BitShares blockchain node software and command-line wallet software
Go to the documentation of this file.
28 namespace graphene {
namespace protocol {
284 (fee_asset_id)(spread_percent)(size_percent)(expiration_seconds)(repeat)(extensions) )
graphene::protocol::limit_order_create_operation::options_type, (on_fill) )
graphene::protocol::call_order_update_operation::options_type, (target_collateral_ratio) )
298 (fee)(seller)(amount_to_sell)(min_to_receive)(expiration)(fill_or_kill)(extensions))
300 (fee)(seller)(order)(new_price)(delta_amount_to_sell)(new_expiration)(on_fill)(extensions))
302 (fee)(fee_paying_account)(order)(extensions) )
304 (fee)(funding_account)(delta_collateral)(delta_debt)(extensions) )
306 (fee)(order_id)(account_id)(pays)(receives)(fill_price)(is_maker) )
308 (fee)(bidder)(additional_collateral)(debt_covered)(extensions) )
310 (fee)(bidder)(debt)(collateral) )
account_id_type fee_payer() const
account_id_type bidder
pays fee and additional collateral
execute_bid_operation(account_id_type a, asset d, asset c)
account_id_type fee_payer() const
optional< price > new_price
asset delta_debt
the amount of the debt to be paid off, may be negative to issue new debt
extensions_type extensions
Unused. Reserved for future use.
The price struct stores asset prices in the BitShares system.
extensions_type extensions
account_id_type fee_payer() const
asset_id_type fee_asset_id
Asset ID that will be used to pay operation fee for placing the take profit order.
account_id_type fee_payer() const
optional< vector< limit_order_auto_action > > on_fill
Automatic actions when the limit order is filled or partially filled.
asset debt_covered
the amount of debt to take over
static time_point_sec maximum()
asset delta_collateral
the amount of collateral to add to the margin position
asset additional_collateral
the amount of collateral to bid for the debt
pair< asset_id_type, asset_id_type > get_market() const
optional< uint16_t > target_collateral_ratio
Maximum CR to maintain when selling collateral on margin call.
optional< time_point_sec > new_expiration
extensions_type extensions
uint16_t size_percent
A percentage indicating how much amount to sell in the take profit order.
account_id_type account_id
uint32_t expiration_seconds
How long the take profit order to be kept on the market.
extensions_type extensions
time_point_sec expiration
limit_order_id_type order
account_id_type fee_payer() const
account_id_type fee_payer() const
uint16_t spread_percent
A percentage indicating how far the price of the take profit order differs from the original order.
account_id_type fee_payer() const
#define FC_ASSERT(TEST,...)
Checks a condition and throws an assert_exception if the test is FALSE.
pair< asset_id_type, asset_id_type > get_market() const
account_id_type fee_paying_account
share_type calculate_fee(const fee_params_t &) const
This is a virtual operation; there is no fee.
extensions_type extensions
Specializes fc::reflector for TYPE.
limit_order_id_type order
instructs the blockchain to attempt to sell one asset for another
fill_order_operation(object_id_type o, account_id_type a, asset p, asset r, asset f, price fp, bool m)
provides stack-based nullable value similar to boost::optional
optional< vector< limit_order_auto_action > > on_fill
Automatic actions when the limit order is filled or partially filled.
bool fill_or_kill
If this flag is set the entire order must be filled or the operation is rejected.
extensions_type extensions
optional< asset > delta_amount_to_sell
share_type calculate_fee(const fee_params_t &) const
This is a virtual operation; there is no fee.
account_id_type funding_account
pays fee, collateral, and cover
void validate() const override
bool repeat
Whether to create another take profit order for this take profit order if this take profit order is m...
future_extensions::flat_set_type extensions_type