depth 

Definition at line 90 of file sha1.cpp.

◆ from_variant() [22/72]

void fc::from_variant ( const variant v,
sha224 bi,
uint32_t  max_depth 

Definition at line 86 of file sha224.cpp.

◆ from_variant() [23/72]

void fc::from_variant ( const variant v,
sha256 bi,
uint32_t  max_depth 

Definition at line 106 of file sha256.cpp.

◆ from_variant() [24/72]

void fc::from_variant ( const variant v,
sha512 bi,
uint32_t  max_depth 

Definition at line 92 of file sha512.cpp.

◆ from_variant() [25/72]

template<size_t N>
void fc::from_variant ( const variant v,
std::array< char, N > &  bi,
uint32_t  max_depth = 1 

Definition at line 669 of file variant.hpp.

◆ from_variant() [26/72]

template<size_t N>
void fc::from_variant ( const variant v,
std::array< unsigned char, N > &  bi,
uint32_t  max_depth = 1 

Definition at line 684 of file variant.hpp.

◆ from_variant() [27/72]

template<typename A , typename B >
void fc::from_variant ( const variant v,
std::pair< A, B > &  p,
uint32_t  max_depth 

Definition at line 568 of file variant.hpp.

◆ from_variant() [28/72]

template<typename T >
void fc::from_variant ( const variant v,
std::unique_ptr< T > &  s,
uint32_t  max_depth 

Definition at line 620 of file variant.hpp.

◆ from_variant() [29/72]

template<typename T >
void fc::from_variant ( const variant v,
T &  o,
uint32_t  max_depth 

Definition at line 108 of file variant.hpp.

◆ from_variant() [30/72]

template<size_t N>
void fc::from_variant ( const variant v,
zero_initialized_array< unsigned char, N > &  bi,
uint32_t  max_depth = 1 

Definition at line 57 of file zeroed_array.hpp.

◆ from_variant() [31/72]

void fc::from_variant ( const variant var,
account_multi_index_type vo,
uint32_t  max_depth 

Definition at line 1969 of file wallet.cpp.

◆ from_variant() [32/72]

void fc::from_variant ( const variant var,
blob vo,
uint32_t  max_depth = 1 

◆ from_variant() [33/72]

void fc::from_variant ( const variant var,
bool &  vo,
uint32_t  max_depth = 1 

Definition at line 638 of file variant.cpp.

◆ from_variant() [34/72]

template<boost::endian::order O, class T , std::size_t N, boost::endian::align A>
void fc::from_variant ( const variant var,
boost::endian::endian_buffer< O, T, N, A > &  vo,
uint32_t  max_depth 

Definition at line 182 of file variant.hpp.

◆ from_variant() [35/72]

void fc::from_variant ( const variant var,
double &  vo,
uint32_t  max_depth = 1 

Definition at line 643 of file variant.cpp.

◆ from_variant() [36/72]

void fc::from_variant ( const variant var,
ecc::private_key vo,
uint32_t  max_depth 

Definition at line 386 of file elliptic_common.cpp.

◆ from_variant() [37/72]

void fc::from_variant ( const variant var,
ecc::public_key vo,
uint32_t  max_depth 

Definition at line 398 of file elliptic_common.cpp.

◆ from_variant() [38/72]

template<typename IntType , typename EnumType >
void fc::from_variant ( const variant var,
enum_type< IntType, EnumType > &  vo,
uint32_t  max_depth 

Definition at line 56 of file enum_type.hpp.

◆ from_variant() [39/72]

template<typename K , typename T , typename... A>
void fc::from_variant ( const variant var,
flat_map< K, T, A... > &  vo,
uint32_t  _max_depth 

Definition at line 139 of file flat.hpp.

◆ from_variant() [40/72]

template<typename T , typename... A>
void fc::from_variant ( const variant var,
flat_set< T, A... > &  vo,
uint32_t  _max_depth 

Definition at line 116 of file flat.hpp.

◆ from_variant() [41/72]

void fc::from_variant ( const variant var,
float &  vo,
uint32_t  max_depth = 1 

Definition at line 648 of file variant.cpp.

◆ from_variant() [42/72]

void fc::from_variant ( const variant var,
graphene::protocol::address vo,
uint32_t  max_depth 

Definition at line 108 of file address.cpp.

◆ from_variant() [43/72]

void fc::from_variant ( const variant var,
int16_t &  vo,
uint32_t  max_depth = 1 

Definition at line 611 of file variant.cpp.

◆ from_variant() [44/72]

void fc::from_variant ( const variant var,
int32_t &  vo,
uint32_t  max_depth = 1 

Definition at line 620 of file variant.cpp.

◆ from_variant() [45/72]

void fc::from_variant ( const variant var,
int64_t &  vo,
uint32_t  max_depth = 1 

Definition at line 626 of file variant.cpp.

◆ from_variant() [46/72]

void fc::from_variant ( const variant var,
int8_t &  vo,
uint32_t  max_depth = 1 

Definition at line 603 of file variant.cpp.

◆ from_variant() [47/72]

void fc::from_variant ( const variant var,
ip::address vo,
uint32_t  _max_depth = 1 

Definition at line 170 of file ip.cpp.

◆ from_variant() [48/72]

void fc::from_variant ( const variant var,
ip::endpoint vo,
uint32_t  _max_depth = 2 

Definition at line 161 of file ip.cpp.

◆ from_variant() [49/72]

void fc::from_variant ( const variant var,
mutable_variant_object vo,
uint32_t  max_depth = 1 

Definition at line 405 of file variant_object.cpp.

◆ from_variant() [50/72]

template<typename T >
void fc::from_variant ( const variant var,
optional< T > &  vo,
uint32_t  max_depth 

Definition at line 396 of file variant.hpp.

◆ from_variant() [51/72]

template<typename T >
void fc::from_variant ( const variant var,
std::deque< T > &  vo,
uint32_t  max_depth 

Definition at line 511 of file variant.hpp.

◆ from_variant() [52/72]

template<typename K , typename T , typename... A>
void fc::from_variant ( const variant var,
std::map< K, T, A... > &  vo,
uint32_t  max_depth 

Definition at line 459 of file variant.hpp.

◆ from_variant() [53/72]

template<typename K , typename T >
void fc::from_variant ( const variant var,
std::multimap< K, T > &  vo,
uint32_t  max_depth 

Definition at line 479 of file variant.hpp.

◆ from_variant() [54/72]

template<typename T >
void fc::from_variant ( const variant var,
std::set< T > &  vo,
uint32_t  max_depth 

Definition at line 500 of file variant.hpp.

◆ from_variant() [55/72]

template<typename T >
void fc::from_variant ( const variant var,
std::shared_ptr< T > &  vo,
uint32_t  max_depth 

Definition at line 598 of file variant.hpp.

◆ from_variant() [56/72]

void fc::from_variant ( const variant var,
std::string &  vo,
uint32_t  max_depth = 1 

◆ from_variant() [57/72]

template<typename K , typename T >
void fc::from_variant ( const variant var,
std::unordered_map< K, T > &  vo,
uint32_t  max_depth 

Definition at line 439 of file variant.hpp.

◆ from_variant() [58/72]

template<typename T >
void fc::from_variant ( const variant var,
std::unordered_set< T > &  vo,
uint32_t  max_depth 

Definition at line 417 of file variant.hpp.

◆ from_variant() [59/72]

void fc::from_variant ( const variant var,
std::vector< char > &  vo,
uint32_t  max_depth = 1 

Definition at line 669 of file variant.cpp.

◆ from_variant() [60/72]

template<typename T >
void fc::from_variant ( const variant var,
std::vector< T > &  dest,
uint32_t  max_depth 

Definition at line 535 of file variant.hpp.

◆ from_variant() [61/72]

void fc::from_variant ( const variant var,
string &  vo,
uint32_t  max_depth 

Definition at line 658 of file variant.cpp.

◆ from_variant() [62/72]

void fc::from_variant ( const variant var,
fc::time_point t,
uint32_t  max_depth 

Definition at line 59 of file time.cpp.

◆ from_variant() [63/72]

void fc::from_variant ( const variant var,
fc::time_point_sec t,
uint32_t  max_depth 

Definition at line 65 of file time.cpp.

◆ from_variant() [64/72]

void fc::from_variant ( const variant var,
uint128_t &  vo,
uint32_t  max_depth = 1 

Definition at line 692 of file variant.cpp.

◆ from_variant() [65/72]

void fc::from_variant ( const variant var,
uint16_t &  vo,
uint32_t  max_depth = 1 

Definition at line 607 of file variant.cpp.

◆ from_variant() [66/72]

void fc::from_variant ( const variant var,
uint32_t &  vo,
uint32_t  max_depth = 1 

Definition at line 614 of file variant.cpp.

◆ from_variant() [67/72]

void fc::from_variant ( const variant var,
uint64_t &  vo,
uint32_t  max_depth = 1 

Definition at line 632 of file variant.cpp.

◆ from_variant() [68/72]

void fc::from_variant ( const variant var,
uint8_t &  vo,
uint32_t  max_depth = 1 

Definition at line 599 of file variant.cpp.

◆ from_variant() [69/72]

void fc::from_variant ( const variant var,
unsigned_int vo,
uint32_t  max_depth = 1 

Definition at line 7 of file varint.cpp.

◆ from_variant() [70/72]

void fc::from_variant ( const variant var,
variant vo,
uint32_t  max_depth 

Definition at line 595 of file variant.cpp.

◆ from_variant() [71/72]

void fc::from_variant ( const variant var,
variant_object vo,
uint32_t  max_depth = 1 

Definition at line 170 of file variant_object.cpp.

◆ from_variant() [72/72]

void fc::from_variant ( const variant var,
variants vo,
uint32_t  max_depth 

Definition at line 590 of file variant.cpp.

◆ get_appender_factory_map()

std::unordered_map<std::string,appender_factory::ptr>& fc::get_appender_factory_map ( )

Definition at line 21 of file appender.cpp.

◆ get_appender_map()

std::unordered_map< std::string, appender::ptr > & fc::get_appender_map ( )

Definition at line 17 of file appender.cpp.

◆ get_approximate_relative_time_string() [1/2]

string fc::get_approximate_relative_time_string ( const time_point event_time,
const time_point relative_to_time = fc::time_point::now(),
const std::string &  ago = " ago" 

Definition at line 130 of file time.cpp.

◆ get_approximate_relative_time_string() [2/2]

string fc::get_approximate_relative_time_string ( const time_point_sec event_time,
const time_point_sec relative_to_time = fc::time_point::now(),
const std::string &  ago = " ago" 

return a human-readable approximate time, relative to now() e.g., "4 hours ago", "2 months ago", etc.

Definition at line 70 of file time.cpp.

◆ get_cin_buffer()

cin_buffer& fc::get_cin_buffer ( )

Definition at line 70 of file iostream.cpp.

◆ get_logger_map()

std::unordered_map< std::string, logger > & fc::get_logger_map ( )

Definition at line 79 of file logger.cpp.

◆ get_null_url()

std::shared_ptr<detail::url_impl> fc::get_null_url ( )

Definition at line 110 of file url.cpp.

◆ getline()

fc::istream & fc::getline ( fc::istream i,
std::string &  s,
char  delim = '\n' 

Definition at line 78 of file iostream.cpp.

◆ Hash128to64()

uint64_t fc::Hash128to64 ( const uint128_t &  x)

Definition at line 52 of file city.cpp.

◆ home_path()

const fc::path & fc::home_path ( )
the home directory on Linux and OS X and the Profile directory on Windows

Definition at line 448 of file filesystem.cpp.

◆ hours()

microseconds fc::hours ( int64_t  h)

Definition at line 37 of file time.hpp.

◆ init_openssl()

int fc::init_openssl ( )

Definition at line 63 of file openssl.cpp.

◆ is_directory()

bool fc::is_directory ( const path p)

Definition at line 217 of file filesystem.cpp.

◆ is_regular_file()

bool fc::is_regular_file ( const path p)

Definition at line 218 of file filesystem.cpp.

◆ is_utf8()

bool fc::is_utf8 ( const std::string &  str)

Definition at line 14 of file utf8.cpp.

◆ log_mutex()

boost::mutex& fc::log_mutex ( )

Definition at line 86 of file console_appender.cpp.

◆ make_relative()

fc::path fc::make_relative ( const path from,
const path to 

Definition at line 346 of file filesystem.cpp.

◆ milliseconds()

microseconds fc::milliseconds ( int64_t  s)

Definition at line 35 of file time.hpp.

◆ minutes()

microseconds fc::minutes ( int64_t  m)

Definition at line 36 of file time.hpp.

◆ number_from_stream()

template<typename T , json::parse_type parser_type>
variant fc::number_from_stream ( T &  in)

Definition at line 273 of file json.cpp.

◆ objectFromStream()

template<typename T , json::parse_type parser_type>
variant_object fc::objectFromStream ( T &  in,
uint32_t  max_depth 

Definition at line 228 of file json.cpp.

◆ objectFromStreamBase()

template<typename T >
variant_object fc::objectFromStreamBase ( T &  in,
std::function< std::string(T &)> &  get_key,
std::function< variant(T &)> &  get_value 

Definition at line 179 of file json.cpp.

◆ operator!()

bool fc::operator! ( const variant a)

Definition at line 729 of file variant.cpp.

◆ operator!=() [1/13]

bool fc::operator!= ( const directory_iterator r,
const directory_iterator l 

Definition at line 183 of file filesystem.cpp.

◆ operator!=() [2/13]

bool fc::operator!= ( const fc::path l,
const fc::path r 

Definition at line 77 of file filesystem.cpp.

◆ operator!=() [3/13]

bool fc::operator!= ( const hash160 h1,
const hash160 h2 

Definition at line 122 of file hash160.cpp.

◆ operator!=() [4/13]

bool fc::operator!= ( const logger l,

Definition at line 58 of file logger.cpp.

◆ operator!=() [5/13]

template<typename T >
bool fc::operator!= ( const optional< T > &  left,
const optional< T > &  right 

Definition at line 257 of file optional.hpp.

◆ operator!=() [6/13]

template<typename T , typename U >
bool fc::operator!= ( const optional< T > &  left,
const U &  u 

Definition at line 261 of file optional.hpp.

◆ operator!=() [7/13]

Definition at line 204 of file filesystem.cpp.

◆ operator!=() [8/13]

bool fc::operator!= ( const ripemd160 h1,
const ripemd160 h2 

Definition at line 95 of file ripemd160.cpp.

◆ operator!=() [9/13]

bool fc::operator!= ( const sha1 h1,
const sha1 h2 

Definition at line 79 of file sha1.cpp.

◆ operator!=() [10/13]

bool fc::operator!= ( const sha224 h1,
const sha224 h2 

Definition at line 75 of file sha224.cpp.

◆ operator!=() [11/13]

bool fc::operator!= ( const sha256 h1,
const sha256 h2 

Definition at line 95 of file sha256.cpp.

◆ operator!=() [12/13]

bool fc::operator!= ( const sha512 h1,
const sha512 h2 

Definition at line 81 of file sha512.cpp.

◆ operator!=() [13/13]

bool fc::operator!= ( const variant a,
const variant b 

Definition at line 720 of file variant.cpp.

◆ operator&()

bloom_filter fc::operator& ( const bloom_filter a,
const bloom_filter b 

Definition at line 636 of file bloom_filter.hpp.

◆ operator*()

variant fc::operator* ( const variant a,
const variant b 

Definition at line 815 of file variant.cpp.

◆ operator+() [1/2]

template<typename T , unsigned int S, typename U , typename A >
auto fc::operator+ ( const fwd< T, S, A > &  x,
U &&  u 
) -> typename detail::add<T,U>::type

Definition at line 44 of file fwd_impl.hpp.

◆ operator+() [2/2]

variant fc::operator+ ( const variant a,
const variant b 

Definition at line 762 of file variant.cpp.

◆ operator-() [1/2]

template<typename T , unsigned int S, typename U , typename A >
auto fc::operator- ( const fwd< T, S, A > &  x,
U &&  u 
) -> typename detail::sub<T,U>::type

Definition at line 47 of file fwd_impl.hpp.

◆ operator-() [2/2]

variant fc::operator- ( const variant a,
const variant b 

Definition at line 789 of file variant.cpp.

◆ operator/() [1/2]

path fc::operator/ ( const fc::path p,
const fc::path o 

Definition at line 83 of file filesystem.cpp.

◆ operator/() [2/2]

variant fc::operator/ ( const variant a,
const variant b 

Definition at line 840 of file variant.cpp.

◆ operator<() [1/8]

bool fc::operator< ( const fc::path l,
const fc::path r 

Definition at line 75 of file filesystem.cpp.

◆ operator<() [2/8]

bool fc::operator< ( const hash160 h1,
const hash160 h2 

Definition at line 118 of file hash160.cpp.

◆ operator<() [3/8]

bool fc::operator< ( const ripemd160 h1,
const ripemd160 h2 

Definition at line 92 of file ripemd160.cpp.

◆ operator<() [4/8]

bool fc::operator< ( const sha1 h1,
const sha1 h2 

Definition at line 76 of file sha1.cpp.

◆ operator<() [5/8]

bool fc::operator< ( const sha224 h1,
const sha224 h2 

Definition at line 72 of file sha224.cpp.

◆ operator<() [6/8]

bool fc::operator< ( const sha256 h1,
const sha256 h2 

Definition at line 92 of file sha256.cpp.

◆ operator<() [7/8]

bool fc::operator< ( const sha512 h1,
const sha512 h2 

Definition at line 78 of file sha512.cpp.

◆ operator<() [8/8]

bool fc::operator< ( const variant a,
const variant b 

Definition at line 734 of file variant.cpp.

◆ operator<<() [1/22]

hash160 fc::operator<< ( const hash160 h1,
uint32_t  i 

Definition at line 94 of file hash160.cpp.

◆ operator<<() [2/22]

ripemd160 fc::operator<< ( const ripemd160 h1,
uint32_t  i 

Definition at line 72 of file ripemd160.cpp.

◆ operator<<() [3/22]

sha1 fc::operator<< ( const sha1 h1,
uint32_t  i 

Definition at line 56 of file sha1.cpp.

◆ operator<<() [4/22]

sha224 fc::operator<< ( const sha224 h1,
uint32_t  i 

Definition at line 55 of file sha224.cpp.

◆ operator<<() [5/22]

sha256 fc::operator<< ( const sha256 h1,
uint32_t  i 

Definition at line 68 of file sha256.cpp.

◆ operator<<() [6/22]

sha512 fc::operator<< ( const sha512 h1,
uint32_t  i 

Definition at line 55 of file sha512.cpp.

◆ operator<<() [7/22]

template<size_t N>
ostream& fc::operator<< ( ostream o,
char(&)  array[N] 

Definition at line 66 of file iostream.hpp.

◆ operator<<() [8/22]

ostream & fc::operator<< ( ostream o,
char  v 

Definition at line 180 of file iostream.cpp.

◆ operator<<() [9/22]

ostream & fc::operator<< ( ostream o,
const char *  v 

Definition at line 185 of file iostream.cpp.

◆ operator<<() [10/22]

ostream & fc::operator<< ( ostream o,
const double &  v 

Definition at line 197 of file iostream.cpp.

◆ operator<<() [11/22]

ostream & fc::operator<< ( ostream o,
const float &  v 

Definition at line 202 of file iostream.cpp.

◆ operator<<() [12/22]

ostream & fc::operator<< ( ostream o,
const int16_t &  v 

Definition at line 227 of file iostream.cpp.

◆ operator<<() [13/22]

ostream & fc::operator<< ( ostream o,
const int32_t &  v 

Definition at line 217 of file iostream.cpp.

◆ operator<<() [14/22]

ostream & fc::operator<< ( ostream o,
const int64_t &  v 

Definition at line 207 of file iostream.cpp.

◆ operator<<() [15/22]

ostream & fc::operator<< ( ostream o,
const int8_t &  v 

Definition at line 237 of file iostream.cpp.

◆ operator<<() [16/22]

ostream& fc::operator<< ( ostream o,
const size_t &  v 

◆ operator<<() [17/22]

ostream & fc::operator<< ( ostream o,
const std::string &  v 

Definition at line 191 of file iostream.cpp.

◆ operator<<() [18/22]

ostream & fc::operator<< ( ostream o,
const uint16_t &  v 

Definition at line 232 of file iostream.cpp.

◆ operator<<() [19/22]

ostream & fc::operator<< ( ostream o,
const uint32_t &  v 

Definition at line 222 of file iostream.cpp.

◆ operator<<() [20/22]

ostream & fc::operator<< ( ostream o,
const uint64_t &  v 

Definition at line 212 of file iostream.cpp.

◆ operator<<() [21/22]

ostream & fc::operator<< ( ostream o,
const uint8_t &  v 

Definition at line 242 of file iostream.cpp.

◆ operator<<() [22/22]

template<typename T , unsigned int S, typename U , typename A >
auto fc::operator<< ( U &  u,
const fwd< T, S, A > &  f 
) -> typename detail::insert_op<U,T>::type

Definition at line 50 of file fwd_impl.hpp.

◆ operator<=()

bool fc::operator<= ( const variant a,
const variant b 

Definition at line 752 of file variant.cpp.

◆ operator==() [1/13]

bool fc::operator== ( const directory_iterator r,
const directory_iterator l 

Definition at line 180 of file filesystem.cpp.

◆ operator==() [2/13]

bool fc::operator== ( const fc::path l,
const fc::path r 

Definition at line 76 of file filesystem.cpp.

◆ operator==() [3/13]

bool fc::operator== ( const hash160 h1,
const hash160 h2 

Definition at line 126 of file hash160.cpp.

◆ operator==() [4/13]

bool fc::operator== ( const logger l,

Definition at line 57 of file logger.cpp.

◆ operator==() [5/13]

template<typename T >
bool fc::operator== ( const optional< T > &  left,
const optional< T > &  right 

Definition at line 249 of file optional.hpp.

◆ operator==() [6/13]

template<typename T , typename U >
bool fc::operator== ( const optional< T > &  left,
const U &  u 

Definition at line 253 of file optional.hpp.

◆ operator==() [7/13]

bool fc::operator== ( const recursive_directory_iterator r,
const recursive_directory_iterator l 

Definition at line 201 of file filesystem.cpp.

◆ operator==() [8/13]

bool fc::operator== ( const ripemd160 h1,
const ripemd160 h2 

Definition at line 98 of file ripemd160.cpp.

◆ operator==() [9/13]

bool fc::operator== ( const sha1 h1,
const sha1 h2 

Definition at line 82 of file sha1.cpp.

◆ operator==() [10/13]

bool fc::operator== ( const sha224 h1,
const sha224 h2 

Definition at line 78 of file sha224.cpp.

◆ operator==() [11/13]

bool fc::operator== ( const sha256 h1,
const sha256 h2 

Definition at line 98 of file sha256.cpp.

◆ operator==() [12/13]

bool fc::operator== ( const sha512 h1,
const sha512 h2 

Definition at line 84 of file sha512.cpp.

◆ operator==() [13/13]

bool fc::operator== ( const variant a,
const variant b 

Definition at line 711 of file variant.cpp.

◆ operator>() [1/7]

bool fc::operator> ( const hash160 h1,
const hash160 h2 

Definition at line 114 of file hash160.cpp.

◆ operator>() [2/7]

bool fc::operator> ( const ripemd160 h1,
const ripemd160 h2 

Definition at line 89 of file ripemd160.cpp.

◆ operator>() [3/7]

bool fc::operator> ( const sha1 h1,
const sha1 h2 

Definition at line 73 of file sha1.cpp.

◆ operator>() [4/7]

bool fc::operator> ( const sha224 h1,
const sha224 h2 

Definition at line 69 of file sha224.cpp.

◆ operator>() [5/7]

bool fc::operator> ( const sha256 h1,
const sha256 h2 

Definition at line 89 of file sha256.cpp.

◆ operator>() [6/7]

bool fc::operator> ( const sha512 h1,
const sha512 h2 

Definition at line 75 of file sha512.cpp.

◆ operator>() [7/7]

bool fc::operator> ( const variant a,
const variant b 

Definition at line 743 of file variant.cpp.

◆ operator>=() [1/6]

bool fc::operator>= ( const hash160 h1,
const hash160 h2 

Definition at line 110 of file hash160.cpp.

◆ operator>=() [2/6]

bool fc::operator>= ( const ripemd160 h1,
const ripemd160 h2 

Definition at line 86 of file ripemd160.cpp.

◆ operator>=() [3/6]

bool fc::operator>= ( const sha1 h1,
const sha1 h2 

Definition at line 70 of file sha1.cpp.

◆ operator>=() [4/6]

bool fc::operator>= ( const sha224 h1,
const sha224 h2 

Definition at line 66 of file sha224.cpp.

◆ operator>=() [5/6]

bool fc::operator>= ( const sha256 h1,
const sha256 h2 

Definition at line 86 of file sha256.cpp.

◆ operator>=() [6/6]

bool fc::operator>= ( const sha512 h1,
const sha512 h2 

Definition at line 72 of file sha512.cpp.

◆ operator>>() [1/14]

sha256 fc::operator>> ( const sha256 h1,
uint32_t  i 

Definition at line 73 of file sha256.cpp.

◆ operator>>() [2/14]

istream & fc::operator>> ( istream o,
char &  v 

Definition at line 261 of file iostream.cpp.

◆ operator>>() [3/14]

istream& fc::operator>> ( istream o,
double &  v 

◆ operator>>() [4/14]

istream& fc::operator>> ( istream o,
float &  v 

◆ operator>>() [5/14]

istream& fc::operator>> ( istream o,
int16_t &  v 

◆ operator>>() [6/14]

istream& fc::operator>> ( istream o,
int32_t &  v 

◆ operator>>() [7/14]

istream& fc::operator>> ( istream o,
int64_t &  v 

◆ operator>>() [8/14]

istream& fc::operator>> ( istream o,
int8_t &  v 

◆ operator>>() [9/14]

istream & fc::operator>> ( istream o,
std::string &  v 

Definition at line 255 of file iostream.cpp.

◆ operator>>() [10/14]

istream& fc::operator>> ( istream o,
uint16_t &  v 

◆ operator>>() [11/14]

istream& fc::operator>> ( istream o,
uint32_t &  v 

◆ operator>>() [12/14]

istream& fc::operator>> ( istream o,
uint64_t &  v 

◆ operator>>() [13/14]

istream& fc::operator>> ( istream o,
uint8_t &  v 

◆ operator>>() [14/14]

template<typename T , unsigned int S, typename U , typename A >
auto fc::operator>> ( U &  u,
fwd< T, S, A > &  f 
) -> typename detail::extract_op<U,T>::type

Definition at line 53 of file fwd_impl.hpp.

◆ operator^() [1/7]

bloom_filter fc::operator^ ( const bloom_filter a,
const bloom_filter b 

Definition at line 650 of file bloom_filter.hpp.

◆ operator^() [2/7]

hash160 fc::operator^ ( const hash160 h1,
const hash160 h2 

Definition at line 100 of file hash160.cpp.

◆ operator^() [3/7]

ripemd160 fc::operator^ ( const ripemd160 h1,
const ripemd160 h2 

Definition at line 77 of file ripemd160.cpp.

◆ operator^() [4/7]

sha1 fc::operator^ ( const sha1 h1,
const sha1 h2 

Definition at line 61 of file sha1.cpp.

◆ operator^() [5/7]

sha224 fc::operator^ ( const sha224 h1,
const sha224 h2 

Definition at line 60 of file sha224.cpp.

◆ operator^() [6/7]

sha256 fc::operator^ ( const sha256 h1,
const sha256 h2 

Definition at line 78 of file sha256.cpp.

◆ operator^() [7/7]

sha512 fc::operator^ ( const sha512 h1,
const sha512 h2 

Definition at line 60 of file sha512.cpp.

◆ operator|()

bloom_filter fc::operator| ( const bloom_filter a,
const bloom_filter b 

Definition at line 643 of file bloom_filter.hpp.

◆ parse_size()

uint64_t fc::parse_size ( const string &  s)

Parses a size including an optional multiplicative suffix.

M -> 1024*1024 bytes MB -> 1000*1000 bytes MiB -> 1024*1024 bytes

The 'M' may be any of KMGTPEZY (upper or lower case)

Definition at line 121 of file string.cpp.

◆ parseEscape()

template<typename T >
char fc::parseEscape ( T &  in)

Definition at line 47 of file json.cpp.

◆ popcount() [1/2]

uint8_t fc::popcount ( const fc::uint128_t &  v)

Definition at line 48 of file popcount.cpp.

◆ popcount() [2/2]

uint8_t fc::popcount ( uint64_t  v)

Definition at line 31 of file popcount.cpp.

◆ pretty_print()

std::string fc::pretty_print ( const std::string &  v,
uint8_t  indent 

Definition at line 658 of file json.cpp.

◆ print_stacktrace()

void fc::print_stacktrace ( std::ostream &  out)

Definition at line 66 of file stacktrace.cpp.

◆ print_stacktrace_on_segfault()

void fc::print_stacktrace_on_segfault ( )

Definition at line 65 of file stacktrace.cpp.

◆ prune_invalid_utf8() [1/2]

std::string fc::prune_invalid_utf8 ( const std::string &  str)

◆ prune_invalid_utf8() [2/2]

string fc::prune_invalid_utf8 ( const string &  str)

Definition at line 19 of file utf8.cpp.

◆ rand_bytes()

void fc::rand_bytes ( char *  buf,
int  count 

Definition at line 9 of file rand.cpp.

◆ read_file_contents()

void fc::read_file_contents ( const fc::path filename,
std::string &  result 

Grab the full contents of a file into a string object. NB reading a full file into memory is a poor choice if the file may be very large.

Definition at line 107 of file fstream.cpp.

◆ record_assert_trip()

void fc::record_assert_trip ( const char *  filename,
uint32_t  lineno,
const char *  expr 

Definition at line 313 of file exception.cpp.

◆ remove()

bool fc::remove ( const path p)

Definition at line 327 of file filesystem.cpp.

◆ remove_all()

void fc::remove_all ( const path p)

Definition at line 240 of file filesystem.cpp.

◆ rename()

void fc::rename ( const path from,
const path to 

Definition at line 302 of file filesystem.cpp.

◆ resize_file()

void fc::resize_file ( const path file,
size_t  s 

Definition at line 258 of file filesystem.cpp.

◆ resolve()

std::vector< fc::ip::endpoint > fc::resolve ( const std::string &  host,
uint16_t  port 

Definition at line 7 of file resolve.cpp.

◆ schedule()

template<typename Functor >
auto fc::schedule ( Functor &&  f,
const fc::time_point t,
const char *desc  FC_TASK_NAME_DEFAULT_ARG,
priority  prio = priority() 
) -> fc::future<decltype(f())>

Definition at line 231 of file thread.hpp.

◆ seconds()

microseconds fc::seconds ( int64_t  s)

Definition at line 34 of file time.hpp.

◆ set_signal_handler()

std::shared_ptr< boost::asio::signal_set > fc::set_signal_handler ( std::function< void(int)>  handler,
int  signal_num 

Set a handler to process an IPC (inter process communication) signal. Handler will be called from ASIO thread.

shared pointer to the signal_set that holds the handler

Definition at line 6 of file signals.cpp.

◆ set_variant_type()

void fc::set_variant_type ( variant v,
variant::type_id  t 

The TypeID is stored in the 'last byte' of the variant.

Definition at line 24 of file variant.cpp.

◆ skip_white_space()

template<typename T >
bool fc::skip_white_space ( T &  in)

Definition at line 76 of file json.cpp.

◆ sleep_until()

void fc::sleep_until ( const time_point tp)

Yields until the specified time in the future.

Definition at line 371 of file thread.cpp.

◆ store_configuration_path()

void fc::store_configuration_path ( const path filePath)

Allows to explicitly specify OpenSSL configuration file path to be loaded at OpenSSL library init. If not set OpenSSL will try to load the conf. file (openssl.cnf) from the path it was configured with what caused serious Keyhotee startup bugs on some Win7, Win8 machines.

to be effective this method should be used before any part using OpenSSL, especially before init_openssl call

Definition at line 58 of file openssl.cpp.

◆ stringFromStream()

template<typename T >
std::string fc::stringFromStream ( T &  in)

Definition at line 97 of file json.cpp.

◆ stringFromToken()

template<typename T >
std::string fc::stringFromToken ( T &  in)

Definition at line 134 of file json.cpp.

◆ sync_call()

template<typename Functor >
auto fc::sync_call ( thread t,
Functor &&  f,
const char *desc  FC_TASK_NAME_DEFAULT_ARG,
priority  prio = priority() 
) -> decltype(f())

Call f() in thread t and block the current thread until it returns.

If t is null, simply execute f in the current thread.

Definition at line 241 of file thread.hpp.

◆ temp_directory_path()

path fc::temp_directory_path ( )

Definition at line 343 of file filesystem.cpp.

◆ thread_name()

const char* fc::thread_name ( )

Definition at line 58 of file thread.cpp.

◆ thread_ptr()

void* fc::thread_ptr ( )

Definition at line 61 of file thread.cpp.

◆ throw_assertion_failure()

void fc::throw_assertion_failure ( const std::string &  message)

Definition at line 308 of file exception.cpp.

◆ throw_bad_enum_cast() [1/2]

void fc::throw_bad_enum_cast ( const char *  k,
const char *  e 

Definition at line 283 of file exception.cpp.

◆ throw_bad_enum_cast() [2/2]

void fc::throw_bad_enum_cast ( int64_t  i,
const char *  e 

Definition at line 277 of file exception.cpp.

◆ to_asio_ep()

boost::asio::ip::udp::endpoint fc::to_asio_ep ( const fc::ip::endpoint e)

Definition at line 19 of file udp_socket.cpp.

◆ to_base58() [1/2]

std::string fc::to_base58 ( const char *  d,
size_t  s 

Definition at line 612 of file base58.cpp.

◆ to_base58() [2/2]

std::string fc::to_base58 ( const std::vector< char > &  data)

Definition at line 616 of file base58.cpp.

◆ to_double()

double fc::to_double ( const std::string &  i)

Definition at line 60 of file string.cpp.

◆ to_fc_ep()

fc::ip::endpoint fc::to_fc_ep ( const boost::asio::ip::udp::endpoint &  e)

Definition at line 22 of file udp_socket.cpp.

◆ to_hex() [1/2]

std::string fc::to_hex ( const char *  d,
uint32_t  s 

Definition at line 17 of file hex.cpp.

◆ to_hex() [2/2]

std::string fc::to_hex ( const std::vector< char > &  data)

Definition at line 42 of file hex.cpp.

◆ to_int64()

int64_t fc::to_int64 ( const std::string &  i)

Definition at line 34 of file string.cpp.

◆ to_lower()

std::string fc::to_lower ( const std::string &  s)

Definition at line 98 of file string.cpp.

◆ to_pretty_string()

std::string fc::to_pretty_string ( int64_t  value)

Definition at line 26 of file string.cpp.

◆ to_stream() [1/3]

template<typename T >
void fc::to_stream ( T &  os,
const variant v,
json::output_formatting  format,
uint32_t  max_depth 

Definition at line 602 of file json.cpp.

◆ to_stream() [2/3]

template<typename T >
void fc::to_stream ( T &  os,
const variant_object o,
json::output_formatting  format,
uint32_t  max_depth 

Definition at line 584 of file json.cpp.

◆ to_stream() [3/3]

template<typename T >
void fc::to_stream ( T &  os,
const variants a,
json::output_formatting  format,
uint32_t  max_depth 

Definition at line 569 of file json.cpp.

◆ to_string() [1/6]

std::string fc::to_string ( double  d)

Definition at line 73 of file string.cpp.

◆ to_string() [2/6]

std::string fc::to_string ( int32_t  v)

Definition at line 18 of file string.hpp.

◆ to_string() [3/6]

std::string fc::to_string ( int64_t  d)

Definition at line 86 of file string.cpp.

◆ to_string() [4/6]

std::string fc::to_string ( uint16_t  d)

Definition at line 90 of file string.cpp.

◆ to_string() [5/6]

std::string fc::to_string ( uint32_t  v)

Definition at line 19 of file string.hpp.

◆ to_string() [6/6]

std::string fc::to_string ( uint64_t  d)

Definition at line 81 of file string.cpp.

◆ to_uint64()

uint64_t fc::to_uint64 ( const std::string &  i)

Definition at line 47 of file string.cpp.

◆ to_variant() [1/67]

void fc::to_variant ( const account_multi_index_type accts,
variant vo,
uint32_t  max_depth 

Definition at line 1964 of file wallet.cpp.

◆ to_variant() [2/67]

void fc::to_variant ( const bigint bi,
variant v,
uint32_t  max_depth = 1 

encodes the big int as base64 string, or a number

Definition at line 215 of file bigint.cpp.

◆ to_variant() [3/67]

void fc::to_variant ( const blob var,
variant vo,
uint32_t  max_depth = 1 

◆ to_variant() [4/67]

void fc::to_variant ( const bool &  var,
variant vo,
uint32_t  max_depth = 1 

Definition at line 637 of file variant.cpp.

◆ to_variant() [5/67]

template<boost::endian::order O, class T , std::size_t N, boost::endian::align A>
void fc::to_variant ( const boost::endian::endian_buffer< O, T, N, A > &  var,
variant vo,
uint32_t  max_depth 

Definition at line 177 of file variant.hpp.

◆ to_variant() [6/67]

template<typename T , typename... Args>
void fc::to_variant ( const boost::multi_index_container< T, Args... > &  s,
variant v,
uint32_t  max_depth 

Definition at line 643 of file variant.hpp.

◆ to_variant() [7/67]

void fc::to_variant ( const ecc::private_key var,
variant vo,
uint32_t  max_depth 

Definition at line 381 of file elliptic_common.cpp.

◆ to_variant() [8/67]

void fc::to_variant ( const ecc::public_key var,
variant vo,
uint32_t  max_depth 

Definition at line 393 of file elliptic_common.cpp.

◆ to_variant() [9/67]

template<typename IntType , typename EnumType >
void fc::to_variant ( const enum_type< IntType, EnumType > &  var,
variant vo,
uint32_t  max_depth = 1 

Definition at line 51 of file enum_type.hpp.

◆ to_variant() [10/67]

void fc::to_variant ( const exception e,
variant v,
uint32_t  max_depth 

Definition at line 145 of file exception.cpp.

◆ to_variant() [11/67]

void fc::to_variant ( const fc::microseconds input_microseconds,
fc::variant output_variant,
uint32_t  max_depth = 1 

Definition at line 136 of file time.cpp.

◆ to_variant() [12/67]

void fc::to_variant ( const fc::path path_to_convert,
fc::variant variant_output,
uint32_t  max_depth = 1 

Definition at line 29 of file filesystem.cpp.

◆ to_variant() [13/67]

template<typename... T>
void fc::to_variant ( const fc::static_variant< T... > &  s,
fc::variant v,
uint32_t  max_depth 

Definition at line 368 of file static_variant.hpp.

◆ to_variant() [14/67]

template<typename K , typename... T>
void fc::to_variant ( const flat_map< K, T... > &  var,
variant vo,
uint32_t  _max_depth 

Definition at line 128 of file flat.hpp.

◆ to_variant() [15/67]

template<typename T , typename... A>
void fc::to_variant ( const flat_set< T, A... > &  var,
variant vo,
uint32_t  _max_depth 

Definition at line 105 of file flat.hpp.

◆ to_variant() [16/67]

template<uint8_t SpaceID, uint8_t TypeID>
void fc::to_variant ( const graphene::db::object_id< SpaceID, TypeID > &  var,
fc::variant vo,
uint32_t  max_depth = 1 

Definition at line 246 of file object_id.hpp.

◆ to_variant() [17/67]

void fc::to_variant ( const graphene::db::object_id_type var,
fc::variant vo,
uint32_t  max_depth = 1 

Definition at line 223 of file object_id.hpp.

◆ to_variant() [18/67]

void fc::to_variant ( const graphene::protocol::address var,
variant vo,
uint32_t  max_depth 

Definition at line 104 of file address.cpp.

◆ to_variant() [19/67]

template<typename T >
void fc::to_variant ( const graphene::protocol::extension< T > &  value,
fc::variant var,
uint32_t  max_depth 

Definition at line 199 of file ext.hpp.

◆ to_variant() [20/67]

void fc::to_variant ( const graphene::protocol::pts_address var,
fc::variant vo,
uint32_t  max_depth = 1 

Definition at line 89 of file pts_address.cpp.

◆ to_variant() [21/67]

void fc::to_variant ( const graphene::protocol::public_key_type var,
fc::variant vo,
uint32_t  max_depth = 2 

Definition at line 101 of file types.cpp.

◆ to_variant() [22/67]

void fc::to_variant ( const graphene::protocol::vote_id_type var,
fc::variant vo,
uint32_t  max_depth = 1 

Definition at line 32 of file vote.cpp.

◆ to_variant() [23/67]

void fc::to_variant ( const hash160 bi,
variant v,
uint32_t  max_depth 

Definition at line 130 of file hash160.cpp.

◆ to_variant() [24/67]

void fc::to_variant ( const int16_t &  var,
variant vo,
uint32_t  max_depth = 1 

Definition at line 609 of file variant.cpp.

◆ to_variant() [25/67]

void fc::to_variant ( const int32_t &  var,
variant vo,
uint32_t  max_depth = 1 

Definition at line 619 of file variant.cpp.

◆ to_variant() [26/67]

void fc::to_variant ( const int64_t &  var,
variant vo,
uint32_t  max_depth = 1 

Definition at line 625 of file variant.cpp.

◆ to_variant() [27/67]

void fc::to_variant ( const int8_t &  var,
variant vo,
uint32_t  max_depth = 1 

Definition at line 601 of file variant.cpp.

◆ to_variant() [28/67]

void fc::to_variant ( const ip::address var,
variant vo,
uint32_t  _max_depth = 1 

Definition at line 166 of file ip.cpp.

◆ to_variant() [29/67]

void fc::to_variant ( const ip::endpoint var,
variant vo,
uint32_t  _max_depth = 2 

Definition at line 157 of file ip.cpp.

◆ to_variant() [30/67]

void fc::to_variant ( const log_context l,
variant v,
uint32_t  max_depth 

Definition at line 94 of file log_message.cpp.

◆ to_variant() [31/67]

void fc::to_variant ( const log_message l,
variant v,
uint32_t  max_depth 

Definition at line 108 of file log_message.cpp.

◆ to_variant() [32/67]

void fc::to_variant ( const mutable_variant_object var,
variant vo,
uint32_t  max_depth = 1 

Definition at line 400 of file variant_object.cpp.

◆ to_variant() [33/67]

void fc::to_variant ( const ripemd160 bi,
variant v,
uint32_t  max_depth 

Definition at line 102 of file ripemd160.cpp.

◆ to_variant() [34/67]

template<typename T >
void fc::to_variant ( const safe< T > &  s,
variant v,
uint32_t  max_depth 

Definition at line 633 of file variant.hpp.

◆ to_variant() [35/67]

void fc::to_variant ( const sha1 bi,
variant v,
uint32_t  max_depth 

Definition at line 86 of file sha1.cpp.

◆ to_variant() [36/67]

void fc::to_variant ( const sha224 bi,
variant v,
uint32_t  max_depth 

Definition at line 82 of file sha224.cpp.

◆ to_variant() [37/67]

void fc::to_variant ( const sha256 bi,
variant v,
uint32_t  max_depth 

Definition at line 102 of file sha256.cpp.

◆ to_variant() [38/67]

void fc::to_variant ( const sha512 bi,
variant v,
uint32_t  max_depth 

Definition at line 88 of file sha512.cpp.

◆ to_variant() [39/67]

template<size_t N>
void fc::to_variant ( const std::array< char, N > &  bi,
variant v,
uint32_t  max_depth = 1 

Definition at line 664 of file variant.hpp.

◆ to_variant() [40/67]

template<size_t N>
void fc::to_variant ( const std::array< unsigned char, N > &  bi,
variant v,
uint32_t  max_depth = 1 

Definition at line 679 of file variant.hpp.

◆ to_variant() [41/67]

template<typename T >
void fc::to_variant ( const std::deque< T > &  var,
variant vo,
uint32_t  max_depth 

Definition at line 523 of file variant.hpp.

◆ to_variant() [42/67]

template<typename K , typename... T>
void fc::to_variant ( const std::map< K, T... > &  var,
variant vo,
uint32_t  max_depth 

Definition at line 449 of file variant.hpp.

◆ to_variant() [43/67]

template<typename K , typename T >
void fc::to_variant ( const std::multimap< K, T > &  var,
variant vo,
uint32_t  max_depth 

Definition at line 469 of file variant.hpp.

◆ to_variant() [44/67]

template<typename A , typename B >
void fc::to_variant ( const std::pair< A, B > &  t,
variant v,
uint32_t  max_depth 

Definition at line 559 of file variant.hpp.

◆ to_variant() [45/67]

template<typename T >
void fc::to_variant ( const std::set< T > &  var,
variant vo,
uint32_t  max_depth 

Definition at line 490 of file variant.hpp.

◆ to_variant() [46/67]

template<typename T >
void fc::to_variant ( const std::shared_ptr< T > &  var,
variant vo,
uint32_t  max_depth 

Definition at line 587 of file variant.hpp.

◆ to_variant() [47/67]

void fc::to_variant ( const std::string &  s,
variant v,
uint32_t  max_depth = 1 

Definition at line 653 of file variant.cpp.

◆ to_variant() [48/67]

template<typename T >
void fc::to_variant ( const std::unique_ptr< T > &  s,
variant v,
uint32_t  max_depth 

Definition at line 609 of file variant.hpp.

◆ to_variant() [49/67]

template<typename K , typename T >
void fc::to_variant ( const std::unordered_map< K, T > &  var,
variant vo,
uint32_t  max_depth 

Definition at line 429 of file variant.hpp.

◆ to_variant() [50/67]

template<typename T >
void fc::to_variant ( const std::unordered_set< T > &  var,
variant vo,
uint32_t  max_depth 

Definition at line 407 of file variant.hpp.

◆ to_variant() [51/67]

void fc::to_variant ( const std::vector< char > &  var,
variant vo,
uint32_t  max_depth = 1 

Definition at line 663 of file variant.cpp.

◆ to_variant() [52/67]

template<typename T >
void fc::to_variant ( const std::vector< T > &  t,
variant v,
uint32_t  max_depth 

Definition at line 547 of file variant.hpp.

◆ to_variant() [53/67]

template<typename T >
void fc::to_variant ( const T &  o,
variant v,
uint32_t  max_depth 

Definition at line 102 of file variant.hpp.

◆ to_variant() [54/67]

void fc::to_variant ( const time_point var,
variant vo,
uint32_t  max_depth 

Definition at line 56 of file time.cpp.

◆ to_variant() [55/67]

void fc::to_variant ( const time_point_sec var,
variant vo,
uint32_t  max_depth 

Definition at line 62 of file time.cpp.

◆ to_variant() [56/67]

void fc::to_variant ( const uint128_t &  var,
variant vo,
uint32_t  max_depth = 1 

Definition at line 680 of file variant.cpp.

◆ to_variant() [57/67]

void fc::to_variant ( const uint16_t &  var,
variant vo,
uint32_t  max_depth = 1 

Definition at line 605 of file variant.cpp.

◆ to_variant() [58/67]

void fc::to_variant ( const uint32_t &  var,
variant vo,
uint32_t  max_depth = 1 

Definition at line 613 of file variant.cpp.

◆ to_variant() [59/67]

void fc::to_variant ( const uint64_t &  var,
variant vo,
uint32_t  max_depth = 1 

Definition at line 631 of file variant.cpp.

◆ to_variant() [60/67]

void fc::to_variant ( const uint8_t &  var,
variant vo,
uint32_t  max_depth = 1 

Definition at line 597 of file variant.cpp.

◆ to_variant() [61/67]

void fc::to_variant ( const unsigned_int var,
variant vo,
uint32_t  max_depth = 1 

Definition at line 6 of file varint.cpp.

◆ to_variant() [62/67]

void fc::to_variant ( const url u,
fc::variant v,
uint32_t  max_depth = 1 

Definition at line 78 of file url.cpp.

◆ to_variant() [63/67]

void fc::to_variant ( const variant_object var,
variant vo,
uint32_t  max_depth = 1 

Definition at line 165 of file variant_object.cpp.

◆ to_variant() [64/67]

template<size_t N>
void fc::to_variant ( const zero_initialized_array< unsigned char, N > &  bi,
variant v,
uint32_t  max_depth = 1 

Definition at line 52 of file zeroed_array.hpp.

◆ to_variant() [65/67]

void fc::to_variant ( log_level  e,
variant v,
uint32_t  max_depth = 1 

Definition at line 113 of file log_message.cpp.

◆ to_variant() [66/67]

void fc::to_variant ( long long int  s,
variant v,
uint32_t  max_depth = 1 

Definition at line 707 of file variant.cpp.

◆ to_variant() [67/67]

void fc::to_variant ( unsigned long long int  s,
variant v,
uint32_t  max_depth = 1 

Definition at line 708 of file variant.cpp.

◆ token_from_stream()

template<typename T >
variant fc::token_from_stream ( T &  in)

Definition at line 341 of file json.cpp.

◆ trim()

std::string fc::trim ( const std::string &  s)

Definition at line 94 of file string.cpp.

◆ trim_and_normalize_spaces()

string fc::trim_and_normalize_spaces ( const string &  s)

Definition at line 104 of file string.cpp.

◆ uint128()

uint128_t fc::uint128 ( const uint64_t  hi,
const uint64_t  lo 

Definition at line 67 of file uint128.hpp.

◆ uint128_hi64()

uint64_t fc::uint128_hi64 ( const uint128_t &  x)

Definition at line 57 of file uint128.hpp.

◆ uint128_lo64()

uint64_t fc::uint128_lo64 ( const uint128_t &  x)

Definition at line 54 of file uint128.hpp.

◆ underflow_exception()

() file_not_found_exception() parse_error_exception() invalid_arg_exception() invalid_operation_exception() key_not_found_exception() bad_cast_exception() out_of_range_exception() canceled_exception() assert_exception() eof_exception() unknown_host_exception() null_optional() aes_exception() overflow_exception() fc::underflow_exception ( divide_by_zero_exception  )

Definition at line 46 of file exception.cpp.

◆ unique_path()

path fc::unique_path ( )

Definition at line 342 of file filesystem.cpp.

◆ usleep()

void fc::usleep ( const microseconds u)

Yields to other ready tasks for u microseconds.

Definition at line 368 of file thread.cpp.

◆ variant_from_stream()

template<typename T , json::parse_type parser_type>
variant fc::variant_from_stream ( T &  in,
uint32_t  max_depth 

Definition at line 413 of file json.cpp.

◆ wait() [1/2]

void fc::wait ( boost::signals2::signal< void()> &  sig,
const microseconds timeout_us = microseconds::maximum() 

Definition at line 44 of file signals.hpp.

◆ wait() [2/2]

template<typename T >
T fc::wait ( boost::signals2::signal< void(T)> &  sig,
const microseconds timeout_us = microseconds::maximum() 

Definition at line 38 of file signals.hpp.

◆ wait_any() [1/2]

template<typename T1 , typename T2 >
int fc::wait_any ( const fc::future< T1 > &  f1,
const fc::future< T2 > &  f2,
const microseconds  timeout_us = microseconds::maximum() 

Wait until either f1 or f2 is ready.

0 if f1 is ready, 1 if f2 is ready or throw on error.

Definition at line 220 of file thread.hpp.

◆ wait_any() [2/2]

int fc::wait_any ( std::vector< promise_base::ptr > &&  v,
const microseconds timeout_us = microseconds::maximum() 

Definition at line 380 of file thread.cpp.

◆ wait_any_until()

int fc::wait_any_until ( std::vector< promise_base::ptr > &&  v,
const time_point tp 

Definition at line 385 of file thread.cpp.

◆ yield()

void fc::yield ( )

Yields to other ready tasks before returning.

Definition at line 365 of file thread.cpp.

◆ zlib_compress()

std::string fc::zlib_compress ( const std::string &  in)

Definition at line 7 of file zlib.cpp.

Variable Documentation

◆ cerr

cerr_t & fc::cerr = *cerr_ptr

Definition at line 176 of file iostream.cpp.

◆ cerr_ptr

std::shared_ptr< cerr_t > fc::cerr_ptr = std::make_shared<cerr_t>()

Definition at line 174 of file iostream.cpp.

◆ cin

cin_t & fc::cin = *cin_ptr

Definition at line 177 of file iostream.cpp.

◆ cin_ptr

std::shared_ptr< cin_t > fc::cin_ptr = std::make_shared<cin_t>()

Definition at line 172 of file iostream.cpp.

◆ const_blob_ptr

const typedef blob* fc::const_blob_ptr

Definition at line 178 of file variant.cpp.

◆ const_string_ptr

const typedef string* fc::const_string_ptr

Definition at line 179 of file variant.cpp.

◆ const_variant_object_ptr

const typedef variant_object* fc::const_variant_object_ptr

Definition at line 176 of file variant.cpp.

◆ const_variants_ptr

const typedef variants* fc::const_variants_ptr

Definition at line 177 of file variant.cpp.

◆ cout

cout_t & fc::cout = *cout_ptr

Definition at line 175 of file iostream.cpp.

◆ cout_ptr

std::shared_ptr< cout_t > fc::cout_ptr = std::make_shared<cout_t>()

Definition at line 173 of file iostream.cpp.

◆ do_default_config

bool fc::do_default_config = configure_logging( logging_config::default_config() )

Definition at line 115 of file logger.cpp.

◆ enable_record_assert_trip

bool fc::enable_record_assert_trip = false

Definition at line 337 of file exception.cpp.

◆ git_revision_sha

const char* const fc::git_revision_sha

◆ git_revision_unix_timestamp

const uint32_t fc::git_revision_unix_timestamp

◆ openssl_thread_config_manager

openssl_thread_config fc::openssl_thread_config_manager

Definition at line 402 of file aes.cpp.