BitShares blockchain node software and command-line wallet software
Go to the documentation of this file.
28 namespace graphene {
namespace protocol {
51 return core_fee_required;
uint32_t withdrawal_period_sec
Length of the withdrawal period in seconds.
optional< memo_data > memo
Memo for withdraw_from_account. Should generally be encrypted with withdraw_from_account->memo_key.
Update an existing withdraw permission.
uint32_t periods_until_expiration
The number of withdrawal periods this permission is valid for.
account_id_type withdraw_from_account
Must match withdraw_permission->withdraw_from_account.
asset amount_to_withdraw
Amount to withdraw. Must not exceed withdraw_permission->withdrawal_limit.
account_id_type withdraw_from_account
Must match withdrawal_permission->withdraw_from_account. This account pays the fee.
account_id_type authorized_account
The account previously authorized to make withdrawals. Must match withdrawal_permission->authorized_a...
account_id_type withdraw_to_account
Must match withdraw_permision->authorized_account.
Withdraw from an account which has published a withdrawal permission.
account_id_type authorized_account
The account authorized to make withdrawals. Must match permission_to_update->authorized_account.
static uint64_t calculate_data_fee(uint64_t bytes, uint64_t price_per_kbyte)
Create a new withdrawal permission.
share_type calculate_fee(const fee_params_t &k) const
account_id_type authorized_account
The account authorized to make withdrawals from withdraw_from_account.
asset withdrawal_limit
New maximum amount the withdrawer is allowed to charge per withdrawal period.
size_t pack_size(const T &v)
Delete an existing withdrawal permission.
#define FC_ASSERT(TEST,...)
Checks a condition and throws an assert_exception if the test is FALSE.
asset fee
Paid by withdraw_to_account.
uint32_t periods_until_expiration
The new number of withdrawal periods for which this permission will be valid.
uint32_t withdrawal_period_sec
New length of the period between withdrawals.
account_id_type withdraw_from_account
This account pays the fee. Must match permission_to_update->withdraw_from_account.
asset withdrawal_limit
The maximum amount authorized_account is allowed to withdraw in a given withdrawal period.
account_id_type withdraw_from_account
The account authorizing withdrawals from its balances.