BitShares blockchain node software and command-line wallet software
#include <fc/filesystem.hpp>
#include <fc/exception/exception.hpp>
#include <fc/fwd_impl.hpp>
#include <fc/io/fstream.hpp>
#include <fc/utf8.hpp>
#include <fc/variant.hpp>
#include <boost/config.hpp>
#include <boost/filesystem.hpp>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <pwd.h>
Go to the source code of this file.
Namespaces | |
fc | |
Functions | |
void | fc::to_variant (const fc::path &, fc::variant &, uint32_t max_depth=1) |
void | fc::from_variant (const fc::variant &, fc::path &, uint32_t max_depth=1) |
bool | fc::operator< (const fc::path &l, const fc::path &r) |
bool | fc::operator== (const fc::path &l, const fc::path &r) |
bool | fc::operator!= (const fc::path &l, const fc::path &r) |
path | fc::operator/ (const fc::path &p, const fc::path &o) |
bool | fc::operator== (const directory_iterator &r, const directory_iterator &l) |
bool | fc::operator!= (const directory_iterator &r, const directory_iterator &l) |
bool | fc::operator== (const recursive_directory_iterator &r, const recursive_directory_iterator &l) |
bool | fc::operator!= (const recursive_directory_iterator &r, const recursive_directory_iterator &l) |
bool | fc::exists (const path &p) |
void | fc::create_directories (const path &p) |
bool | fc::is_directory (const path &p) |
bool | fc::is_regular_file (const path &p) |
uint64_t | fc::file_size (const path &p) |
uint64_t | fc::directory_size (const path &p) |
void | fc::remove_all (const path &p) |
void | fc::copy (const path &from, const path &to) |
void | fc::resize_file (const path &file, size_t s) |
void | fc::chmod (const path &p, int perm) |
void | fc::rename (const path &from, const path &to) |
void | fc::create_hard_link (const path &from, const path &to) |
bool | fc::remove (const path &p) |
path | fc::canonical (const path &p) |
path | fc::absolute (const path &p) |
path | fc::unique_path () |
path | fc::temp_directory_path () |
path | fc::make_relative (const path &from, const path &to) |
const path & | fc::home_path () |
const path & | fc::app_path () |
const fc::path & | fc::current_path () |