BitShares blockchain node software and command-line wallet software
Go to the documentation of this file.
38 namespace graphene {
namespace wallet {
55 std::shared_ptr<detail::wallet_api_impl>
73 variant_object
78 optional<signed_block_with_info>
get_block( uint32_t num )
101 map<string, account_id_type, std::less<>>
const string& lowerbound, uint32_t limit )
119 vector<extended_asset_object>
const string& lowerbound, uint32_t limit )
134 vector<operation_detail>
const string& account_name_or_id, uint32_t limit )
145 uint32_t limit, uint32_t start )
167 vector<bucket_object>
const string& symbol,
const string& symbol2, uint32_t bucket,
168 const time_point_sec& start,
const time_point_sec& end )
191 uint32_t limit = 101,
192 const optional<limit_order_id_type>& ostart_id = {},
202 vector<limit_order_object>
const string& a,
const string& b, uint32_t limit )
210 vector<call_order_object>
const string& asset_symbol_or_id, uint32_t limit )
218 vector<force_settlement_object>
const string& a, uint32_t limit )
227 vector<collateral_bid_object>
const string& asset_symbol_or_id, uint32_t limit = 100,
228 uint32_t start = 0 )
250 const flat_set<uint16_t>& operation_types,
251 uint32_t start, uint32_t limit )
293 account_id_type
const string& account_name_or_id )
307 asset_id_type
const string& asset_symbol_or_id )
380 uint32_t operation_index,
409 bool broadcast =
true )
421 const vector<public_key_type>& signing_keys = vector<public_key_type>(),
422 bool broadcast =
true )
449 uint32_t review_period_seconds = 0,
450 bool broadcast =
469 const string& account_name_or_id,
471 uint32_t review_period_seconds = 0,
472 bool broadcast =
515 void unlock(
const string& password )
551 string gethelp(
const string& method )
617 uint32_t number_of_desired_keys = 1 )
646 bool import_key(
const string& account_name_or_id,
const string& wif_key )
655 map<string, bool, std::less<>>
const string& filename,
const string& password )
669 const string& src_account_name,
const string& dest_account_name )
679 vector< signed_transaction >
const string& account_name_or_id,
const vector<string>& wif_keys,
680 bool broadcast )
720 const string& registrar_account,
721 const string& referrer_account,
722 uint32_t referrer_percent,
723 bool broadcast =
false )
756 const string& account_name,
757 const string& registrar_account,
758 const string& referrer_account,
759 bool broadcast =
false )
775 const string& amount,
776 const string& asset_symbol_or_id,
778 bool broadcast =
false )
793 pair<transaction_id_type,signed_transaction>
const string& from,
795 const string& amount,
796 const string& asset_symbol_or_id,
797 const string& memo )
const {
798 auto trx =
transfer( from, to, amount, asset_symbol_or_id, memo,
true );
799 return std::make_pair(,trx);
846 bool verify_message(
const string&
const string& account, int32_t block,
const string& msg_time,
921 vector<blind_receipt>
const string& key_or_account )
935 const string& opt_from,
936 const string& opt_memo )
948 const string& asset_symbol_or_id,
949 const vector<pair<string, string>>& to_amounts,
950 bool broadcast =
false )
962 const string& to_account_name_or_id,
963 const string& amount,
964 const string& asset_symbol_or_id,
965 bool broadcast =
false )
977 const string& to_key_or_label,
978 const string& amount,
979 const string& symbol_or_id,
980 bool broadcast =
false )
1023 const string& amount_to_sell,
1024 const string& symbol_or_id_to_sell,
1025 const string& min_to_receive,
1026 const string& symbol_or_id_to_receive,
1027 uint32_t timeout_sec = 0,
1028 bool fill_or_kill =
1029 bool broadcast =
false )
1046 const string& asset_symbol_or_id,
1047 const string& amount_of_collateral,
bool broadcast =
false )
1065 const string& asset_symbol_or_id,
1066 const string& amount_of_collateral,
1068 bool broadcast =
false )
1101 const string& symbol,
1105 bool broadcast =
false )
1117 const string& symbol_or_id,
1119 bool broadcast =
false )
1140 bool broadcast =
false )
1154 const string& new_issuer,
1155 bool broadcast =
false )
1172 bool broadcast =
false )
1186 const flat_set<string>& new_feed_producers,
1187 bool broadcast =
false )
1212 const string& symbol_or_id,
1214 bool broadcast =
false )
1231 const string& symbol_or_id,
1232 const string& amount,
1233 bool broadcast =
false )
1249 const string& amount,
1250 bool broadcast =
false )
1263 const string& amount,
1264 const string& symbol_or_id,
1265 bool broadcast =
false )
1285 const price& settle_price,
1286 bool broadcast =
false )
1307 const string& amount_to_settle,
1308 const string& symbol_or_id,
1309 bool broadcast =
false )
1328 const string& debt_symbol_or_id,
1329 const string& additional_collateral,
bool broadcast =
false )
1352 const string& account_to_list,
1354 bool broadcast =
false )
1368 bool broadcast =
false )
1383 map<string, witness_id_type, std::less<>>
const string& lowerbound, uint32_t limit )
1399 const string& lowerbound, uint32_t limit )
1425 bool broadcast =
false )
1439 const string& block_signing_key,
1440 bool broadcast =
false )
1457 const string& owner_account,
1463 const variant& worker_settings,
1464 bool broadcast =
1476 const string& account,
1478 bool broadcast =
1497 const string& amount,
const string& asset_symbol_or_id,
const string& hash_algorithm,
1498 const string& preimage_hash, uint32_t preimage_size,
1499 uint32_t claim_period_seconds,
const string& memo,
bool broadcast =
false )
1510 bool broadcast =
false )
1522 bool broadcast =
false )
1530 vector< vesting_balance_object_with_info >
const string& account_name )
1542 const string& witness_name,
1543 const string& amount,
1544 const string& asset_symbol_or_id,
1545 bool broadcast =
false )
1565 const string& committee_member,
1567 bool broadcast =
false )
1587 const string& witness,
1589 bool broadcast =
false )
1611 bool broadcast =
false )
1635 uint16_t desired_number_of_witnesses,
1636 uint16_t desired_number_of_committee_members,
1637 bool broadcast =
false )
1660 const vector<public_key_type>& signing_keys = vector<public_key_type>(),
1661 bool broadcast =
true )
1679 vector<flat_set<account_id_type>>
const vector<public_key_type>& keys )
1711 const string& proposing_account,
1714 bool broadcast =
false )
1726 const string& proposing_account,
1729 bool broadcast =
false )
1740 const string& fee_paying_account,
1741 const string& proposal_id,
1767 bool broadcast =
false )
1769 void dbg_make_uia(
const string& creator,
const string& symbol )
1770 void dbg_make_mia(
const string& creator,
const string& symbol )
1771 void dbg_push_blocks(
const string& src_filename, uint32_t count )
1776 void flood_network(
const string& prefix, uint32_t number_of_transactions )
1785 const string& to_key_or_label,
1786 const string& amount,
1787 const string& symbol,
1788 bool broadcast =
1789 bool to_temp =
false )
1792 std::map< string, std::function< string(
const variant&,
const fc::variants& ) >, std::less<> >
1812 const flat_map<
optional<string>>& key_values,
bool broadcast )
1824 vector<account_storage_object>
const string& account,
const string& catalog )
1837 (begin_builder_transaction)
1838 (add_operation_to_builder_transaction)
1839 (replace_operation_in_builder_transaction)
1840 (set_fees_on_builder_transaction)
1841 (preview_builder_transaction)
1842 (sign_builder_transaction)
1843 (sign_builder_transaction2)
1844 (broadcast_transaction)
1845 (propose_builder_transaction)
1846 (propose_builder_transaction2)
1847 (remove_builder_transaction)
1850 (lock)(unlock)(set_password)
1854 (list_account_balances)
1859 (import_account_keys)
1862 (derive_owner_keys_from_brain_key)
1865 (create_account_with_brain_key)
1872 (get_transaction_id)
1875 (update_asset_issuer)
1878 (update_asset_feed_producers)
1879 (publish_asset_feed)
1886 (fund_asset_fee_pool)
1887 (claim_asset_fee_pool)
1889 (global_settle_asset)
1893 (create_committee_member)
1895 (get_committee_member)
1897 (list_committee_members)
1901 (update_worker_votes)
1905 (get_vesting_balances)
1907 (vote_for_committee_member)
1910 (set_desired_witness_and_committee_member_count)
1916 (get_account_history)
1917 (get_relative_account_history)
1918 (get_account_history_by_operations)
1919 (get_collateral_bids)
1920 (is_public_key_registered)
1922 (get_market_history)
1923 (get_global_properties)
1924 (get_dynamic_global_properties)
1929 (get_account_limit_orders)
1934 (serialize_transaction)
1937 (add_transaction_signature)
1938 (get_transaction_signers)
1939 (get_key_references)
1940 (get_prototype_operation)
1941 (propose_parameter_change)
1942 (propose_fee_change)
1947 (dbg_generate_blocks)
1948 (dbg_stream_json_objects)
1952 (network_get_connected_peers)
1957 (verify_signed_message)
1958 (verify_encapsulated_message)
1962 (get_blind_accounts)
1963 (get_my_blind_accounts)
1964 (get_blind_balances)
1965 (create_blind_account)
1967 (transfer_from_blind)
1970 (receive_blind_transfer)
1973 (get_account_storage)
bool set_key_label(const public_key_type &key, const string &label) const
bool is_public_key_registered(const string &public_key) const
vector< vesting_balance_object_with_info > get_vesting_balances(const string &account_name) const
string normalize_brain_key(string s)
transaction_handle_type begin_builder_transaction() const
blind_receipt receive_blind_transfer(const string &confirmation_receipt, const string &opt_from, const string &opt_memo) const
signed_transaction sign_builder_transaction(transaction_handle_type transaction_handle, bool broadcast=true) const
void network_add_nodes(const vector< string > &nodes) const
signed_transaction create_account_with_brain_key(const string &brain_key, const string &account_name, const string ®istrar_account, const string &referrer_account, bool broadcast=false) const
An order-perserving dictionary of variant's.
string serialize_transaction(const signed_transaction &tx) const
vector< extended_asset_object > list_assets(const string &lowerbound, uint32_t limit) const
signed_transaction create_asset(const string &issuer, const string &symbol, uint8_t precision, const asset_options &common, const optional< bitasset_options > &bitasset_opts, bool broadcast=false) const
signed_transaction sign_transaction(const signed_transaction &tx, bool broadcast=false) const
void unlock(const string &password) const
asset_bitasset_data_object get_bitasset_data(const string &asset_symbol_or_id) const
flat_set< public_key_type > get_transaction_signers(const signed_transaction &tx) const
extended_asset_object get_asset(const string &asset_symbol_or_id) const
Maintains global state information (committee_member list, current fees)
blind_confirmation transfer_from_blind(const string &from_blind_account_key_or_label, const string &to_account_name_or_id, const string &amount, const string &asset_symbol_or_id, bool broadcast=false) const
variant_object about() const
void dbg_stream_json_objects(const string &filename) const
map< string, committee_member_id_type, std::less<> > list_committee_members(const string &lowerbound, uint32_t limit) const
vector< limit_order_object > get_limit_orders(const string &a, const string &b, uint32_t limit) const
Get limit orders in a given market.
bool import_account_keys(const string &filename, const string &password, const string &src_account_name, const string &dest_account_name) const
fc::signal< void(bool)> lock_changed
string get_wallet_filename() const
string gethelp(const string &method) const
brain_key_info suggest_brain_key() const
order_book get_order_book(const string &base, const string "e, uint32_t limit=50) const
operation get_prototype_operation(const string &operation_type) const
signed_transaction update_asset_issuer(const string &symbol_or_id, const string &new_issuer, bool broadcast=false) const
The price struct stores asset prices in the BitShares system.
signed_transaction propose_fee_change(const string &proposing_account, const time_point_sec &expiration_time, const variant_object &changed_values, bool broadcast=false) const
optional< variant > get_htlc(const htlc_id_type &htlc_id) const
signed_transaction settle_asset(const string &account_to_settle, const string &amount_to_settle, const string &symbol_or_id, bool broadcast=false) const
bool verify_message(const string &message, const string &account, int32_t block, const string &msg_time, const fc::ecc::compact_signature &sig) const
signed_transaction publish_asset_feed(const string &publishing_account, const string &symbol_or_id, const price_feed &feed, bool broadcast=false) const
fc::static_variant< transfer_operation, limit_order_create_operation, limit_order_cancel_operation, call_order_update_operation, fill_order_operation, account_create_operation, account_update_operation, account_whitelist_operation, account_upgrade_operation, account_transfer_operation, asset_create_operation, asset_update_operation, asset_update_bitasset_operation, asset_update_feed_producers_operation, asset_issue_operation, asset_reserve_operation, asset_fund_fee_pool_operation, asset_settle_operation, asset_global_settle_operation, asset_publish_feed_operation, witness_create_operation, witness_update_operation, proposal_create_operation, proposal_update_operation, proposal_delete_operation, withdraw_permission_create_operation, withdraw_permission_update_operation, withdraw_permission_claim_operation, withdraw_permission_delete_operation, committee_member_create_operation, committee_member_update_operation, committee_member_update_global_parameters_operation, vesting_balance_create_operation, vesting_balance_withdraw_operation, worker_create_operation, custom_operation, assert_operation, balance_claim_operation, override_transfer_operation, transfer_to_blind_operation, blind_transfer_operation, transfer_from_blind_operation, asset_settle_cancel_operation, asset_claim_fees_operation, fba_distribute_operation, bid_collateral_operation, execute_bid_operation, asset_claim_pool_operation, asset_update_issuer_operation, htlc_create_operation, htlc_redeem_operation, htlc_redeemed_operation, htlc_extend_operation, htlc_refund_operation, custom_authority_create_operation, custom_authority_update_operation, custom_authority_delete_operation, ticket_create_operation, ticket_update_operation, liquidity_pool_create_operation, liquidity_pool_delete_operation, liquidity_pool_deposit_operation, liquidity_pool_withdraw_operation, liquidity_pool_exchange_operation, samet_fund_create_operation, samet_fund_delete_operation, samet_fund_update_operation, samet_fund_borrow_operation, samet_fund_repay_operation, credit_offer_create_operation, credit_offer_delete_operation, credit_offer_update_operation, credit_offer_accept_operation, credit_deal_repay_operation, credit_deal_expired_operation, liquidity_pool_update_operation, credit_deal_update_operation, limit_order_update_operation >
asset_id_type get_asset_id(const string &asset_symbol_or_id) const
string get_account_name(const string &account_name_or_id) const
signed_transaction transfer(const string &from, const string &to, const string &amount, const string &asset_symbol_or_id, const string &memo, bool broadcast=false) const
account_history_operation_detail get_account_history_by_operations(const string &account_name_or_id, const flat_set< uint16_t > &operation_types, uint32_t start, uint32_t limit) const
signed_transaction borrow_asset_ext(const string &borrower, const string &amount_to_borrow, const string &asset_symbol_or_id, const string &amount_of_collateral, const call_order_update_operation::extensions_type &extensions, bool broadcast=false) const
memo_data sign_memo(const string &from, const string &to, const string &memo) const
vector< force_settlement_object > get_settle_orders(const string &a, uint32_t limit) const
Get forced settlement orders in a given asset.
pair< transaction_id_type, signed_transaction > transfer2(const string &from, const string &to, const string &amount, const string &asset_symbol_or_id, const string &memo) const
signed_transaction global_settle_asset(const string &symbol_or_id, const price &settle_price, bool broadcast=false) const
signed_transaction approve_proposal(const string &fee_paying_account, const string &proposal_id, const approval_delta &delta, bool broadcast) const
signed_transaction sign_transaction2(const signed_transaction &tx, const vector< public_key_type > &signing_keys=vector< public_key_type >(), bool broadcast=true) const
map< string, account_id_type, std::less<> > list_accounts(const string &lowerbound, uint32_t limit) const
void flood_network(const string &prefix, uint32_t number_of_transactions) const
signed_transaction whitelist_account(const string &authorizing_account, const string &account_to_list, account_whitelist_operation::account_listing new_listing_status, bool broadcast=false) const
signed_transaction propose_builder_transaction2(transaction_handle_type handle, const string &account_name_or_id, const time_point_sec &expiration=time_point::now()+fc::minutes(1), uint32_t review_period_seconds=0, bool broadcast=true) const
signed_transaction issue_asset(const string &to_account, const string &amount, const string &symbol_or_id, const string &memo, bool broadcast=false) const
witness_object get_witness(const string &owner_account) const
signed_transaction cancel_order(const limit_order_id_type &order_id, bool broadcast=false) const
account_id_type get_account_id(const string &account_name_or_id) const
uint64_t get_asset_count() const
std::shared_ptr< detail::wallet_api_impl > my
groups operations that should be applied atomically
vector< bucket_object > get_market_history(const string &symbol, const string &symbol2, uint32_t bucket, const time_point_sec &start, const time_point_sec &end) const
Get OHLCV data of a trading pair in a time range.
void encrypt_keys() const
signed_transaction create_witness(const string &owner_account, const string &url, bool broadcast=false) const
bool verify_signed_message(const signed_message &message) const
signed_transaction reserve_asset(const string &from, const string &amount, const string &symbol_or_id, bool broadcast=false) const
boost::signals2::signal< T > signal
string symbol
Ticker symbol for this asset, i.e. "USD".
void dbg_update_object(const variant_object &update) const
public_key_type create_blind_account(const string &label, const string &brain_key) const
void from_variant(const variant &var, flat_set< T, A... > &vo, uint32_t _max_depth)
The asset_options struct contains options available on all assets in the network.
signed_message sign_message(const string &signer, const string &message) const
blind_confirmation blind_transfer_help(const string &from_key_or_label, const string &to_key_or_label, const string &amount, const string &symbol, bool broadcast=false, bool to_temp=false) const
full_account get_full_account(const string &name_or_id) const
Fetch all objects relevant to the specified account.
vector< collateral_bid_object > get_collateral_bids(const string &asset_symbol_or_id, uint32_t limit=100, uint32_t start=0) const
The bitasset_options struct contains configurable options available only to BitAssets.
signed_transaction set_desired_witness_and_committee_member_count(const string &account_to_modify, uint16_t desired_number_of_witnesses, uint16_t desired_number_of_committee_members, bool broadcast=false) const
signed_transaction borrow_asset(const string &borrower, const string &amount_to_borrow, const string &asset_symbol_or_id, const string &amount_of_collateral, bool broadcast=false) const
string get_asset_symbol(const string &asset_symbol_or_id) const
string normalize_brain_key(const string &s) const
an elliptic curve private key.
signed_transaction fund_asset_fee_pool(const string &from, const string &symbol_or_id, const string &amount, bool broadcast=false) const
string get_private_key(const public_key_type &pubkey) const
signed_transaction htlc_redeem(const htlc_id_type &htlc_id, const string &issuer, const string &preimage, bool broadcast=false) const
bool import_key(const string &account_name_or_id, const string &wif_key) const
adds a signature to a transaction
map< string, public_key_type, std::less<> > get_blind_accounts() const
void set_wallet_filename(const string &wallet_filename) const
void dbg_make_mia(const string &creator, const string &symbol) const
string get_key_label(const public_key_type &key) const
signed_transaction claim_asset_fee_pool(const string &symbol_or_id, const string &amount, bool broadcast=false) const
map< public_key_type, string > dump_private_keys() const
void dbg_push_blocks(const string &src_filename, uint32_t count) const
vector< limit_order_object > get_account_limit_orders(const string &name_or_id, const string &base, const string "e, uint32_t limit=101, const optional< limit_order_id_type > &ostart_id={}, const optional< price > &ostart_price=optional< price >()) const
Fetch all orders relevant to the specified account sorted descendingly by price.
std::vector< variant > variants
This class represents an account on the object graph.
void dbg_make_uia(const string &creator, const string &symbol) const
account_object get_account(const string &account_name_or_id) const
bool verify_encapsulated_message(const string &message) const
committee_member_object get_committee_member(const string &owner_account) const
map< string, witness_id_type, std::less<> > list_witnesses(const string &lowerbound, uint32_t limit) const
signed_transaction account_store_map(const string &account, const string &catalog, bool is_to_remove, const flat_map< string, optional< string >> &key_values, bool broadcast) const
dynamic_global_property_object get_dynamic_global_properties() const
signed_transaction bid_collateral(const string &bidder, const string &debt_amount, const string &debt_symbol_or_id, const string &additional_collateral, bool broadcast=false) const
defines market parameters for margin positions
vector< operation_detail > get_account_history(const string &account_name_or_id, uint32_t limit) const
std::map< string, std::function< string(const variant &, const fc::variants &) >, std::less<> > get_result_formatters() const
void set_password(const string &password) const
contains properties that only apply to bitassets (market issued assets)
void to_variant(const flat_set< T, A... > &var, variant &vo, uint32_t _max_depth)
void remove_builder_transaction(transaction_handle_type handle) const
signed_transaction upgrade_account(const string &account_name_or_id, bool broadcast) const
microseconds minutes(int64_t m)
signed_transaction add_transaction_signature(const signed_transaction &tx, bool broadcast=false) const
fc::ecc::private_key derive_private_key(const string &prefix_string, uint32_t sequence_number) const
vector< account_storage_object > get_account_storage(const string &account, const string &catalog) const
signed_transaction update_worker_votes(const string &account, const worker_vote_delta &delta, bool broadcast=false) const
uint32_t transaction_handle_type
bool copy_wallet_file(const string &destination_filename) const
global_property_object get_global_properties() const
void dbg_generate_blocks(const string &debug_wif_key, uint32_t count) const
public_key_type get_public_key(const string &label) const
signed_transaction create_committee_member(const string &owner_account, const string &url, bool broadcast=false) const
wallet_api(const wallet_data &initial_data, const fc::api< login_api > &rapi)
bool load_wallet_file(const string &wallet_filename="") const
signed_transaction create_worker(const string &owner_account, const time_point_sec &work_begin_date, const time_point_sec &work_end_date, const share_type &daily_pay, const string &name, const string &url, const variant &worker_settings, bool broadcast=false) const
string read_memo(const memo_data &memo) const
vector< account_object > list_my_accounts() const
string name
The account's name. This name must be unique among all account names on the graph....
asset set_fees_on_builder_transaction(transaction_handle_type handle, const string &fee_asset=GRAPHENE_SYMBOL) const
stores null, int64, uint64, double, bool, string, std::vector<variant>, and variant_object's.
multi_index_container< account_object, indexed_by< ordered_unique< tag< by_id >, member< object, object_id_type, &object::id > >, ordered_unique< tag< by_name >, member< account_object, string, &account_object::name > > > > account_multi_index_type
signed_transaction vote_for_witness(const string &voting_account, const string &witness, bool approve, bool broadcast=false) const
signed_transaction withdraw_vesting(const string &witness_name, const string &amount, const string &asset_symbol_or_id, bool broadcast=false) const
signed_transaction register_account(const string &name, const public_key_type &owner, const public_key_type &active, const string ®istrar_account, const string &referrer_account, uint32_t referrer_percent, bool broadcast=false) const
signed_transaction update_asset(const string &symbol_or_id, const optional< string > &new_issuer, const asset_options &new_options, bool broadcast=false) const
pair< transaction_id_type, signed_transaction > broadcast_transaction(const signed_transaction &tx) const
signed_transaction set_voting_proxy(const string &account_to_modify, const optional< string > &voting_account, bool broadcast=false) const
vector< asset > get_blind_balances(const string &key_or_label) const
string get_asset_name(const string &asset_symbol_or_id) const
signed_transaction sign_builder_transaction2(transaction_handle_type transaction_handle, const vector< public_key_type > &signing_keys=vector< public_key_type >(), bool broadcast=true) const
void save_wallet_file(const string &wallet_filename="") const
Maintains global state information (committee_member list, current fees)
signed_transaction propose_builder_transaction(transaction_handle_type handle, const time_point_sec &expiration=time_point::now()+fc::minutes(1), uint32_t review_period_seconds=0, bool broadcast=true) const
vector< brain_key_info > derive_owner_keys_from_brain_key(const string &brain_key, uint32_t number_of_desired_keys=1) const
transaction preview_builder_transaction(transaction_handle_type handle) const
optional< signed_block_with_info > get_block(uint32_t num) const
signed_transaction update_bitasset(const string &symbol_or_id, const bitasset_options &new_options, bool broadcast=false) const
blind_confirmation blind_transfer(const string &from_key_or_label, const string &to_key_or_label, const string &amount, const string &symbol_or_id, bool broadcast=false) const
vector< asset > list_account_balances(const string &account_name_or_id) const
blind_confirmation transfer_to_blind(const string &from_account_name_or_id, const string &asset_symbol_or_id, const vector< pair< string, string >> &to_amounts, bool broadcast=false) const
vector< signed_transaction > import_balance(const string &account_name_or_id, const vector< string > &wif_keys, bool broadcast) const
defines the keys used to derive the shared secret
signed_transaction sell_asset(const string &seller_account, const string &amount_to_sell, const string &symbol_or_id_to_sell, const string &min_to_receive, const string &symbol_or_id_to_receive, uint32_t timeout_sec=0, bool fill_or_kill=false, bool broadcast=false) const
vector< blind_receipt > blind_history(const string &key_or_account) const
variant get_object(const object_id_type &id) const
vector< call_order_object > get_call_orders(const string &asset_symbol_or_id, uint32_t limit) const
Get call orders (aka margin positions) for a given asset.
provides stack-based nullable value similar to boost::optional
vector< operation_detail > get_relative_account_history(const string &account_name_or_id, uint32_t stop, uint32_t limit, uint32_t start) const
transaction_id_type get_transaction_id(const signed_transaction &trx) const
signed_transaction htlc_extend(const htlc_id_type &htlc_id, const string &issuer, uint32_t seconds_to_add, bool broadcast=false) const
void replace_operation_in_builder_transaction(transaction_handle_type handle, uint32_t operation_index, const operation &new_op) const
void add_operation_to_builder_transaction(transaction_handle_type transaction_handle, const operation &op) const
signed_transaction propose_parameter_change(const string &proposing_account, const time_point_sec &expiration_time, const variant_object &changed_values, bool broadcast=false) const
object * create_object(const variant &v)
signed_transaction update_asset_feed_producers(const string &symbol_or_id, const flat_set< string > &new_feed_producers, bool broadcast=false) const
signed_transaction htlc_create(const string &source, const string &destination, const string &amount, const string &asset_symbol_or_id, const string &hash_algorithm, const string &preimage_hash, uint32_t preimage_size, uint32_t claim_period_seconds, const string &memo, bool broadcast=false) const
uint64_t get_account_count() const
signed_transaction update_witness(const string &witness_name, const string &url, const string &block_signing_key, bool broadcast=false) const
map< string, public_key_type, std::less<> > get_my_blind_accounts() const
map< string, bool, std::less<> > import_accounts(const string &filename, const string &password) const
vector< flat_set< account_id_type > > get_key_references(const vector< public_key_type > &keys) const
signed_transaction vote_for_committee_member(const string &voting_account, const string &committee_member, bool approve, bool broadcast=false) const
vector< variant > network_get_connected_peers() const
tracks information about a committee_member account.