BitShares blockchain node software and command-line wallet software
This is the complete list of members for fc::exception, including all inherited members.
append_log(log_message m) | fc::exception | |
code() const | fc::exception | |
code_enum enum name | fc::exception | |
code_value enum value | fc::exception | |
dynamic_copy_exception() const | fc::exception | virtual |
dynamic_rethrow_exception() const | fc::exception | virtual |
exception(int64_t code=unspecified_exception_code, const std::string &name_value="exception", const std::string &what_value="unspecified") | fc::exception | |
exception(log_message &&, int64_t code=unspecified_exception_code, const std::string &name_value="exception", const std::string &what_value="unspecified") | fc::exception | |
exception(log_messages &&, int64_t code=unspecified_exception_code, const std::string &name_value="exception", const std::string &what_value="unspecified") | fc::exception | |
exception(const log_messages &, int64_t code=unspecified_exception_code, const std::string &name_value="exception", const std::string &what_value="unspecified") | fc::exception | |
exception(const exception &e) | fc::exception | |
exception(exception &&e) | fc::exception | |
from_variant(const variant &e, exception &ll, uint32_t max_depth) | fc::exception | friend |
get_log() const | fc::exception | |
my | fc::exception | protected |
name() const | fc::exception | |
operator=(const exception ©) | fc::exception | |
operator=(exception &©) | fc::exception | |
to_detail_string(log_level ll=log_level::all) const | fc::exception | |
to_string(log_level ll=log_level::info) const | fc::exception | |
to_variant(const exception &e, variant &v, uint32_t max_depth) | fc::exception | friend |
what() const | fc::exception | virtual |
~exception() | fc::exception | virtual |